Russia threatens Finland and Sweden

Rightfully so dumbass. Putin took advantage of the current power void in the U.S. to further his agenda. Notice he was smart enough not to invade while Trump was in office. It's called common sense - a trait you are sorely lacking.
Oh, the irony. Putin had Trump on a leash, and everyone with two or more working brain cells knew this. Why on earth would Putin want to do anything to jeopardize an asset of his like Trump?

You and yours are so goddamn dumb that you believe in someone like Trump. Honestly, what else needs to be said?
Oh, the irony. Putin had Trump on a leash, and everyone with two or more working brain cells knew this. Why on earth would Putin want to do anything to jeopardize an asset of his like Trump?

You and yours are so goddamn dumb that you believe in someone like Trump. Honestly, what else needs to be said?
another dembot repeating debunk conspiracy theories that clinton paid putin for

geez…all we have to do is look at the news in real time and witness in real time that putin owns xiden and the demafasict
Oh, the irony. Putin had Trump on a leash, and everyone with two or more working brain cells knew this. Why on earth would Putin want to do anything to jeopardize an asset of his like Trump?

You and yours are so goddamn dumb that you believe in someone like Trump. Honestly, what else needs to be said?
You are one stupid sumbich.
Putin is taking on a lot. He certainly looks to be overreaching. I think he is not going to find Ukraine that easy to dominate, much less, the other countries that he is threatening.

The people that are providing sound bites for RT and the Kremlin are traitors and treasonous. trump and Pompeo need to shut up.
Perhaps Biden can use the organizations and laws enacted to declare Martial Law like his buddy in Canada. All of the alphabet names can put their jackboots on our necks. Even repositioning ICE to get those dastardly servants to the empire who disagree.
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy.


Oh, the irony. Putin had Trump on a leash, and everyone with two or more working brain cells knew this. Why on earth would Putin want to do anything to jeopardize an asset of his like Trump?

You and yours are so goddamn dumb that you believe in someone like Trump. Honestly, what else needs to be said?
Take your act to CNN. They're in need of left-wing clown to replace their pseudo-newscasters and maybe fix their ever-dwindling ratings.
Take your act to CNN.

Actually, before much longer that might mean MSNBC.

CNN is in the process of being sold, and a lot of rumors are that once the sale is finalized there will likely be a lot of changes.

Specifically, dumping most of the commentary, returning CNN-HN back to it's original mission, and putting more of a balance on the journalists instead of it being a giant echo chamber. In other words, going back to what it was originally, and what Fox News was before it jumped the shark and drank the far-right wing kool-aid. I heard from an insider that they are looking at two shows like the old Hannity and Combes, and two more with one leaning to the right and another leaning to the left (but neither being the far fringes). And the rest of the broadcast being just news in as neutral a way as possible.

I will admit, that would be really refreshing. As I watched MSNBC, CNN, and CBS this week and was rather disgusted. Over an hour of each, and not a single one bothered to play the statement that Putin delivered to his own people. None of them talked about the refugees already pouring into Poland and the crisis that is developing there. And none covered the protests and mass arrests in Russia. But I heard all about how innocent the political candidate was and it was a smear job when she went on a drunken rant against a bunch of 13 year old girls. And that the National Guard should arrest the truckers on their moron parade. Or almost a half hour covering a helicopter crash that killed nobody. And one moron blubbering for 15 minutes about Russia invading Ukraine was all the fault of President Trump. And another 15 minutes on another network where they were saying that it was all the fault of President Biden. I turned over to Sky News, and got a hell of a lot better coverage of what is going on in the Ukraine in 30 minutes than I did from watching over 4 hours of US "News Broadcasts".

Sky even went in depth into coverage with the leaders of the US, UK, Germany, France, and Poland in addition to covering what Putin said. And showed the entirety of President Biden's speech, and some of the questions he answered afterwards. None of the US networks could bother than give a 45 second summary.
U.S. Officials Repeatedly Urged China to Help Avert War in Ukraine

China would never have done that, because they have their own land they want to annex.

And many are now looking at Taiwan. And wondering if while the world is distracted over Ukraine, if China is going to take this as a sign they can finally take over Taiwan.

The US trying to get China involved in this was foolish, and doomed to fail.
Putin is taking on the "Hitler" smell with his threats. I guess MAGA still thinks he is a genius and really smart. Do they also think Hitler was a genius and really smart?
People like you are just dangerous provocateurs.

Putin is taking on the "Hitler" smell with his threats. I guess MAGA still thinks he is a genius and really smart. Do they also think Hitler was a genius and really smart?
Up till syphllis set in Hitler was really smart--------one can be EVIL and smart. In fact, most psychopaths besides being evil score higher on the intelligence tests as well.

Hitler was able to convince a whole nation to follow him--------

Putin is Evil and highly would have be really stupid to not realize this.
Putin is taking on the "Hitler" smell with his threats. I guess MAGA still thinks he is a genius and really smart. Do they also think Hitler was a genius and really smart?
No, there is significant Jewish influence in Russia, they would not allow this.
Bolshevism has a lot of influence in Russia now, and Bolshevism is basically a Jewish movement.
Although personally Putin is not an adherent of Bolshevism and Jewry

If we assume that Hitler's regime was exactly the way historians describe it, then Hitler is a totalitarian. Hitler = Biden, his regime is the American left.

Hitler sometimes used right-wing rhetoric and the romanticism of Austria-Hungary, but this is not visible in his left-wing system, and he called himself a socialist.

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