Russian Town Of Belgorod Near Ukraine Border Bombed ... By Russians. Oops!

para bellum Trying is fine, so long as it isn't done stupidly or irresponsibly. The Ukraine was stupidly irresponsible and then lied about it. Two innocent Poles died, but you folks don't care about that.
Ukraine did not dispute that it was their SAM once the facts were known.

The shot was not irresponsible, it was what any country would have done, and it was one of dozens that were taken that night. The missile malfunctioned, as all Russian-made missiles sometimes do.

Where is your criticism for Russia targeting a city right next to a NATO border? A city that is hundreds of kilometers from the fighting?

Innocent Poles were killed as a consequence of Russia's bombing the shit out of Ukraine. 600 missiles in a 6 week span surrounding that date. At least 77 civilians killed and 272 wounded according to the UN count.

I hear crickets from you about all the dead Ukrainians, or Russia's targeting of civilians that has been going on for 15 months now.

Rather, you dishonestly characterize the accidental death of two Poles as "Ukraine firing missiles at Poland".

So I am not buying your false outrage. I do not have a sliding scale of which civilians are okay to kill, and which ones are not.
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Russia strikes an apartment block in Uman and kills 23 people including 6 children, and Russian state TV claims it is a Ukrainian strike on Donetsk.


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