Russian Hacking revealed


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I can't stay silent any longer, the Progs are right about Russian hacking of Hillary's Inevitable election. Putin used his mind control ray and got Hillary voters to vote for Trump. Ask any Hillary voter and they'll SWEAR they voter for Her, the Inevitable One. Little did they know Putin's mind control ray made them THINK they voted for Hillary when actually they voted Trump.

It will be even worse in the 2018 mindterms, er I mean midterms, when we turn the ray on voters in all 25 Democrats Senate races even flipping NY back to Republican again.

The mind control ray is also why Susan Rice came up empty with any evidence indicating Trump colluding with Putin. Think of it, Trump was wiretapped since July and there's not a shred of evidence linking him to any hacking?! LOL!

You see how fucked you Progressives are now right?

I told you, don't fuck with Uncle Vlad, but would you listen? NooooooooooooooOOOOOO!

Are you sure you voted for Hillary? Where's your proof?

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of votes cried out in terror and were suddenly changed.

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