Rush Limbaugh Compares Sharon Bialek's Son To A Nazi Stormtrooper


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Rush Limbaugh escalated his attack on Sharon Bialek, the woman who has publicly accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment, on his Tuesday show. Limbaugh even compared Bialek's teenage son to a Nazi.

Limbaugh also attacked Bialek's son. In the CNN interview, she told Costello that her son had encouraged her to make her allegations public. "You think Obama doesn't love hearing this?" Limbaugh said. "A 13-year-old tattle-tale. I mean, that is a brownshirt preview here. Exactly what big government types like."

More: Rush Limbaugh Compares Sharon Bialek's Son To A Nazi Stormtrooper (AUDIO)
I'm sure the GOP is very proud of him. He's such a perfect representative of the RWNJ™ Brigade.
I'm sure the GOP scripted it for their WATER BOY!

I'm sure the GOP is very proud of him. He's such a perfect representative of the RWNJ™ Brigade.
I'm sure the GOP scripted it for their WATER BOY!

Try listening some time and you'll find out how idiotic you really are.
I love it! One brainwashed DittoTard condemnd me for not listening while another condemns me for listening too much! :rofl::lmao:

November 8, 2006
RUSH: I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried
Love it.

All of Cain's "accusers" are turning out to be, go figure, a bunch of lying fucking scumbags.

President Cain

Has a nice ring to it Liberals.
Just more "red meat", so the Dittoheads keep listening and the ad dollars keep pouring in. Nothing more, nothing less.
guessing your water boy Davfid Gregory is just a saint then right..? FFS libtards get a grip on your heart lest ye bleed out..which really is not that bad of a concept to me..

On Wednesday's "Today" show, host of NBC's "Meet the Press" David Gregory says there is no "Grand Wizard" right now in the GOP to "force" Cain out of the primary. Transcript below:

Ann Curry, NBC News: "He's not stepping down, continuing to suck the air out of the narrative the Republican party really wants to tell. Does the party now wish he would just go away?"

David Gregory, NBC News: "Well there is no, you know, Grand Wizard in the party right now who can really force the issue. I've talked to Cain's advisers in Iowa, they think their support is still strong there, that it's not falling. There may be cracks in the foundation according to pollsters I'm talking to, that his numbers may be starting to shift but right now core support remains there."
I think it's pretty funny that poor old worn out Rush can't even get arrested anymore, media/publicity-wise,

no matter what he says.

I don't think that's very accurate as MSNBC talks about him every night and there is a new post about him on here everyday
Limbaugh is a provocateur. A flame thrower. A classless megalomaniac in search of mind numbed sycophants and advertising dollars. He is Ann Coulter with a syndicated radio show and a drug addiction.

Every time this uterus turd opens his mouth, one of two things happens. The right wing ignoramae either applaud lustily or they cover his manure stained tracks with excuses such as "He's just an entertainer".

One would think that they would grow weary of covering up for him after his many faux pas.
How low can he go. Children are off limits--it is that simple. Why is an adult man taking notes on a 13 year old boy? There is something very wrong with this picture.

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