Russians Mint ‘In Trump We Trust’ Coin Ahead Of Inauguration


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

The coins come in both silver and gold, with a cherubic image of the incoming president.

Here’s some money that’s definitely funny.

A Russian company has unveiled commemorative silver and gold coins featuring Donald Trump’s face ahead of his presidential inauguration.

The limited-edition coins ― only 45 have been made ― feature a cherubic mug of the incoming president as well as the Statue of Liberty and the inscription: “In Trump We Trust.”

Vladimir Vasyukhin, director of the metal-works company Art-Grani, recently showcased the nearly two-pound medallion to The Associated Press Television Network.

“There are more hopes associated with Trump with regards to the lifting of sanctions; maybe the environment (between the U.S. and Russia) will change,” Vasyukhin told the network, explaining his motivation.

Trump has indeed suggested such a rosy outlook. He has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader who is “very smart.” That comes despite contrasting comments from U.S. politicians as well as U.S. intelligence agencies suggesting that Russia was behind hackings that interfered with the presidential election. Earlier this month, the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded that Moscow was directly responsible for the attacks.

More: Russians Mint ‘In Trump We Trust’ Coin Ahead Of Inauguration

The Trump/Putin bromance is getting nauseating. What's next - the two of them on a horse?

The coins come in both silver and gold, with a cherubic image of the incoming president.

Here’s some money that’s definitely funny.

A Russian company has unveiled commemorative silver and gold coins featuring Donald Trump’s face ahead of his presidential inauguration.

The limited-edition coins ― only 45 have been made ― feature a cherubic mug of the incoming president as well as the Statue of Liberty and the inscription: “In Trump We Trust.”

Vladimir Vasyukhin, director of the metal-works company Art-Grani, recently showcased the nearly two-pound medallion to The Associated Press Television Network.

“There are more hopes associated with Trump with regards to the lifting of sanctions; maybe the environment (between the U.S. and Russia) will change,” Vasyukhin told the network, explaining his motivation.

Trump has indeed suggested such a rosy outlook. He has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader who is “very smart.” That comes despite contrasting comments from U.S. politicians as well as U.S. intelligence agencies suggesting that Russia was behind hackings that interfered with the presidential election. Earlier this month, the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded that Moscow was directly responsible for the attacks.

More: Russians Mint ‘In Trump We Trust’ Coin Ahead Of Inauguration

The Trump/Putin bromance is getting nauseating. What's next - the two of them on a horse?
Washington Redskin, stay out of the fire water

The coins come in both silver and gold, with a cherubic image of the incoming president.

Here’s some money that’s definitely funny.

A Russian company has unveiled commemorative silver and gold coins featuring Donald Trump’s face ahead of his presidential inauguration.

The limited-edition coins ― only 45 have been made ― feature a cherubic mug of the incoming president as well as the Statue of Liberty and the inscription: “In Trump We Trust.”

Vladimir Vasyukhin, director of the metal-works company Art-Grani, recently showcased the nearly two-pound medallion to The Associated Press Television Network.

“There are more hopes associated with Trump with regards to the lifting of sanctions; maybe the environment (between the U.S. and Russia) will change,” Vasyukhin told the network, explaining his motivation.

Trump has indeed suggested such a rosy outlook. He has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as a strong leader who is “very smart.” That comes despite contrasting comments from U.S. politicians as well as U.S. intelligence agencies suggesting that Russia was behind hackings that interfered with the presidential election. Earlier this month, the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded that Moscow was directly responsible for the attacks.

More: Russians Mint ‘In Trump We Trust’ Coin Ahead Of Inauguration

The Trump/Putin bromance is getting nauseating. What's next - the two of them on a horse?

When Russia was buying uranium with Hitlery's blessing after a hefty donation to her slush fund/foundation? Russia was GOOD! When Russia started kicking the CIA backed ISIS that was fighting a proxy war with Syria? Russia became BAD! Leftards emotions can turn on a friggin' dime.....
Yeah right, desperate lefties make fun of both the the motto of the U.S. and Christianity to try to make a cheap political point. No surprises here.
I think that cultivating a positive relationship between America and Russia is a good thing. ....... :thup:
Yeah. We should definitely get in bed with a mass murdering KGB thug.

Please explain the schizophrenia which gets down on its knees to give Putin head while simultaneously wanting to nuke Putin's puppets in Iran.
I think that cultivating a positive relationship between America and Russia is a good thing. ....... :thup:
Yeah. We should definitely get in bed with a mass murdering KGB thug.
We are in bed with many foreign governments that aren't perfect......China being one of them.

But that is their business, not ours, as to how they run their country.

Just make economic ties, buy, sell, trade, and shit can all of the political human rights BS

We are going bankrupt using our military to try and police the world. ....... :cool:
When are you libtardos going to get the message? Half the world hates you retards.

Funny. President-elect Adolf Trump's approval rating is at 40% - the lowest in U.S. history.

The polls are as correct now as they were throughput the campaign when they showed Hillary with a 92% chance of winning the presidency.
They are as correct as all those who said "this is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump ".
Putin has a 85+% approval rating with the Russian people. (numbers any American politician would die for)

So if they are that happy with his leadership. He must be doing something right. And our government needs to butt out of Russian internal affairs. ...... :cool:
Dems may rather occupy themselves with finding a woman for 2020 presidential candidate.

Chelsea/Bradly Manning could suit all their dreams perfectly.
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America's relationship with Russia was fine until Putin banned public Gay Pride parades and refused to legalize homo marriage.

That's when Obama went full retard and decided to vilify Putin and demonize Russia over the issue.

It's beyond idiotic for the American government to practically start WWll with Russia over fudge packer rights. The Russian people obviously do not want open homosexuality in their country. So why are we trying to force them to accept this perversion as normal? ....... :cool:
Funny. President-elect Adolf Trump's approval rating is at 40% - the lowest in U.S. history.

A bank startup backed by billionaire Donald Trump supporter Peter Thiel and pitched as “anti woke” for “pro-freedom” Americans is closing up shop after less than three months.
The bank, GloriFi, burned through $50 million in investment money, laid off most of its staff on Monday, and informed workers it was shutting down

GloriFi had been touted as an alternative conservative banking system for consumers who find Wall Street too liberal.

Neugebauer also pitched plans to offer gun owners discounts on home insurance, credit cards made of shell casing material, and assistance paying legal bills if customers shot someone in self-defense, Rolling Stone reported.
Right-wing commentator Candace Owens was the spokesperson for the brand.
Besides Thiel, the operation also lured investors including former Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Citadel founder Ken Griffin.
But within months, GloriFi has missed launch dates, blaming faulty technology and vendor problems, and investors’ money was nearly gone, according to news reports.
The “financial challenges related to startup mistakes, the failing economy, reputational attacks, and multiple negative stories took their toll,” said a statement on the company’s website.


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