Run Windows Apps on Linux


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
And macs, ipads and android devices. Microsoft announced the release of Windows 365 and Cloud PC. Not only can you run Windows apps on these devices you'll be able to use the tools, data and settings as well as a Windows desktop.
For almost 30 years, the number one reason Windows users have given for not running Linux is they couldn't run their programs on it. Now that Windows 365 Cloud PC is almost here that excuse has just been blown to bits.

After all, the Linux-powered Chrome OS has already shown that you can do most of your enterprise work on just a browser alone. Indeed, Microsoft's entire move to a subscription, cloud service-based desktop was foreshadowed by Google's Chromebooks.

Microsoft just blew up the only reason you can't use a Linux desktop | ZDNet
And macs, ipads and android devices. Microsoft announced the release of Windows 365 and Cloud PC. Not only can you run Windows apps on these devices you'll be able to use the tools, data and settings as well as a Windows desktop.
For almost 30 years, the number one reason Windows users have given for not running Linux is they couldn't run their programs on it. Now that Windows 365 Cloud PC is almost here that excuse has just been blown to bits.

After all, the Linux-powered Chrome OS has already shown that you can do most of your enterprise work on just a browser alone. Indeed, Microsoft's entire move to a subscription, cloud service-based desktop was foreshadowed by Google's Chromebooks.

Microsoft just blew up the only reason you can't use a Linux desktop | ZDNet
I ain't crazy most of the time. Linux sleeping with Windows, perish the thought.
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And macs, ipads and android devices. Microsoft announced the release of Windows 365 and Cloud PC. Not only can you run Windows apps on these devices you'll be able to use the tools, data and settings as well as a Windows desktop.
For almost 30 years, the number one reason Windows users have given for not running Linux is they couldn't run their programs on it. Now that Windows 365 Cloud PC is almost here that excuse has just been blown to bits.

After all, the Linux-powered Chrome OS has already shown that you can do most of your enterprise work on just a browser alone. Indeed, Microsoft's entire move to a subscription, cloud service-based desktop was foreshadowed by Google's Chromebooks.

Microsoft just blew up the only reason you can't use a Linux desktop | ZDNet
I ain't crazy most of the time. Linux sleeping with Windows, perish the thought.
The vast majority of the arrogant "Microsoft is king" old guard are long gone. Lot's of new blood and with anyone paying attention has seen Microsoft looking to the future with the knowledge that if they don't they could suddenly be left out in the cold. They've been working with Linux developers to modernize Windows, make it more compatible with other systems specifically as a DaaS (Desktop as a Service) approach.
And macs, ipads and android devices. Microsoft announced the release of Windows 365 and Cloud PC. Not only can you run Windows apps on these devices you'll be able to use the tools, data and settings as well as a Windows desktop.
For almost 30 years, the number one reason Windows users have given for not running Linux is they couldn't run their programs on it. Now that Windows 365 Cloud PC is almost here that excuse has just been blown to bits.

After all, the Linux-powered Chrome OS has already shown that you can do most of your enterprise work on just a browser alone. Indeed, Microsoft's entire move to a subscription, cloud service-based desktop was foreshadowed by Google's Chromebooks.

Microsoft just blew up the only reason you can't use a Linux desktop | ZDNet
I ain't crazy most of the time. Linux sleeping with Windows, perish the thought.
The vast majority of the arrogant "Microsoft is king" old guard are long gone. Lot's of new blood and with anyone paying attention has seen Microsoft looking to the future with the knowledge that if they don't they could suddenly be left out in the cold. They've been working with Linux developers to modernize Windows, make it more compatible with other systems specifically as a DaaS (Desktop as a Service) approach.d
Microsoft is the King of the digital computer world. Ford was the King of the analog computer world.
And macs, ipads and android devices. Microsoft announced the release of Windows 365 and Cloud PC. Not only can you run Windows apps on these devices you'll be able to use the tools, data and settings as well as a Windows desktop.
For almost 30 years, the number one reason Windows users have given for not running Linux is they couldn't run their programs on it. Now that Windows 365 Cloud PC is almost here that excuse has just been blown to bits.

After all, the Linux-powered Chrome OS has already shown that you can do most of your enterprise work on just a browser alone. Indeed, Microsoft's entire move to a subscription, cloud service-based desktop was foreshadowed by Google's Chromebooks.

Microsoft just blew up the only reason you can't use a Linux desktop | ZDNet
I ain't crazy most of the time. Linux sleeping with Windows, perish the thought.
The vast majority of the arrogant "Microsoft is king" old guard are long gone. Lot's of new blood and with anyone paying attention has seen Microsoft looking to the future with the knowledge that if they don't they could suddenly be left out in the cold. They've been working with Linux developers to modernize Windows, make it more compatible with other systems specifically as a DaaS (Desktop as a Service) approach.d
Microsoft is the King of the digital computer world. Ford was the King of the analog computer world.
Ya missed the "arrogant" caveat. My point is the new Microsoft blood knows that while Microsoft is currently king that could change virtually overnight if they don't go with the market trends or remain innovative. They've already dumped the old, outdated, convoluted, crappy Microsoft Explorer code for the new Chromium (open source) Edge which is now actually better then Chrome.
Just saying.... this is not good.
Because Microsoft is taking a page out of Adobe's playbook...along with just about every other major software developer - "you make more money charging a subscription than upfront, one up sales."
InDesign Suite use to be $1200 and up. If you are in the design business, you had to have it. 100%. No way else after Adobe won the "design wars" of the 90s.
But what Adobe did not like was people wasn't buying the updates. They continued to design with their 5 and 6 year old software - and older.
So what did Adobe do? - They completely removed the option to buy their software. It now cost $90/mo. No other way to have the software.
So Adobe forces you to upgrade, and pay for the upgrade by changing the status of their product. It is no longer a product... it is a service.

Microsoft is going to do the same thing. Why else would they do this?

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