Rush Limbaugh the flip-flopper.


Your MessiahRushie endorsed first Thompson, second Giuliani and third Romney. He TOLD his mindless drones to vote for Hillary to TAMPER with the Dem primary without endorsing her. Of course, true to your patented CON$ervative dumb act, you pretend that ordering mindless zombies to vote a certain way to pervert the Dem primaries is an endorsement. Remember, your MessiahRushie, in the very link you posted as an endorsement of Hillary, said this: " I was thinking it might be fun to have our Operation Chaos operatives vote Obama,"

According to your moronic "logic" that would be an endorsement of Obama. In reality it is an endorsement of tampering in the Dem primary and not a particular candidate. If Hillary had pulled ahead of Obama at some point, Stuttering LimpTard would have ordered his mindless DittoTards to vote Obama.

To the infidel, I like reading your posts, but that damn motorcycle is driving my computer nuts, it slows it down. I hope you take it off, as I will have to put your posts on ignore if you don't.
Your browser probably will let you turn off Flash Animations which will keep them from slowing down your 'puter. If you want to watch one you'll have to click on it.
Hope that helps.

For two people that I have asked questions of, about who is more conservative than Mitt and what it is about Romney you find liberal, yet get not one answer, it's apparent to everyone who turned their brain off and it's not me. I can give you the reasons why, you can't.

Teapartysumari you still have not answered that question- who of the candidates is more conservative than Romney? Answer please.

Romneys words

“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course,’’ Romney said. “But I believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that … so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’

Uh oh: Obama consulted Romney advisers on ObamaCare « Hot Air

There..... you happy now?

BTW- we have been warming and cooling over the centuries and the jury is still out on what causes it. There could be some contribution from human activity, but the jury is out on it, one thing he has made very clear is that he would never penalize American companies or the American people because of any global warming.

Those advisors are DEMOCRATS, Romney had an 85% democrat legislator to deal with so of course they went to advise Obama.

I too, will walk through a blizzard to vote for the orange juice can before I send Obama back to the White House.
Only up to last century!!! There is no longer a cooling cycle in the pattern for the last 100 years.

That natural pattern has stopped since the Industrial Revolution. There is a warming trend and then a FLAT period where the cooling cycle used to be, and then a new warming cycle begins just about where the last warming trend left off. Something has disrupted the normal warming and cooling cycle!
Romneys words

“I don’t speak for the scientific community, of course,’’ Romney said. “But I believe the world’s getting warmer. I can’t prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that … so I think it’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing.’’

Uh oh: Obama consulted Romney advisers on ObamaCare « Hot Air

There..... you happy now?

BTW- we have been warming and cooling over the centuries and the jury is still out on what causes it. There could be some contribution from human activity, but the jury is out on it, one thing he has made very clear is that he would never penalize American companies or the American people because of any global warming.

Those advisors are DEMOCRATS, Romney had an 85% democrat legislator to deal with so of course they went to advise Obama.

I too, will walk through a blizzard to vote for the orange juice can before I send Obama back to the White House.

So will I, but I would damn sure prefer to vote for someone else beside Romney.

It's like having the choice between Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter.

I'd rather vote for Ronald Reagan. So glad I did in 1980.

I was a huge Reagan fan, voted for him twice, unfortunately we can't resurrect him. So I am very pragmatic, as Bill Bennet has stated, " Vote for the best conservative who CAN WIN the general election." Because without winning we lose. This is not a horse race, it is not a time to be so damn glued to principles, because if your principle allows an Obama second term we will be seeing America in the ash heap of history. This is a business deal not a love affair and just too many people see it as a love affair. It's time to get the emotions out of it, it is a business deal, be pragmatic and be careful who we nominate, as that will determine everything.

I follow the 80/20 rule as I realize that there is no one that I will agree with on everything, everytime. But if I can agree on 80%, they will have my vote.

Your MessiahRushie endorsed first Thompson, second Giuliani and third Romney. He TOLD his mindless drones to vote for Hillary to TAMPER with the Dem primary without endorsing her. Of course, true to your patented CON$ervative dumb act, you pretend that ordering mindless zombies to vote a certain way to pervert the Dem primaries is an endorsement. Remember, your MessiahRushie, in the very link you posted as an endorsement of Hillary, said this: " I was thinking it might be fun to have our Operation Chaos operatives vote Obama,"

According to your moronic "logic" that would be an endorsement of Obama. In reality it is an endorsement of tampering in the Dem primary and not a particular candidate. If Hillary had pulled ahead of Obama at some point, Stuttering LimpTard would have ordered his mindless DittoTards to vote Obama.

To the infidel, I like reading your posts, but that damn motorcycle is driving my computer nuts, it slows it down. I hope you take it off, as I will have to put your posts on ignore if you don't.

Why don't you just admit you ARE the pamela, the woman who's email Rush read on his show yesterday.

It's pretty damn obvious. Why won't you admit it?

What is even more obvious is your complete gullibility!!! :rofl::lmao:
That was just your MessiahRushie's fabrication to try to do damage control for having his foot in his fat mouth which was exposed by the critics more than a week earlier and then went viral!!!
August 26, 2008
RUSH: "When critics get it right, then you reply," and when you reply to something they've gotten right, it's evidence that the critic has gotten to you.

Rush Limbaugh 2011: Mitt Romney Not A Conservative; Rush 2008: Mitt Embodies Conservative Stool | Mediaite
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Your MessiahRushie endorsed first Thompson, second Giuliani and third Romney. He TOLD his mindless drones to vote for Hillary to TAMPER with the Dem primary without endorsing her. Of course, true to your patented CON$ervative dumb act, you pretend that ordering mindless zombies to vote a certain way to pervert the Dem primaries is an endorsement. Remember, your MessiahRushie, in the very link you posted as an endorsement of Hillary, said this: " I was thinking it might be fun to have our Operation Chaos operatives vote Obama,"

According to your moronic "logic" that would be an endorsement of Obama. In reality it is an endorsement of tampering in the Dem primary and not a particular candidate. If Hillary had pulled ahead of Obama at some point, Stuttering LimpTard would have ordered his mindless DittoTards to vote Obama.

To the infidel, I like reading your posts, but that damn motorcycle is driving my computer nuts, it slows it down. I hope you take it off, as I will have to put your posts on ignore if you don't.

Why don't you just admit you ARE the pamela, the woman who's email Rush read on his show yesterday.

It's pretty damn obvious. Why won't you admit it?


Who the hell is Pamela????????????????????? And when are you going to answer my question about who is more conservative than Mitt Romney that is running for the Republican nomination, I have asked you 1/2 dozen times and still no response. Who is that person???? Answer please.
Maple, you needed to begin a thread on this? OMFG, save us! Righties have been flip-flopping on many issues for eons, and you're just now figuring this out, BRAVO! Tell the forum how you're a free thinking person now that you'll be refusing to listen to trash.:cuckoo:
Maple, you needed to begin a thread on this? OMFG, save us! Righties have been flip-flopping on many issues for eons, and you're just now figuring this out, BRAVO! Tell the forum how you're a free thinking person now that you'll be refusing to listen to trash.:cuckoo:

sweetie, I could point out a thousand different ways that your President has flip-flopped from Qit-mo to those shovel ready jobs. Be careful here.
To the infidel, I like reading your posts, but that damn motorcycle is driving my computer nuts, it slows it down. I hope you take it off, as I will have to put your posts on ignore if you don't.

Why don't you just admit you ARE the pamela, the woman who's email Rush read on his show yesterday.

It's pretty damn obvious. Why won't you admit it?


Who the hell is Pamela????????????????????? And when are you going to answer my question about who is more conservative than Mitt Romney that is running for the Republican nomination, I have asked you 1/2 dozen times and still no response. Who is that person???? Answer please.
Pamela is a person MessiahRushie made up yesterday to give himself an excuse to address his quote, calling Romney the embodiment of the 3 legged stool of CON$ervatism in 2008, that went viral on the internet the week before. There is no Pamela!
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Why don't you just admit you ARE the pamela, the woman who's email Rush read on his show yesterday.

It's pretty damn obvious. Why won't you admit it?


Who the hell is Pamela????????????????????? And when are you going to answer my question about who is more conservative than Mitt Romney that is running for the Republican nomination, I have asked you 1/2 dozen times and still no response. Who is that person???? Answer please.
Pamela is a person MessiahRushie made up yesterday to give himself an excuse to address his quote, calling Romney the embodiment of the 3 legged stool of CON$ervatism in 2008, that went viral on the internet the week before. There is no Pamela!

Thank you and I am still waiting to read from him or her, who they think is more conservative than Mitt Romney.

It appears to me that people forget what state he was governor of, Ma, that's one of the bluest states in the U.S. 85% democrat legislature to deal with. I think that is more of a curse than anything he implemented or did. But people don't see that.

Scott Brown is not allowed to be an ultra-conservative because if he was he would not be elected there. No way. Be pragmatic and choose the BEST CONSERVATIVE who CAN WIN the general election as there are no prizes for 2nd place.
He spoke at CPAC. He got the head of the RNC to apologize to him. And the Republican governor of Louisiana thought it was important enough to comment on the thing.

That's just a cursory search over the topic. He has a great deal of influence over conservative thinking and Republican policy. He's much more then an "entertainer". What troubles the "left" is that no one voted for him. Kinda like Grover Norquist.

If it is true that the GOP takes its marching orders from Rush, how did Clinton get elected, twice, when Rush did everything in his power to persuade his substantial audience to see him as somebody unelectable and backing the re-election of George H.W. Bush and then Dole 100%?

How did Perot rise to unimaginable third party popularity with Rush ragging on him every day, every day, every day? Rush really REALLY didn't like Perot as a candidate.

How did John McCain win the GOP primary when he was the absolute bottom of the barrel so far as Rush was concerned? I think Rush wasn't all that enamored with Romney in 2008 as he was convinced that Romney was the only candidate with a chance to beat the Democratic candidate (that he fully expected to be Hillary.)

I give Rush a lot of the credit for Obama getting elected though because he backed Obama for so long to weaken Hillary and only switched back to supporting Hillary's nomination the last 45 days or so.

The only ones who exalt Rush Limbaugh to prominence or give him any power at all are the Democrats who accuse him and hate him.

Rush provides a service as does all conservative talk radio by putting the issues and events out there and giving them a thorough discussion and allowing a conservative point of view which almost no other media allows. But so far as I can see, none of them have any power to influence much of anything.
I think that is more of a curse than anything he implemented or did. But people don't see that.

Implemented what ?

Romneycare ?

What I don't get about conservatives is that states have a right to do such things. That is what Federalism is all about. The only thing is that Mass has to pay for it. No helpies from the Fed.

That is what makes the concept of states powers so wonderful. You can try these experiments and each state can improve and build on each other.

You know that Tennessee has some form of health care too ? Read up on it. And you might see some of what we will face with what they call "Obamacare".

But my point is that we can do this at the state level (provided the state consitution does not prevent it). What is so silly is that people actually think the Constitution allows the federal government run programs like health care (....'General Welfare'....:lol::lol::lol:).
Rush Limbaugh is all about Rush Limbaugh. Consider what he 'believes' and how he acts. His personal life is a mess; he's been married and divorced at least twice, he has no children, he was addicted to narcotics, smokes tobacco and his sense of humor is mean spirited.

Yet, he opposes the ACLU and allowed them to defend him; he supports the defense of marriage act and traded in two (?) wives, criticizes parents and never raised a child. He fosters hate for drug users, gay and lesbian citizens and anyone who isn't a conservative, faux or otherwise, and appeals to the worst of human nature - avarice, bigotry and the callous disregard for others.

you could have said all this in 6 words.....the guys a piece of shit.....
I'll bet there will be a lot of "flip floppers" in the 2012 presidential more Obama!!!!!!!! Yea Haaaaaaaaaa!
Romney mops the floor with Obama, with independents breaking 54% to 41% Obama, he has a solid, very solid 25% support with Republicans. That 25% has not gone down, Perry has been way up and then way down, Cain is now up but he too will crash. Romney won overwhelmingly in my state last time, but we were one of the last to vote in our primaries. It had already been decided. That's also why the states have attempted to leap frog each other in order to do their caucuses or their primary early. After last election, when the early primary states voted in John McCain, the rest of us had heart attacks.

Guy, that figure is MEANINGLESS at this point. Most of those independents don't know abou this batshit crazy religious beliefs or his scummy business practices or all the sleazy ways he's put people out of work.

When they find out, he's toast.

Frankly, every time I hear the reasoning behind Romney's "electability" (forgetting he's lost 75% of the races he's run in) it sounds just like the reasoning behind nominating McCain four year ago or Kerry 8 years ago. Going after these mythical independents who usually don't break any differently, anyway.

Obama didn't win last time because of "Independents". He won because his followers were enthusiastic and McCain's could care less if he won or lost.
This takes the cake on flip-flopping:

In 2008 Rush endorses Mitt Romney, then in 2011 can't wait to take a shot at him. Major flip-flop and he has lost all credibility with me, he is no longer on my listening dial. What's changed Rush?? Romney has not changed his positons nor has he been in public office for the last 3-4 years?

Rush endorsed him after Romney's health care plan passed, yet now he doesn't? It looks pretty suspicious to me. He has lost all credibility with me, especially when he attacks our own GOP candidates. He wants to attack someone, attack the current occupant of the White House and leave the GOP to fight it out on their own. We will pick the winner, not Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh *endorses Mitt Romney « Hot Air

Levin, Hannity, Ingraham and now Nobel nominee Rush Limbaugh (membership req’d): Big talk radio swings unanimously for Mitt Romney. Rush makes several solid points that you’ve heard before, mostly regarding how McCain represents the GOP’s national security wing, Huckabee represents its social conservative wing, and Ron Paul represents the economic conservative wing, but Romney is the one candidate who represents all three by himself. Romney is a late convert to all three, which as I wrote the other day explains why conservatives have taken so long to warm up to him.

Mitt Romney is still the same guy that he is talking about above.

I'm just here to comment on the OP. The Thread itself is so deep in Bullshit, I have no interest in subjecting myself to it, up to this Post.

You are being unfair to Rush, Maple. You probably do not understand the context of His Position, so I am giving you the Benefit of the doubt.

In the 2008 Election Cycle, Rush, looking at the Candidates, perceived Romney as the more Conservative, of those He was running against then. McCain, Huckabee, Guilani, are Left of Him.

In the 2012 Election Cycle, there are Major Players Right of Him, which Conservatives do Prefer. Rush has plainly stated that If Romney is the Republican Nominee, He will support Him. So will I. There are more Conservative Choices out there, that is the point. Leave the Demonizing, Trashing, and Throwing under the Bus, to the Left. We don't need to disrespect good People, for having a difference of opinion, or perspective. That is not what Liberty is about. Rush has earned His Respect. Kissing Socialist Ass by ridiculing Rush, does nothing for Him or You. It's just a form of Sellout, with nothing to show for it.
He spoke at CPAC. He got the head of the RNC to apologize to him. And the Republican governor of Louisiana thought it was important enough to comment on the thing.

That's just a cursory search over the topic. He has a great deal of influence over conservative thinking and Republican policy. He's much more then an "entertainer". What troubles the "left" is that no one voted for him. Kinda like Grover Norquist.

If it is true that the GOP takes its marching orders from Rush, how did Clinton get elected, twice, when Rush did everything in his power to persuade his substantial audience to see him as somebody unelectable and backing the re-election of George H.W. Bush and then Dole 100%?

How did Perot rise to unimaginable third party popularity with Rush ragging on him every day, every day, every day? Rush really REALLY didn't like Perot as a candidate.

How did John McCain win the GOP primary when he was the absolute bottom of the barrel so far as Rush was concerned? I think Rush wasn't all that enamored with Romney in 2008 as he was convinced that Romney was the only candidate with a chance to beat the Democratic candidate (that he fully expected to be Hillary.)

I give Rush a lot of the credit for Obama getting elected though because he backed Obama for so long to weaken Hillary and only switched back to supporting Hillary's nomination the last 45 days or so.

The only ones who exalt Rush Limbaugh to prominence or give him any power at all are the Democrats who accuse him and hate him.

Rush provides a service as does all conservative talk radio by putting the issues and events out there and giving them a thorough discussion and allowing a conservative point of view which almost no other media allows. But so far as I can see, none of them have any power to influence much of anything.
The answer so obvious only a CON$ervative would be too blind to see it!!!

Because your MessiahRushie ONLY has influence over the CON$ervative wing of the GOP, he is powerless when it comes to the rest of the population!! DUH!!!!

And nobody buys that CON$ervative perpetual VICTIM crap, CON$ get so much exposure on all media they have to pass off Moderates as Libs to try to make it look less lopsided!!!
I've noticed all the pro-ROmney posts are coming from one or two posters, one of whom thinks he wears magic underpants.

Seriously, this is Romney's problem. Nobody is all that enthusiastic about him, and people on the left and right think he's scum.

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