Rush Limbaugh attacks 11 year old whose mother died


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Right-wing media set sights on family of 11-year-old who spoke about his mother's death at health care event - CafeMom

According to a New York Times report, Marcelas Owens appeared at a March 11 press conference with Senate Democrats and spoke about his mother's death. The Times reported that Marcelas' mother, "Tiffany Owens, died of pulmonary hypertension in 2007 at age 27 after losing her health insurance because she could no longer work. Ms. Owens had been an assistant manager at a Jack in the Box restaurant." further reported that Marcelas said at the event, "I came out here for health care, I got involved because my mom was a health care activist, she testified and participated in rallies. She wanted people to have health care and not wait till management level to be offered health care."

On the March 12 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh aired a clip of Marcelas' remarks at the health care event and said, "Now, this is unseemly, exploitative, an 11-year-old kid being forced to tell this story all over just to benefit the Democrat Party and Barack Obama." Limbaugh later said, referring to Marcelas, "Your mom would have still died, because Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014."
An 11 year old tells his mother's story ...a 27 year old who works at Jack-in-the-box and loses her healthcare because she can no longer work. She dies because of her lack of insurance.
An 11 year old kid who recognizes he does not want others to suffer what his mother suffered and dares speaks out

And the Right Wing Malkin, Beck and Limbaugh attack an 11 year old?

Your mother would have died anyway kid....thats the side that is fighting against Americans getting healthcare?
Oh nose, the new outrage of the day.

Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props). Then "of course" you aren't allowed to say anything about them or you get a thread like this.:lol:
Oh no! Stating a fact is somehow bad!

Using the kid to pass this agenda - good

Pointing out the problems with his story - bad! It's a vicious attack!

What they dont tell you is that:

The woman had treatment.

She would have qualified for government assistance.

Even if they pass this, she still would have died.

It's sad that this boy lost his mother. But you know what, every boy will lose his mother someday. Passing Obamacare won't change that. It's a lie to pretend that it will. And it's disgusting to use a child in such a decietful manner.
Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props).

SEIU wouldn't pay for this woman's care when she was alive, but paid to fly her son to Washington now that she's dead.

The woman was more use to them dead, than alive. Which tells you exactly what these people are like.
Oh nose, the new outrage of the day.

Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props). Then "of course" you aren't allowed to say anything about them or you get a thread like this.:lol:

And Conservatives have a way of telling an 11 year old who lost his mother....Tough luck kid, she would have died anyway
Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props).

SEIU wouldn't pay for this woman's care when she was alive, but paid to fly her son to Washington now that she's dead.

The woman was more use to them dead, than alive. Which tells you exactly what these people are like.

So you are saying they celibrated the death of a 27 year old woman?

Typical conservative cynicism
Oh no! Stating a fact is somehow bad!

Using the kid to pass this agenda - good

Pointing out the problems with his story - bad! It's a vicious attack!

What they dont tell you is that:

The woman had treatment.

She would have qualified for government assistance.

Even if they pass this, she still would have died.

It's sad that this boy lost his mother. But you know what, every boy will lose his mother someday. Passing Obamacare won't change that. It's a lie to pretend that it will. And it's disgusting to use a child in such a decietful manner.

Thanks Rush. This is a perfect example of why you lost a couple Novembers ago and why you will go down in history as being on the wrong side of the fence, AGAIN.
Oh nose, the new outrage of the day.

Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props). Then "of course" you aren't allowed to say anything about them or you get a thread like this.:lol:

But I thought Sarah Palin was a conservative Republican?
SEIU wouldn't pay for this woman's care when she was alive, but paid to fly her son to Washington now that she's dead.

The woman was more use to them dead, than alive. Which tells you exactly what these people are like.

So you are saying they celibrated the death of a 27 year old woman?

Typical conservative cynicism

where did he say they celebrated her death? do you think it's appropriate to use an 11 year old to advance an agenda? to parade him out like a fucking freak in a carnival to make political points?

what kind of a piece of shit does something like that?
to parade him out like a fucking freak in a carnival to make political points?

An 11 year old who does not want other kids to have to suffer like he did is a "Fucking freak" ???
Look what they did with the little Kennedy boy at his funeral.

He was basically reading a campaign speech about passing this Health care takeover for his Uncle.

sick and twisted. if you ask me.
This is manufactured outrage and outright dishonesty. Limbaugh is a fuxxing shit pile but he didn't attack an 11 year old. He accused people of exploiting the child for political points. I'll slam rush all day long on shit he has said but I won't condone this type of deception. The fat bastard says enough dumm shit nobody needs to use deception and this just gives his fans more fuel for their persecution complex.
Oh nose, the new outrage of the day.

Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props). Then "of course" you aren't allowed to say anything about them or you get a thread like this.:lol:

And Conservatives have a way of telling an 11 year old who lost his mother....Tough luck kid, she would have died anyway

Would she have?

Rush's comments aside, you don't think this kid was being exploited for political gain?

Stephanie is correct. The Democrats trot out these "victims" in front of the cameras for their little sympathy ploys like this all the time because they know that the opposition will be hesitant to criticize their actions for fear of being framed as some kind of heartless monster. This reminds me of the Jersey Girls. It's theater politics and apparently you are vulnerable to it. Pat yourself on the back.
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to parade him out like a fucking freak in a carnival to make political points?

An 11 year old who does not want other kids to have to suffer like he did is a "Fucking freak" ???

nice attempted deflection. i especially appreciate that you've quoted me out of context, that's always the sign of a major league intellect at work.

so you're okay with politicians exploiting children?

so when sarah wheels out her downs syndrome kid, you'll be okay with that, right?

good to know.
The woman was more use to them dead, than alive. Which tells you exactly what these people are like.

So you are saying they celibrated the death of a 27 year old woman?

Typical conservative cynicism

where did he say they celebrated her death? do you think it's appropriate to use an 11 year old to advance an agenda? to parade him out like a fucking freak in a carnival to make political points?

what kind of a piece of shit does something like that? play the devils advocate here....did not Rush have a valid point?....if it doesnt go into effect until 2014....what good would it have done her now?....what good does it do ANYONE right now who needs Ins?....4 years for someone who is sick and needs help probly too late....

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