Rubio threatens Gadaffi style ending for Venezuela's Maduro


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Watch Live: Rubio Threatens Gadaffi-Style Ending For Venezuela’s Maduro
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent out a tweet Sunday showing a picture of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi smiling in an expensive suit next to a picture of Gaddafi bleeding just before he was killed.

The message was likely directed toward Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro as Rubio is one of his most outspoken critics.

David Knight covers the latest breaking news on this Monday transmission, so stay tuned and remember to share the link to help fight against internet censorship.


I think the people are getting real sick of the DEMOtwats and their lies. The rising up is beginning but stupidity won't ever see it coming keep flapping jackasses your so ffkn stuid you won't see anything coming when it does.
Rubio is a fucking psychopath. It is truly amazing that a sitting senator twits out this appalling and threatening message without consequences. He should be immediately censored and removed from office.

The criminal US government is actively inciting a coup in Venezuela. This too should be roundly condemned by all Americans, but it isn’t. The empire does whatever it wishes and the American people stupidly approve.

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