Russian Internet Trolls Are Apparently Switching Strategies for 2020 U.S. Elections


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
they will attack our forum, what we have to do in order to stop them ?

Russian internet trolls appear to be shifting strategy in their efforts to disrupt the 2020 U.S. elections, promoting politically divisive messages through phony social media accounts instead of creating propaganda themselves, cybersecurity experts say.

The Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency may be among those trying to circumvent protections put in place by companies including Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. to find and remove fake content that hackers created to sow division among the American electorate in the 2016 presidential campaign."

Russian Internet Trolls Are Apparently Switching Strategies for 2020 U.S. Elections
they will attack our forum, what we have to do in order to stop them ?

Russian internet trolls appear to be shifting strategy in their efforts to disrupt the 2020 U.S. elections, promoting politically divisive messages through phony social media accounts instead of creating propaganda themselves, cybersecurity experts say.

The Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency may be among those trying to circumvent protections put in place by companies including Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. to find and remove fake content that hackers created to sow division among the American electorate in the 2016 presidential campaign."

Russian Internet Trolls Are Apparently Switching Strategies for 2020 U.S. Elections
Nobody needs Russian trolls when you have Fakebook pages for antifa and pages like Occupy Dummycrats.
American Democrats want to control the Internet like the Chinese Democrats do in China. If they succeed, forums like this will be hardest hit.
In 2016, we had "Mrs. M". "She", as a "typical American woman", repeated Republican boilerplate talking points, several times a day. They were long well-written pieces, but the English was a little stilted and formal. And "she" never responded to other posts, she only dumped OP's.

The liberals, not being retards, pointed out how obvious Russian troll was an obvious Russian troll. The sheer quantity, the long well-written pieces, the stilted language and the lack of any conversing gave it away. We also pointed out that the troll would vanish completely right after the election.

The admins, however, loved "her". They were just so happy that this "independent" voice was flooding the board with well-written Republican talking point pieces every day. Hence, the Mrs. M pieces were given awards and featured front and center.

Needless to say, "she" vanished for good the instant the election was over. I'm hoping the admins are less gullible this time around.
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