Russian answer to "Moskalyka na giljaka" ( Hang Russians on the gallows )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Darlings of Merkel, Soros, Deep State & Gusski Fifth Column Ukrainian Nazis demand killing on all Russians in Ukraine and cry "Moskaljaka to Gillajka" - Hang Russians on the Gallows. To show their hard will they perform battle jump: "Kto ne skachet tot moskal" ( Who do not jump is a Russian )
Who from western MSM presstitutes reported ever about non-stop battle cries "Hang Russians on the Gallows" and Ukrainian Battle Jumping.?
In this great video you can see the Russian Answer:

Russians don't jump, Russians fly!

Can do it Ukrainians?
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Merkel loves these ukrainian kids.
Everyone demands killing of Russians.
No problem for 'civilized' West.

All that Soros orchestrated coup was "decorated" with "Hang a Russian!" calling. And West welcomed and supported that sh*t. Basically, it was and is ethnic cleansing.

After Trump win his battle with Deep State devils like Merkel, Obama and Holland will be sued by an International War Tribunal for organization and support of genocide on Russians in Ukraine.
The current Ukrainian rulers have been doing only two things efficiently: turning Ukraine into anti-Russia and decreasing the population. Looks like their puppeteers are pretty happy with that.

Sure, Ukraine became a third world country, millions of Russians are fled or killed, all economy became property of international (((banksters))).
The fact Ukraine is run by SS-Nazis do not care their Jewish puppeteers.
Where are western Presstitutes?
Like German Nazis demanded Murder of Jews, Ukrainian Nazis demand today murder of all Russians in Ukraine.

The big question is why international Jewry supports Ukrainian SS- Bandera - Nazis who openly cry 'Sig Hail' and demand slaughtering of Russians?

A close person to Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyskiy (who has Israeli citizenship as well) kept saying about Russians in Ukraine: "We'll give that scum any kind of promises and we'll hang them later"
«Дадим мразям любые обещания. Вешать надо потом»

Ukrainian "democracy" has a very ugly face, doesn't it?

Russians saved Jews from Holocaust, but Jews are the first who support Holocaust on Russians in Ukraine now.
As 'thank'
It must suit their current purposes to harm Russia. NOBODY in the West gives a sh*t what will happen with Ukraine and its residents in future, that's already obvious.
It must suit their current purposes to harm Russia. NOBODY in the West gives a sh*t what will happen with Ukraine and its residents in future, that's already obvious.

Because so-called western 'human rights' and 'democracy' revealed as big lies Russia shall response following:

- Prohibit all human rights activities, parties etc.
- Shut down Membership in any international human right organization
- Allow Putin to became a Czar who will lead Russia together with Orthodox Church.
- Quit Membership in WTO
- Make Russia for Russians and not for international banksters
It must suit their current purposes to harm Russia. NOBODY in the West gives a sh*t what will happen with Ukraine and its residents in future, that's already obvious.

Because so-called western 'human rights' and 'democracy' revealed as big lies Russia shall response following:

- Prohibit all human rights activities, parties etc.
- Shut down Membership in any international human right organization
- Allow Putin to became a Czar who will lead Russia together with Orthodox Church.
- Quit Membership in WTO
- Make Russia for Russians and not for international banksters
Info-wars. Putin is the only leader in the world who is able to challenge Soros&Co globalization dream. If Trump joins him, it will be "Game Over!" for US Deep State. That's why they have been using the Media they own for world wide misinformation about Russia/Putin. So far it has been working pretty good, I would have never though there were soooooooo many fools in this world.
Many folks are dumped down by lying MSM presstitutes, but by many eyes opening. Indeed Tsar Putin together with Trump can change the World and kill Deep State.

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