Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Hey asshole...first you have provided no documentation for your idiocy.

Second we are talking about oppo research having to do with elections. WTF do you even think you are talking about?


Schiff apparently pranked by Russian radio hosts who promised 'naked Trump' photos

Adam Schiff absolutely, positively tried to get dirt on Trump from who he thought were Ukranian government officials. Now, myself I'm consistent on this, I don't care that Trump did, I don't care that Hillary did, I don't care that Schiff did. I do however very much care that morons like yourself want Trump and his pals prosecuted for the very same things that everyone else does, whether those things are actually illegal or not.

You are one dumb bitch.
A spokesman for Schiff told The Atlantic that the committee reported the call to "appropriate law enforcement and security personnel" and told them "of our belief that it was probably bogus."

And oh yea...This had nothing to do with getting oppo research for an election


What are you babbling about?? Schiff tried to get naked pics of Trump from Ukranians. Lord only knows why he wanted them.
1st post
Schiff tried to get naked pics of Trump from Ukranians

That's not how YOUR link characterized it..and again..he was not trying to influence an election.

HUGE fail

Nonsense stupid, that's exactly what my link said, and if you have an alternate theory of why he wanted to see naked pictures of Trump beyond he wanted to influence voters, I'm all ears.

You see dumb fuck, this is what happens when you argue based on partisan nonsense intead of principles. If you had any principles you would HAVE To say "Schiff doing this is no better than Trump asking for emails" now neither is illegal, but they are both stupid.

However, you want to criminalize one without even conceding that the other was stupid. You are truly ignorant. A waste of every ounce of oxygen that you consume..
Schiff tried to get naked pics of Trump from Ukranians

That's not how YOUR link characterized it..and again..he was not trying to influence an election.

HUGE fail

Nonsense stupid, that's exactly what my link said, and if you have an alternate theory of why he wanted to see naked pictures of Trump beyond he wanted to influence voters, I'm all ears.

You see dumb fuck, this is what happens when you argue based on partisan nonsense intead of principles. If you had any principles you would HAVE To say "Schiff doing this is no better than Trump asking for emails" now neither is illegal, but they are both stupid.

However, you want to criminalize one without even conceding that the other was stupid. You are truly ignorant. A waste of every ounce of oxygen that you consume..
Hey's what your link said. Can you read?

"She got compromising materials on Trump after their short relations," the caller told Schiff.

"OK, and what's the nature" of the material? Schiff asked.

"Well, there were pictures of naked Trump," the caller said, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin was made aware of the "images" by Ksenia Sobchak -- a Russian journalist he described as "the goddaughter of Putin."

That's the extent of it?

"What's the nature of this material"?

From the Chair of the Intel Committee who just might want to know what Kompromat the Russians might have on the President of the United State?
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So when Donnie Junior was offered dirt on Hillary...did he contact the FBI?

Schiff DID
5th post
Schiff tried to get naked pics of Trump from Ukranians

That's not how YOUR link characterized it..and again..he was not trying to influence an election.

HUGE fail

Nonsense stupid, that's exactly what my link said, and if you have an alternate theory of why he wanted to see naked pictures of Trump beyond he wanted to influence voters, I'm all ears.

You see dumb fuck, this is what happens when you argue based on partisan nonsense intead of principles. If you had any principles you would HAVE To say "Schiff doing this is no better than Trump asking for emails" now neither is illegal, but they are both stupid.

However, you want to criminalize one without even conceding that the other was stupid. You are truly ignorant. A waste of every ounce of oxygen that you consume..
Hey's what your link said. Can you read?

"She got compromising materials on Trump after their short relations," the caller told Schiff.

"OK, and what's the nature" of the material? Schiff asked.

"Well, there were pictures of naked Trump," the caller said, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin was made aware of the "images" by Ksenia Sobchak -- a Russian journalist he described as "the goddaughter of Putin."

That's the extent of it?

"What's the nature of this material"?

From the Chair of the Intel Committee who just might want to know what Kompromat the Russians might have on the President of the United State?

Hilarious that you are trying to insult me. I was 100% correct when I said that Adam Schiff tried to get naked pictures of Trump from Ukranian government officials, and you can't simply say "yes he did"

As I said, you are PATHETIC
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?
To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

To start with, The man who owns Wikileaks, Assange, said it did not come from the russians or a hack. so you are just fking flat out wrong and ignore facts. go fking figure.
So when Donnie Junior was offered dirt on Hillary...did he contact the FBI?

Schiff DID

Schiff contacted the FBI and reported that he had tried to get naked pics of Trump? LOL that doesn't even make sense.
What we know: Collusion is not a crime.

What we don't know: Why Democrats have to act like babies for losing an election.
Dude...if we have a President and/or Administration who colluded with a Russian effort to subvert our Democracy (that is ongoing by the way) that is a BIG deal

Trump supporters would rather be Russian than to be American; you know that, right?
based off what? post something you fk!!!
Meh on the whole premise of the thread.

Jonathan Turley wrote an article in REALCLEAR yesterday. The whole Russian colussion thing is dead. Nobody cares about it anymore except for some internet ocd's. For regular folks its waaaaaaaaaaay off the radar!:113:
Oh well if Jonathan Turley (who??) said so...
So when Donnie Junior was offered dirt on Hillary...did he contact the FBI?

Schiff DID

Schiff contacted the FBI and reported that he had tried to get naked pics of Trump? LOL that doesn't even make sense.
Because that's not what happened.

He contacted the FBI and told them this asshole had reached out to hi,

Donnie baby...did the opposite...He hid it...took the bait...and then lied about it
To start with, The man who owns Wikileaks, Assange, said it did not come from the russians

Which is about as reliable as getting the Russians to claim they had nothing to do with it
To start with, The man who owns Wikileaks, Assange, said it did not come from the russians

Which is about as reliable as getting the Russians to claim they had nothing to do with it
so the guy who got the material, held it in his hands, isn't reliable. do you know how fking stupid that is? dude, rhetorical.

folks you can't make up this kind of stupid. just can't.

but the liar and cheater that misled FISA courts can be trusted to be telling the truth. too fking funny. hly fking fk.
15th post
so the guy who got the material, held it in his hands, isn't reliable.


Hell no. How fuckin stupid are you?
why isn't he reliable? everything he posted was factual. so, you are fking wrong. and anyway, he said it came from someone in the DNC.
This is the asshole that leaked the Manning and Snowden documents that put our servicemen in jeopardy
so the guy who got the material, held it in his hands, isn't reliable.


Hell no. How fuckin stupid are you?
why isn't he reliable? everything he posted was factual. so, you are fking wrong. and anyway, he said it came from someone in the DNC.
This is the asshole that leaked the Manning and Snowden documents that put our servicemen in jeopardy

Yep, Assange is an asshole , and certainly wasn't looking out for the US at any point hne he was leaking things via WikiLeaks, BUT everything he leaked was genuine.
And was provided to him by Russian GRU agents. None of it showed illegal activity. It was embarrassing and some of it was altered.

Assange is about an unamerican as you can are those (you) who excuse what he did or trust his "word"

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