Russia is not a part of Europe


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I had a thread about putin moved to the European forum by a mod who obviously does not know her geography.

Russia is not a European nation to begin with........

Russia’s location at Europe’s periphery, as well as its expanse across the Eurasian continent, has made the matter particularly complicated. Whether Russia is European has been a question that has resounded throughout its history. It is often conceived of as caught between the two civilizational poles: the West and the Enlightenment values of individualism, liberty, and rationality, and the Eastern, defined by collectivism, tradition, and respect for authority. Others have conceived of Russia as a third civilization distinct from both.

Irregardless just because something might happen in a particular nation that does not mean that it has no relevance to the rest of the world...I can see if the story is about some local event that has no interest to the rest of the world then sure post it in a subforum but not stories the whole world is interested in.

Say for instance if Putin was assasinated........should that only be posted in the European sub forum?

With todays technology enabling the whole world to instantly know what is happening anywhere in the world it makes no sense to move important stories to a sub-forum.
It is split Asia and Europe and nearly everything that goes on in the Federation happens on the European side .
It is split Asia and Europe and nearly everything that goes on in the Federation happens on the European side .
Director of Carnegie Center Moscow, Dmitri Trenin, as deeply respected in the West as in Russia, commented that, “contemporary Russia is neither the East, nor the West, neither Europe, nor Asia.” Rather, it is possible to “speak confidently about the civilizational uniqueness of Russia.”
Director of Carnegie Center Moscow, Dmitri Trenin, as deeply respected in the West as in Russia, commented that, “contemporary Russia is neither the East, nor the West, neither Europe, nor Asia.” Rather, it is possible to “speak confidently about the civilizational uniqueness of Russia.”
Who would want to disagree with that ? But posters here lack the sophistication to even grasp that Dmitri could be remotely correct .
I had a thread about putin moved to the European forum by a mod who obviously does not know her geography.

Russia is not a European nation to begin with........

Russia’s location at Europe’s periphery, as well as its expanse across the Eurasian continent, has made the matter particularly complicated. Whether Russia is European has been a question that has resounded throughout its history. It is often conceived of as caught between the two civilizational poles: the West and the Enlightenment values of individualism, liberty, and rationality, and the Eastern, defined by collectivism, tradition, and respect for authority. Others have conceived of Russia as a third civilization distinct from both.

Irregardless just because something might happen in a particular nation that does not mean that it has no relevance to the rest of the world...I can see if the story is about some local event that has no interest to the rest of the world then sure post it in a subforum but not stories the whole world is interested in.

Say for instance if Putin was assasinated........should that only be posted in the European sub forum?

With todays technology enabling the whole world to instantly know what is happening anywhere in the world it makes no sense to move important stories to a sub-forum.
The continent or rather territory into which Russia is officially integrated is termed Eurasia

It is actually public knowledge that there is a Western and Eastern Russia. Since it's capital is Moscow - which is located in Western Russia, the Russian government and Russia itself is considered to be a European country and not an Asian country, also displayed via it's ethnic % - that is in majority European and not Asian.

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The continent or rather territory into which Russia is officially integrated is termed Eurasia

It is actually public knowledge that there is a Western and Eastern Russia. Since it's capital is Moscow - which is located in Western Russia, the Russian government and Russia itself is considered to be a European country and not an Asian country, also displayed via it's ethnic % - that is in majority European and not Asian.

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You are entitled to your OPINION ,.............nuff said boyo
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I had a thread about putin moved to the European forum by a mod who obviously does not know her geography.

Russia is not a European nation to begin with........

Russia’s location at Europe’s periphery, as well as its expanse across the Eurasian continent, has made the matter particularly complicated. Whether Russia is European has been a question that has resounded throughout its history. It is often conceived of as caught between the two civilizational poles: the West and the Enlightenment values of individualism, liberty, and rationality, and the Eastern, defined by collectivism, tradition, and respect for authority. Others have conceived of Russia as a third civilization distinct from both.

Irregardless [sic] just because something might happen in a particular nation that does not mean that it has no relevance to the rest of the world...I can see if the story is about some local event that has no interest to the rest of the world then sure post it in a subforum but not stories the whole world is interested in.

Say for instance if Putin was assasinated [sic]........should that only be posted in the European sub forum?

With todays technology enabling the whole world to instantly know what is happening anywhere in the world it makes no sense to move important stories to a sub-forum.

Here's an idea...get the fuck over yourself.
Ups.. unhappy that your views aren't shared or viable? next time THINK and RESEARCH - before you write.
Popular opinions and ideas often tend to be wrong....the more astute tend to agree with me.

Russia looks very much like mainland Europe, it dresses like mainland Europe, but it is not considered part of Europe. This is not a recent phenomenon. Even since the time of the Tzar's, especially Peter the Great, Russia was somehow considered not part of Europe. One of the goals of Tzar Peter, was to make Russia more European, by taxing beards and banning Russian style clothing.

Russia has never been a part a part of the west................

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Popular opinions and ideas often tend to be wrong....the more astute tend to agree with me.
Never wise to project your rigid opinions on to others . But in this instance everybody else is wrong and your Messiah Complex remains intact. Clown .
Lies. The Russian authorities call themselves "the East" only for the sake of populism. This is part of the pan-German culture, a product of the expansion of the Prussians to the east.

Naturally, by origin, most of the peoples of the Russian Federation were not Europeans (like the Americans), they are victims of European imperialism and pan-Germanism.

But the regime always glorifies only European values, and it's time to change that.

In addition, Poland, Ukraine, the Danube Valley and France are also not part of decadent Europe, they are descendants of the Celts and Huns.
the West and the Enlightenment values of individualism, liberty, and rationality
These are not European values. In Europe there was totalitarianism, Germanism, imperialism, collectivism.

These are just the values of the steppe peoples of Eurasia, and the Americans. Traditions of the military aristocracy.
Lies. The Russian authorities call themselves "the East" only for the sake of populism. This is part of the pan-German culture, a product of the expansion of the Prussians to the east.

Naturally, by origin, most of the peoples of the Russian Federation were not Europeans (like the Americans), they are victims of European imperialism and pan-Germanism.

But the regime always glorifies only European values, and it's time to change that.

In addition, Poland, Ukraine, the Danube Valley and France are also not part of decadent Europe, they are descendants of the Celts and Huns.

"In addition, Poland, Ukraine, the Danube Valley and France are also not part of decadent Europe, they are descendants of the Celts and Huns."

WTF? You need to lighten up on the drugs you are doings.

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