Rural Values versus Urban Values

You said fuck you to the majority of Americans, I guess you hate democracy huh?

Funny how there are people who say they love America but keep saying they hate the majority of Americans.

the urban culture, attitude, etc, is what I hate... that and the urban elitist attitude

I work in one of the worst urban cesspools around, DC, and you would not catch me living there or wanting to absorb anything from the bullshit culture... hence why I take the train out of that place and live in a more rural area 45 miles away

In other words - He can't afford to live there so he has to live 45 minutes away where he can purchase a sweet double wide.
Funny how there are people who say they love America but keep saying they hate the majority of Americans.

the urban culture, attitude, etc, is what I hate... that and the urban elitist attitude

I work in one of the worst urban cesspools around, DC, and you would not catch me living there or wanting to absorb anything from the bullshit culture... hence why I take the train out of that place and live in a more rural area 45 miles away

In other words - He can't afford to live there so he has to live 45 minutes away where he can purchase a sweet double wide.

Try value for how much you pay.. 3X the house, less tax, less traffic, peace and quiet.. the list goes on

but thank you for playing.. please see Don Pardo for some lovely parting gifts
I'm still fuzzy on precisely what you mean by Pseudo Multiculturalism. I live outside Pittsburgh. here, we have all varieties of eastern European immigrant stock, along with all those diverse cultures. So far, things have worked out well. Of course, there are simple minded bigots who basically fear the unknown and push against multiculturalism. I'm afraid those poor ignorant souls will always have that taint of prejudice because they were brought up that way and have no real desire to learn much passed what they know already.

Are you as upset about the bigoted push back as I am, or do you see all multicultural efforts as a sham?

in a big city you have several million people who are on either side of the fence with regard to mingling. ethnic groups tend to huddle into neighborhoods and form insular communities, particularly when arising from mass immigration. at the same time, a city full of such groups celebrates the diversity it has (nowadays), and throws out new-age rhetoric about liking the diversity seen as a scourge just a generation ago. many take it to heart and chuck out the insularity altogether - natives and immigrants - and mingle.

i am under the impression that the traditional insular take on diversity enjoys a stronghold in rural culture. when someone who 'stands by their dislike for urbanites and urbanite culture' digests the concept of multicultural community and it's increasing affinity in the city, i think he'd label it empty-suited, like any other paradigm he didn't vote for.
I stand by my dislike of country hick redneck anti education culture. Cousin marrying and all.
It doesn't really matter anymore. Rural areas used to be defined by having a strong grounding in agriculture and urban areas used to have a strong grounding in manufacturing.

Now few people farm (I mean really farm, not play farm like George W. Bush) and manufacturing is going abroad.

So the only real difference is that people in rural areas live in small towns that lack all the trappings of an urban environment and urban people live in big cities that are crowded and have high crime rates.

Does anyone really think that the GOP would have been successful over the last 20 years if this country still had a strong agricultural economy?

Yeah, Ronald Reagan was a reaaaaallllll blessing to the small farmer.
I'm still fuzzy on precisely what you mean by Pseudo Multiculturalism. I live outside Pittsburgh. here, we have all varieties of eastern European immigrant stock, along with all those diverse cultures. So far, things have worked out well. Of course, there are simple minded bigots who basically fear the unknown and push against multiculturalism. I'm afraid those poor ignorant souls will always have that taint of prejudice because they were brought up that way and have no real desire to learn much passed what they know already.

Are you as upset about the bigoted push back as I am, or do you see all multicultural efforts as a sham?

in a big city you have several million people who are on either side of the fence with regard to mingling. ethnic groups tend to huddle into neighborhoods and form insular communities, particularly when arising from mass immigration. at the same time, a city full of such groups celebrates the diversity it has (nowadays), and throws out new-age rhetoric about liking the diversity seen as a scourge just a generation ago. many take it to heart and chuck out the insularity altogether - natives and immigrants - and mingle.

i am under the impression that the traditional insular take on diversity enjoys a stronghold in rural culture. when someone who 'stands by their dislike for urbanites and urbanite culture' digests the concept of multicultural community and it's increasing affinity in the city, i think he'd label it empty-suited, like any other paradigm he didn't vote for.
But, if his name is MacGregor, he'd be first in line at the Highland Games Festival!

<nosmo's note: I'm of Scottish heritage and I used the Celtic reference without fear of reprisals!>
Pseudo multiculturalism? could you expand on this? And if you think snobbishness is confined to city life, may I remind you that people are people everywhere and the defense of "country life" by way of smearing urban life seems pretty damn snobbish to those who hear it.

Pseudo multiculturalism... trying to look so accepting of all cultures but doing everything possible to ensure that separation of cultures is accomplished.. not seeing people as just people but labeling and separating along the lines of race, culture, and nationality in some supposed name of multiculturalism

Funny.. I do not defend the 'country' way of life... just as I do not defend the urbanite bullshit...

I'm still fuzzy on precisely what you mean by Pseudo Multiculturalism. I live outside Pittsburgh. here, we have all varieties of eastern European immigrant stock, along with all those diverse cultures. So far, things have worked out well. Of course, there are simple minded bigots who basically fear the unknown and push against multiculturalism. I'm afraid those poor ignorant souls will always have that taint of prejudice because they were brought up that way and have no real desire to learn much passed what they know already.

Are you as upset about the bigoted push back as I am, or do you see all multicultural efforts as a sham?

I see them as a complete sham...

As stated, while yelling 'multiculturalism' from the rooftops, the urbanites label and separate based on culture, race, and origin...

I too am against bigots or race haters... but even in the outskirts, I see thing much more rarely than I do in the cities... it's just not touted as 'racism' when the Caucasian is the target or when it's done between 2 minority ethnic groups
Pseudo multiculturalism... trying to look so accepting of all cultures but doing everything possible to ensure that separation of cultures is accomplished.. not seeing people as just people but labeling and separating along the lines of race, culture, and nationality in some supposed name of multiculturalism

Funny.. I do not defend the 'country' way of life... just as I do not defend the urbanite bullshit...

I'm still fuzzy on precisely what you mean by Pseudo Multiculturalism. I live outside Pittsburgh. here, we have all varieties of eastern European immigrant stock, along with all those diverse cultures. So far, things have worked out well. Of course, there are simple minded bigots who basically fear the unknown and push against multiculturalism. I'm afraid those poor ignorant souls will always have that taint of prejudice because they were brought up that way and have no real desire to learn much passed what they know already.

Are you as upset about the bigoted push back as I am, or do you see all multicultural efforts as a sham?

I see them as a complete sham...

As stated, while yelling 'multiculturalism' from the rooftops, the urbanites label and separate based on culture, race, and origin...

I too am against bigots or race haters... but even in the outskirts, I see thing much more rarely than I do in the cities... it's just not touted as 'racism' when the Caucasian is the target or when it's done between 2 minority ethnic groups
The 'urbanites'. 'Urban culture'. But you have discussed you views on multiculturalism as if you don't want anything to do with multiculturalism. Could you define 'urban culture'? Something particular about city folks that would indicate what you mean by 'urban culture'.
I'm still fuzzy on precisely what you mean by Pseudo Multiculturalism. I live outside Pittsburgh. here, we have all varieties of eastern European immigrant stock, along with all those diverse cultures. So far, things have worked out well. Of course, there are simple minded bigots who basically fear the unknown and push against multiculturalism. I'm afraid those poor ignorant souls will always have that taint of prejudice because they were brought up that way and have no real desire to learn much passed what they know already.

Are you as upset about the bigoted push back as I am, or do you see all multicultural efforts as a sham?

I see them as a complete sham...

As stated, while yelling 'multiculturalism' from the rooftops, the urbanites label and separate based on culture, race, and origin...

I too am against bigots or race haters... but even in the outskirts, I see thing much more rarely than I do in the cities... it's just not touted as 'racism' when the Caucasian is the target or when it's done between 2 minority ethnic groups
The 'urbanites'. 'Urban culture'. But you have discussed you views on multiculturalism as if you don't want anything to do with multiculturalism. Could you define 'urban culture'? Something particular about city folks that would indicate what you mean by 'urban culture'.

As stated.. one of the main things is the superiority complex... thinking those outside of their big city have no class, culture, or education... the pretentiousness.. and it's not just with the rich and powerful in the city, it is with the poorer or average as well...

Now I do not think that any one of rural, suburban, or urban are any dumber or less cultured or less classy than any other... but that certainly is not wheat you see on a regular basis here in DC every day when there is talk about the rural hicks or the 'idiots' outside of the city

As for multiculturalism.. I have traveled extensively, share with many friends and co-workers, etc... I am all for experiencing the aspects of other cultures.... I am not for this fake show of pseudo-multiculturalism we see flaunted by the urban scene
I see them as a complete sham...

As stated, while yelling 'multiculturalism' from the rooftops, the urbanites label and separate based on culture, race, and origin...

I too am against bigots or race haters... but even in the outskirts, I see thing much more rarely than I do in the cities... it's just not touted as 'racism' when the Caucasian is the target or when it's done between 2 minority ethnic groups
The 'urbanites'. 'Urban culture'. But you have discussed you views on multiculturalism as if you don't want anything to do with multiculturalism. Could you define 'urban culture'? Something particular about city folks that would indicate what you mean by 'urban culture'.

As stated.. one of the main things is the superiority complex... thinking those outside of their big city have no class, culture, or education... the pretentiousness.. and it's not just with the rich and powerful in the city, it is with the poorer or average as well...

Now I do not think that any one of rural, suburban, or urban are any dumber or less cultured or less classy than any other... but that certainly is not wheat you see on a regular basis here in DC every day when there is talk about the rural hicks or the 'idiots' outside of the city

As for multiculturalism.. I have traveled extensively, share with many friends and co-workers, etc... I am all for experiencing the aspects of other cultures.... I am not for this fake show of pseudo-multiculturalism we see flaunted by the urban scene
You can understand my confusion. You are talking about a pretentious attitude and calling it 'culture'. I define culture as customs and traditions developed by a community over time. The pursuit of beauty and truth through artistic expression.
The 'urbanites'. 'Urban culture'. But you have discussed you views on multiculturalism as if you don't want anything to do with multiculturalism. Could you define 'urban culture'? Something particular about city folks that would indicate what you mean by 'urban culture'.

As stated.. one of the main things is the superiority complex... thinking those outside of their big city have no class, culture, or education... the pretentiousness.. and it's not just with the rich and powerful in the city, it is with the poorer or average as well...

Now I do not think that any one of rural, suburban, or urban are any dumber or less cultured or less classy than any other... but that certainly is not wheat you see on a regular basis here in DC every day when there is talk about the rural hicks or the 'idiots' outside of the city

As for multiculturalism.. I have traveled extensively, share with many friends and co-workers, etc... I am all for experiencing the aspects of other cultures.... I am not for this fake show of pseudo-multiculturalism we see flaunted by the urban scene
You can understand my confusion. You are talking about a pretentious attitude and calling it 'culture'. I define culture as customs and traditions developed by a community over time. The pursuit of beauty and truth through artistic expression.

This act is ingrained into the urban culture.. it is prevalent not only in DC but in every urban area I have been in this country... it is a tradition in the urban community to act in such a way

A societal culture is not just about art and 'beauty'... social culture is about how humans relate
As stated.. one of the main things is the superiority complex... thinking those outside of their big city have no class, culture, or education... the pretentiousness.. and it's not just with the rich and powerful in the city, it is with the poorer or average as well...

Now I do not think that any one of rural, suburban, or urban are any dumber or less cultured or less classy than any other... but that certainly is not wheat you see on a regular basis here in DC every day when there is talk about the rural hicks or the 'idiots' outside of the city

As for multiculturalism.. I have traveled extensively, share with many friends and co-workers, etc... I am all for experiencing the aspects of other cultures.... I am not for this fake show of pseudo-multiculturalism we see flaunted by the urban scene
You can understand my confusion. You are talking about a pretentious attitude and calling it 'culture'. I define culture as customs and traditions developed by a community over time. The pursuit of beauty and truth through artistic expression.

This act is ingrained into the urban culture.. it is prevalent not only in DC but in every urban area I have been in this country... it is a tradition in the urban community to act in such a way

A societal culture is not just about art and 'beauty'... social culture is about how humans relate

Good thing country folks are so contemptuous of city folks! Country folks never ever deride city dwellers at all. They are the salt of the earth and embrace any lifestyle as equally valid.

Yup! Those country folks sure could teach city folks some lessons about tolerance and acceptance alright.
As for multiculturalism.. I have traveled extensively, share with many friends and co-workers, etc... I am all for experiencing the aspects of other cultures.... I am not for this fake show of pseudo-multiculturalism we see flaunted by the urban scene

Whatever, dude, at least here in NYC, there is nothing "pseudo" about it. Take my neighborhood:

Caucasian English speakers are a severe minority, as the neighborhood is mainly Russian and Polish as far as pink people go. My neighborhood is extremely multicultural and we all shop at the same produce stands, falafel carts, post office, grocery store, etc. It is what it is... I dont' understand what you mean by "pseudo multiculturalism".
You can understand my confusion. You are talking about a pretentious attitude and calling it 'culture'. I define culture as customs and traditions developed by a community over time. The pursuit of beauty and truth through artistic expression.

This act is ingrained into the urban culture.. it is prevalent not only in DC but in every urban area I have been in this country... it is a tradition in the urban community to act in such a way

A societal culture is not just about art and 'beauty'... social culture is about how humans relate

Good thing country folks are so contemptuous of city folks! Country folks never ever deride city dwellers at all. They are the salt of the earth and embrace any lifestyle as equally valid.

Yup! Those country folks sure could teach city folks some lessons about tolerance and acceptance alright.

Hmmm.. I have always seen non-city people knocking city people, as what normally happens when there are differences between people.. but NOT to the extent of the disdain that urbanites have for non-urbanites... you don't see 'country' people calling them lesser or stupid or uncultured or whatever else... that is a one-way street when it comes to how they not only look down their noses, but how they have a false superiority complex about their intelligence, etc
Hmmm.. I have always seen non-city people knocking city people, as what normally happens when there are differences between people.. but NOT to the extent of the disdain that urbanites have for non-urbanites... you don't see 'country' people calling them lesser or stupid or uncultured or whatever else... that is a one-way street when it comes to how they not only look down their noses, but how they have a false superiority complex about their intelligence, etc

among ruralites, i gather a certain sense of acceptance and pride for what urbanites find contemptible about country bumpkins... the lessor education, the evangelistic christianity, etc.

there is a considerable truth to the stereotypes afterall. the same goes for the city i think.

the looking down the noses thing especially comes from thinking "this metrosexual pussy/trailer-trash hick couldn't last a day in my shoes." or "i would hate to actually live in the sticks/the concrete jungle. what type of clown takes pleasure in this bullshit 365days a year?"

do you really see this all as exclusive to the city, having demonstrated your own complex about where you lay your head?
The rift in the American political landscape crosses between these two enclaves. Our political parties and our ideologies are polarized along these lines. The demography is dramatically different and the way each group's economies and value systems are constructed pits them naturally against eachother.

This isn't new; our history has been shaped by this fundamental tug of war.

Where do you stand? Does your big-city or small-town identity shape your political ideology?
Small town...........very small.
Yep. Bolivarian socialists 100%:eusa_shhh:
Hmmm.. I have always seen non-city people knocking city people, as what normally happens when there are differences between people.. but NOT to the extent of the disdain that urbanites have for non-urbanites... you don't see 'country' people calling them lesser or stupid or uncultured or whatever else... that is a one-way street when it comes to how they not only look down their noses, but how they have a false superiority complex about their intelligence, etc

among ruralites, i gather a certain sense of acceptance and pride for what urbanites find contemptible about country bumpkins... the lessor education, the evangelistic christianity, etc.

there is a considerable truth to the stereotypes afterall. the same goes for the city i think.

the looking down the noses thing especially comes from thinking "this metrosexual pussy/trailer-trash hick couldn't last a day in my shoes." or "i would hate to actually live in the sticks/the concrete jungle. what type of clown takes pleasure in this bullshit 365days a year?"

do you really see this all as exclusive to the city, having demonstrated your own complex about where you lay your head?

Having lived both places, I find that both have their charms, and their drawbacks.
City folks need big government.

Country folks are far more self sufficient.

City folks only look at you long enough to identify you as a non-threat.

Country folks will strike up a conversation for anyone.

City folks will walk right by a person laying injured in the street.

Country folks will stop when you're parked on the side of the road, just to make sure you're ok.

City folks are totally contemptuous of country folks, calling them hicks, rednecks, hillbillies, etc.

Country folks call city folks...maniac drivers.

But strangely no one out here says "I can't wait to retire and move to the city.".
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