Rush threatens to move to Costa Rica

Is Rush too ignorant to realize that passing the healthcare bill will have virtually no impact on him or his access to healthcare or anything of the sort,

or is he just making shit up to try to dupe his dittoheads?
The latter, definitely. His ditto heads will believe anything, because they're stupid.
Rushbo said on his show that if health care passes, he'll move to Costa Rica. Buh bye, Rush.
BTW, Costa Rica has national health care.

Think Progress Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform’s most vociferous opponents, warning that “[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.” Yesterday, Limbaugh put his money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes and all his fears are realized, he’ll leave the country:

CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself? And the second part of that is, what would happen to the doctors, do they have to participate in the federal program, or could they opt out of it? [...]

LIMBAUGH: My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

Listen here:

Limbaugh’s self-imposed exile should be all the incentive needed to pass health care reform.

So is Rush going to use National Health Care or buy insurance from INS, the government-owned insurance monopoly? Ironic that Rush would leave the US because of national health care so he could go to a country with national health care...
Rushbo said on his show that if health care passes, he'll move to Costa Rica. Buh bye, Rush.
BTW, Costa Rica has national health care.

Think Progress Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Limbaugh vows to flee the country if health care passes.

Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of health care reform’s most vociferous opponents, warning that “[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal” under the “freedom killing” and “life threatening” plan, and calling for it to be “aborted.” Yesterday, Limbaugh put his money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes and all his fears are realized, he’ll leave the country:

CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself? And the second part of that is, what would happen to the doctors, do they have to participate in the federal program, or could they opt out of it? [...]

LIMBAUGH: My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

Listen here:

Limbaugh’s self-imposed exile should be all the incentive needed to pass health care reform.

So is Rush going to use National Health Care or buy insurance from INS, the government-owned insurance monopoly? Ironic that Rush would leave the US because of national health care so he could go to a country with national health care...

Pssst....I don't think he'd go to Costa Rica for the "health care"....:eusa_whistle:
So has Rush bought his ticket yet or was his vow to leave the country another one of his lies?
My name is Giovanna Barrantes. I'm the Managering Director of Barrantes & Associates in San Jose Costa Rica.
We are a full service law firm since 1999.
You have two choices regarding medical care in Costa Rica. Neither requires becoming a resident.
The first is that you can buy into the Caja which the the national health care system. You can use any publichospital. It ranks one of the best in Central America.
Second buy private health insurance. Cheaper and just as good as the US hospitals.
I have no comment on Russ coming to Costa Rica! Maybe it would be good for tourism?

Lic Giovanna Barrantes
Barrantes & Associates
Office 011 506 2 256 3807
Direct 011 506 8 398 1203
Edificio Casa Canada Paseo Colon Subway
Anexo Uno 100 metros sur/50 metros oeste
Skype CostaRicaLaw1
My name is Giovanna Barrantes. I'm the Managering Director of Barrantes & Associates in San Jose Costa Rica.
We are a full service law firm since 1999.
You have two choices regarding medical care in Costa Rica. Neither requires becoming a resident.
The first is that you can buy into the Caja which the the national health care system. You can use any publichospital. It ranks one of the best in Central America.
Second buy private health insurance. Cheaper and just as good as the US hospitals.
I have no comment on Russ coming to Costa Rica! Maybe it would be good for tourism?

Lic Giovanna Barrantes
Barrantes & Associates
Office 011 506 2 256 3807
Direct 011 506 8 398 1203
Edificio Casa Canada Paseo Colon Subway
Anexo Uno 100 metros sur/50 metros oeste
Skype CostaRicaLaw1

Yo, Gio. Russ (sic) never said he'd be heading to CR if ObamaCare came to fruition. You have to realize the leftwing idiots here in the U.S. constantly twist and/or take el Rushbo's comments out of context because....well, because they're losers and think no one will realize what they're doing. I know, it sounds silly buy, hey, they're Dimocrats.
My name is Giovanna Barrantes. I'm the Managering Director of Barrantes & Associates in San Jose Costa Rica.
We are a full service law firm since 1999.
You have two choices regarding medical care in Costa Rica. Neither requires becoming a resident.
The first is that you can buy into the Caja which the the national health care system. You can use any publichospital. It ranks one of the best in Central America.
Second buy private health insurance. Cheaper and just as good as the US hospitals.
I have no comment on Russ coming to Costa Rica! Maybe it would be good for tourism?

Lic Giovanna Barrantes
Barrantes & Associates
Office 011 506 2 256 3807
Direct 011 506 8 398 1203
Edificio Casa Canada Paseo Colon Subway
Anexo Uno 100 metros sur/50 metros oeste
Skype CostaRicaLaw1

Yo, Gio. Russ (sic) never said he'd be heading to CR if ObamaCare came to fruition. You have to realize the leftwing idiots here in the U.S. constantly twist and/or take el Rushbo's comments out of context because....well, because they're losers and think no one will realize what they're doing.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....yeahhhhh.....that's what it is. :eusa_whistle:
Rush Limbaugh the best news commentator in the nation.

Why else all the immature rants that are easily proved as false.

Maybe the Libels can resort to name calling, if that does not work the Libels can use Government to stop free speech, if that does not work maybe during the Libel's next violent riot the Libels can accidentally "stop" Rush.

Seriously, look at how ordinary Germans and Europeans called the Jews vile names before the Liberals rounded up the Jews to murder them.
Rush Limbaugh the best news commentator in the nation.
....And, where would he be, without his legion-o'-suckers..... :rolleyes:

"Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous it was, the more they would believe it."

.....And, you people (actually) BRAG about this??????

Rush Limbaugh the best news commentator in the nation.
....And, where would he be, without his legion-o'-suckers..... :rolleyes:

"Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous it was, the more they would believe it."

.....And, you people (actually) BRAG about this??????


Where would you be, hard to say, being that your side has only "name-calling" as a basis for advancing your ideals its safe to say such un-ashamed bigotry will find another target, a target much weaker.
Rush Limbaugh the best news commentator in the nation.
....And, where would he be, without his legion-o'-suckers..... :rolleyes:

"Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous it was, the more they would believe it."

.....And, you people (actually) BRAG about this??????


Where would you be, hard to say, being that your side has only "name-calling" as a basis for advancing your ideals its safe to say such un-ashamed bigotry will find another target, a target much weaker. profound......

Rush threatens to move to Costa Rica?

I guess the island is bigger than I thought...
I wonder if the fat fuck knows Costa Rica is an environmentalists' paradise?
It doesn't look like he'd fit his fat-ass into green-transportation, anyhow!!!

"If you can stop shilling for your favorite political party long enough to go for a drive, you might really enjoy the Chevy Volt. I’m sure GM would be happy to lend you one for the weekend. Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don’t mix."


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