Russia Using American Trolls

You know nothing
Lesh. We go back to the days of Eyegore. You, Dizzy, and Use Your Brain thought you were the princes of nonsense.......lololol....You guys were hilarious. Rebels without a cause

Lesh you lil rascal you.Remember how you hated Cheney so much, yet you know suck his daughters dick....lolol

You lil rascal you
What is Russian propaganda?

You know: Pee tapes, Trump was a Russian spy, Putin caused Hillary to lose, Russia caused our inflation and high gas prices, Americans are imperialist running dog lackeys for rich industrialists, socialism is greater than capitalism, the usual stuff.

Oh wait....Those are things Lesh believes. Could it be that he's the American troll who's spreading "Russian propaganda"? Hmmmm.
Building Obama up then having him come out was part of the plan.

True. Obama was groomed as a child in Marxism and Black Liberation Theory. He was the product of Affirmative Action where everyone gets a participation award, and whose only skill was talking about himself and stirring up racial and class division. How that fucker ever ended up in the WH, is beyond my comprehension.

And if that wasn't bad enough, how his brain-damaged kiddie-diddling sten-n-fetchit Vice President became POTUS, will be a mystery for at least the next 100 years.

"81 million votes" my ass.
True. Obama was groomed as a child in Marxism and Black Liberation Theory. He was the product of Affirmative Action where everyone gets a participation award, and whose only skill was talking about himself and stirring up racial and class division. How that fucker ever ended up in the WH, is beyond my comprehension.

And if that wasn't bad enough, how his brain-damaged kiddie-diddling sten-n-fetchit Vice President became POTUS, will be a mystery for at least the next 100 years.

"81 million votes" my ass.
Obama was also a constitutional law professor. Pretty sure that's more recent.

Trump probably hasn't even read the constitution.

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