Russiagate: What We Know and What we Don't Know

To start with we know that the e-mails released by wikileaks were stolen by Russian Intel (GRU...Military Intel)

We now know that there was collusion between wikileaks and the Trump campaign that goes as far as Steve Bannon and "someone" above him in the campaign .That leaves only a few people

We know that Trump was in negotiations with the Russian government to get the biggest deal of his life done (Trump Moscow Tower...300 million) all the way through the 2016 election campaign

We know that Putin (as stated in the Helsinki Conference) admits that he favored Trump

We know that virtually everyone in the Trump campaign had meetings with high ranking Russians and lied about them to the public and Federal investigators

We know that the RNC Convention platform was changed from being pro-Ukraine to being Pro-Russia

We know that there was a meeting in the Trump Tower in which opposition research on Clinton was offered

We know that Trump crafted a statement lying about that meeting

We know that Trump has not initiated sanctions against Russia that were enacted into law by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

We know that Trump never said a word about the Russian mercenary attack on our forces in Syria

We know that Trump just eased sanctions on the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

We know that Trump has made a number of very puzzling statements that sound like Russian propaganda (Montenegrans being warlike people...the Soviet incursion in Afghanistan being caused by terrorism)

What we don't know (or can't yet prove)

Where those bizarre statements came from (virtually no one in Trump's cabinet would have fed him that)

Why those actions regarding sanctions occurred

Why the Platform was changed at the RNC Convention and by whom

Which upper campaign official (above Bannon) was colluding with Stone and wikileaks

DId Stone or the campaign officials know that the wikileaks stuff came from Russians

DId Assange and Wikileaks know that

Were leaked e-mails discussed at the Trump Tower meeting?

To start with , we do NOT know that Russia gave WikiLeks any stolen emails and in fact not one single member of the alleged intelligence community has claimed that , and not one singe piece of evidence that that is true has been shown to anyone, primarily because there is no such evidence.

So your very first sentence is a lie, why should I read further?
2. The Russian Lawyer ADMITTED SHE NEVER GAVE Trump JR ANYTHING ... as opposed to the evidence showing Hillary illegally colluded with / PAID Trump-hating foreign spies (working for the FBI and with Mueller before he was appointed Special Counsel) and the RUSSIANS for a fake Russian-authored document illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI

Wait...the Russian intel agent said she didn't give "anything" to Trump?

Well gee...that really has the ring of truth to it huh?

By the way, that in no way changes the fact that the Trump team accepted that meeting in the HOPES of getting "dirt on Hillary"...which in itself is illegal

Hmmm...I see.
Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics
Attempting to acquire opposition research is not illegal

From a foreign government?

Absolutely it is

Especially if it was illegally obtained and you know it

Then why hasn't Adam Schiff been arrested? He most certainly attempted to get dirt on Trump from who he thought were Ukranian government officials, but who were actually Russian radio show hosts.

You leftist retards are so stupid.
2. The Russian Lawyer ADMITTED SHE NEVER GAVE Trump JR ANYTHING ... as opposed to the evidence showing Hillary illegally colluded with / PAID Trump-hating foreign spies (working for the FBI and with Mueller before he was appointed Special Counsel) and the RUSSIANS for a fake Russian-authored document illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI

Wait...the Russian intel agent said she didn't give "anything" to Trump?

Well gee...that really has the ring of truth to it huh?

By the way, that in no way changes the fact that the Trump team accepted that meeting in the HOPES of getting "dirt on Hillary"...which in itself is illegal

Hmmm...I see.
Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics
The DNC hired the same oppo research company that the RNC did for exactly the same purpose. Where that research company took the investigation is on them.

But then again...they did not get oppo research from a foreign government
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Then why hasn't Adam Schiff been arrested?

Because we don't live in Putin's Russia...yet

WTF, first you claim it's illegal to get info from foreign governments, then you say Schiff hasn't been arrested because we don't live in Russia? Dang, you got some bat shit crazy going on there.
I said no such thing

Yes you did, it's right there in black and white for all to read. You claimed that getting dirt on a political opponent from a foreign government was illegal.
Then why hasn't Adam Schiff been arrested?

Because we don't live in Putin's Russia...yet

WTF, first you claim it's illegal to get info from foreign governments, then you say Schiff hasn't been arrested because we don't live in Russia? Dang, you got some bat shit crazy going on there.
I said no such thing

For Christ sake, is dementia setting in. You may want to check post #321 and #325...dumbass.
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Hey asshole...first you have provided no documentation for your idiocy.

Second we are talking about oppo research having to do with elections. WTF do you even think you are talking about?
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Hey asshole...first you have provided no documentation for your idiocy.

Second we are talking about oppo research having to do with elections. WTF do you even think you are talking about?

oppo research? Try as you may, that doesn't make you sound cool.
To start with , we do NOT know that Russia gave WikiLeks any stolen emails and in fact not one single member of the alleged intelligence community has claimed that , and not one singe piece of evidence that that is true has been shown to anyone, primarily because there is no such evidence.

We absolutely DO know that

What the Latest Mueller Indictment Reveals About WikiLeaks’ Ties to Russia—and What It Doesn’t

No we don't know that, We know that it is being reported and that charges have been filed.

Now I just read your little link and let me ask you this. IF American intelligence had the GRU as thoroughly compromised as they claim to have had in the article you linked to, why did they not stop the from doing any of the things they supposedly did before it got to the point that it did? Why didn't SOMEONE , ANYONE say right when WikiLeaks started dumping documents "hey we've been aware of this for awhile, It's RUssia, here's the proof" Why wasn't it until after Trump won that suddenly we knew all this about Russia?

For that matter, if American intelligence had the GRU so thoroughly compromised the Special Counsel wouldn't have even been needed, we wouldn't need to investigate because we would already have known who did what and when, Comey could have just said "look here's an email chain from Vlad to Trump " etc etc etc

You've been duped, again.
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Hey asshole...first you have provided no documentation for your idiocy.

Second we are talking about oppo research having to do with elections. WTF do you even think you are talking about?


Schiff apparently pranked by Russian radio hosts who promised 'naked Trump' photos

Adam Schiff absolutely, positively tried to get dirt on Trump from who he thought were Ukranian government officials. Now, myself I'm consistent on this, I don't care that Trump did, I don't care that Hillary did, I don't care that Schiff did. I do however very much care that morons like yourself want Trump and his pals prosecuted for the very same things that everyone else does, whether those things are actually illegal or not.

You are one dumb bitch.
You re the one who said it's illegal to try to or to obtain opposition research from a foreign government, not me. Adam Schiff for sure tried to

Documentation required for that lie

Wait, are you denying that Adam Schiff attempted to get dirt from who he thought were Ukrainian government officials? You ignorant twat, educate yourself, that absolutely happened. Turned out that it was some Russian radio station playing a hoax on him, but he tried, and you're pretty damn stupid commenting on this topic if you didn't even realize this happened.
Hey asshole...first you have provided no documentation for your idiocy.

Second we are talking about oppo research having to do with elections. WTF do you even think you are talking about?


Schiff apparently pranked by Russian radio hosts who promised 'naked Trump' photos

Adam Schiff absolutely, positively tried to get dirt on Trump from who he thought were Ukranian government officials. Now, myself I'm consistent on this, I don't care that Trump did, I don't care that Hillary did, I don't care that Schiff did. I do however very much care that morons like yourself want Trump and his pals prosecuted for the very same things that everyone else does, whether those things are actually illegal or not.

You are one dumb bitch.
A spokesman for Schiff told The Atlantic that the committee reported the call to "appropriate law enforcement and security personnel" and told them "of our belief that it was probably bogus."

And oh yea...This had nothing to do with getting oppo research for an election


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