
Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
This chap seems to be at the heart of Trumps dirty dealings with Ukraine. As far as I am aware he is not an employee of the US government. I understand he started working for Trump when his previous lawyer was convicted.

What is his official standing? Why would Trump tell foreign Heads of State to "call Rudy"?

How are US interests best served by such irregular processes?

Rudy seems like a latter-day "Tom Hagen" fixer for Trump doing stuff that he would rather not be made public.

It seems a very swamp thing whereby affairs of state have become enmeshed with Trumps personal affairs.

Is there not a law that prevents this from happening ?
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
This chap seems to be at the heart of Trumps dirty dealings with Ukraine. As far as I am aware he is not an employee of the US government. I understand he started working for Trump when his previous lawyer was convicted.

What is his official standing? Why would Trump tell foreign Heads of State to "call Rudy"?

How are US interests best served by such irregular processes?

Rudy seems like a latter-day "Tom Hagen" fixer for Trump doing stuff that he would rather not be made public.

It seems a very swamp thing whereby affairs of state have become enmeshed with Trumps personal affairs.

Is there not a law that prevents this from happening ?

He's Trump's personal fixer and consigliere. If you want to chase wild-eyed conspiracy theories, set corrupt schemes in motion for personal gains, keep it plausibly all hidden behind a wall of attorney-client privilege, and have a fall guy, who also doesn't mind working in a stench of corruption, in case things hit a solid wall, Giuliani is your type of guy.

Of course, the walking hand grenade, cooking up drug deals, does not serve any U.S. interests, and he isn't meant to. He's there to serve the Boss's ego, and to further his corrupt interests. In turn, he gets a sweaty handshake from the so-called president, and may also leverage his contact to make a little money on the side.

No, there doesn't appear to be a law to make that criminal enterprise criminal, unless they can be found to have a criminal conspiracy going for a criminal endeavor. We're going to have to wait and see how that is going to turn out - maybe the two can share a cell. I would recommend Rikers - but I fear that one is being closed down.
This chap seems to be at the heart of Trumps dirty dealings with Ukraine. As far as I am aware he is not an employee of the US government. I understand he started working for Trump when his previous lawyer was convicted.

What is his official standing? Why would Trump tell foreign Heads of State to "call Rudy"?

How are US interests best served by such irregular processes?

Rudy seems like a latter-day "Tom Hagen" fixer for Trump doing stuff that he would rather not be made public.

It seems a very swamp thing whereby affairs of state have become enmeshed with Trumps personal affairs.

Is there not a law that prevents this from happening ?
Trump has been trying to run the most secretive administration in American history. No doubt there are dozens of other Giuliani's running around committing treason for him elsewhere.
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
Lol when treason becomes "necessary." Good grief.
This chap seems to be at the heart of Trumps dirty dealings with Ukraine. As far as I am aware he is not an employee of the US government. I understand he started working for Trump when his previous lawyer was convicted.

What is his official standing? Why would Trump tell foreign Heads of State to "call Rudy"?

How are US interests best served by such irregular processes?

Rudy seems like a latter-day "Tom Hagen" fixer for Trump doing stuff that he would rather not be made public.

It seems a very swamp thing whereby affairs of state have become enmeshed with Trumps personal affairs.

Is there not a law that prevents this from happening ?

If it were any situation not involving a criminal President, Rudy would have his Client Lawyer Privilege stripped, be charged by an HONEST non criminal AG and be sent to prison for an extended stay. If a Governor were to try the same thing (even stating privately that he is going to do it) and a lawyer starts it in motion, it's a felony. The real problem here is Barr who will not do his job at the Presidents Orders. If Barr was an honest AG, none of this would have come about because all parties would know Barr would investigate and bring charges. Barr is supposed to represent the United States of America. Instead, he only represents the interest of Rump. And you can't get rid of Barr without getting rid of Rump.

The Party of Rump will have to win at all costs in November otherwise Barr will no longer be the AG after that. Notice, I didn't say the Republican Party. There is going to be some real serious house cleaning by any new President no matter what Party claims the Presidency. And I imagine Rump will be cutting some serious deals as well. In order to prevent this, the Party of Rump MUST win at all costs.

That also means, look for some really nasty things to come down. Yes, it's nasty now but it's going to get worse. These people are not only looking at losing Power and their Bank Accounts but they are looking at losing their freedom when they get locked up unless they can get it passed the sell by date. So it isn't just Rump but his whole band of Rump Criminals that have a lot to gain or lose.

Let's hope that the American People don't buy into this and insist in another President. Mayor Pete looks like a viable alternative since the GOP seems powerless to provide one of their own.
aint seen Rudi's crooked ass on tv lately have you -

guess why .........
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.
Then post those facts. And not from a Russian propaganda site
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.
Then post those facts. And not from a Russian propaganda site
It has been widely reported. Shokin was corrupt and everybody wanted him out. Even the Republicans.

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.

in this country governments are formed at the polls, and not set up by the president.

Russia and North Korea not so much.
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.

in this country governments are formed at the polls, and not set up by the president.

Russia and North Korea not so much.
Nobody seems to have told donny.
Good God, where do you get your information?

Rudy Giuliani is a former top prosecutor for the United States Justice Department, a wildly successful mayor of America's largest city (you'll have to look that one up), and a respected political personage and advisor for many years.

His legal bona fides are unassailable, and he is working UNDER CONTRACT for the President (that is to say his contract is with the U.S. Government), doing EXACTLY what the President wishes him to do.

His efforts are necessary because - as has been made abundantly clear in the recent hearings - the senior employees of the U.S. State Department do not accept this President's power to set foreign policy, and have largely tried to subvert and suppress those initiatives that they disagree with. Hence, this President has been forced to appoint a personal representative who can "cut through all the State Department bullshit" and work on implementing the President's initiatives, especially where the relationship with the subject country is sensitive.

As for the investigation of the Biden's, consider that we have a former Vice President of the United States whose son was employed at an exorbitant salary by a company under investigation for high-level corruption. The said Vice President then forced the firing of the cognizant prosecutor by threatening to withhold a valuable loan guaranty - implying in the process that the President himself was "fully on-board" with this threat and action. Is this not worthy of INVESTIGATION? And is Ukraine not the appropriate place to start the investigation?

And when the U.S. State Department "drags its figurative feet" in pursuing this badly-needed investigation, can you blame the sitting President for employing unconventional resources to get it done?

Good God, man, aren't you paying attention???
It seems to me that if the corruption in the US govt causes the President to set up an alternate government, then they should be cleaning out their own stable and not lecturing other countries. Your account of the prosecutor Shhokin sacking is at variance with the facts.

in this country governments are formed at the polls, and not set up by the president.

Russia and North Korea not so much.
Nobody seems to have told donny.

he would just fire them and replace them with one of his ass kissers -

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