Russia Using American Trolls

“A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; if I take him by force to the USSR and show him a gulag, he will refuse to believe it” - Yuri Bezmenov, KGB defector
It all started (actually, much earlier) in Sept. 2012 when President Barack told the American people, and then the U.N., that the abrupt Benghazi attack came about because of a video two California hicks made and put on youtube which denigrated Arabs and put Islam in a bad light. Total lies and deception by Obama and the DNC and a clear sign of things to come.

Shall I outline 10 major scandals, crimes against the state, which you and the MAINSTREM MEDIA totally glossed over, covered up, lied about, and then forgot about and the DOJ ignored? Notice how nicely that pattern convinced a gullible, ignorant public, along with the aid from our public schools, universities, entertainment behemoth, greedy corporate partners, climate change insanity, while Rome continues to burn. And God was removed from all things!

You say Uranium One was debunked thanks to Snopes, et al. ---- my investigative sources beg to differ. I’m as intransigent as you are, just not as naïve.
“My investigative sources”

Good lord
“My investigative sources”

Good lord
They are journalistic websites of national credibility. Does everything have to be explained to you? I would have linked them, but "casting pearls before swine" comes to mind.

Although, if curious, you may want to start with the hyper liberal NY Times who quote >>>
"...Confirmed Schweizer’s Uranium One revelations in a 4,000-word New York Times front-page story by a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter." .... Confirmed by the New York Times: Despite claims to the contrary, Uranium One has, in fact, exported “yellowcake” out of America and is “routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.” ....Confirmed: Clinton Foundation mega-donor Frank Holmes claimed he sold Uranium One before Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the Russian transfer—but his company’s own SEC filings prove otherwise. 7. Confirmed: FBI agents already have an eyewitness and documents to support the most explosive parts of the Uranium One story.
Clinton and the dems literally paid putin for propaganda back in 2016 and the dems were happy to be his useful idiots for years to undermine the free and fair election
Clinton and the dems literally paid putin for propaganda back in 2016 and the dems were happy to be his useful idiots for years to undermine the free and fair election
You are literally lying
Ukraine from the get-go never had a China man's chance of defeating the Russian army in the battlefield.
All we have been doing is prolonging the war by giving Ukraine weapons.

But that's the idea - bog Russia down, with maybe WW3 as a *bonus.*
Sounds like we have one of these Russian trolls right here
We know - you already confessed.

But seriously, do you not see how idiotic and desperate your baseless/meaningless claim is?
We already knew that Russia wanted Trump out of office. Hell, within a few days after he was elected, the Russians organized a "not my president" march to Trump Tower.

The indictment does not identify by name any of the organizations Ionov recruited, but it does describe one of them as a St. Petersburg, Florida group whose leaders were aware that Ionov and his group were agents of a foreign government.

Prosecutors say Ionov in 2015 directed the group to write a petition alleging that the U.S. had committed genocide against African people in America, and to send it to the United Nations, the White House and to

The document, titled “Petition to the United Nations on the Crime of Genocide against African People in the United States,” notes America’s history of slavery and denial of civil rights for Black people. It argues the U.S. government still fails “to protect our health and well-being as expected under full citizenship” and inflicts “state or state-supported violence and terror on us.”

The petition, which is still available online, is labeled as being from the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, a Black international socialist organization. Representatives from the group said the FBI raided their center in St. Petersburg on Friday.

Akile Anai, who describes herself as director of agitation and propaganda for the African People’s Socialist Party, said agents searched her car and took her cellphone and laptop computer on Friday in addition to raiding the Uhuru House.

BLM and Antifa communist insurgents burned our cities in the 2020 insurgency. Obviously their Russian handlers hoped idiots like you would blame the rioting on Trump.

You LWNJ TDS afflicted morons are Putin's dupes.
You certainly are gullible. Russia did everything they could in 2016 and 2020 to get trump elected. The entire world knows this. They brag about it on Russian State TV. It's like you are trying to fool yourself.
You certainly are gullible. Russia did everything they could in 2016 and 2020 to get trump elected. The entire world knows this. They brag about it on Russian State TV. It's like you are trying to fool yourself.
they should of tried harder in 2020…but i guess it worked out for them in the long run

2016 didn’t seem like they had to do much since you idiots nominated clinton
they should of tried harder in 2020…but i guess it worked out for them in the long run

2016 didn’t seem like they had to do much since you idiots nominated clinton
Actually, the DNC rigged it for Clinton. The leaked DNC emails proved that.

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