Rs filibuster student loans refinance bill

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Senate Republicans Filibuster Elizabeth Warren?s Bill to Refinance Student Loans | Occupy Democrats

Despite President Obama’s efforts Monday to use an executive order, and Tuesday’s Tumblr Q & A to shine a spotlight on the Senate’s consideration of Senator Warren’s Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would provide for the refinancing of certain Federal student loans, the bill was unable to clear the hurdle in the Senate that would allow it to be up for further consideration.

The bill would have allowed millions of borrowers, some with years-old debt and interest rates topping 7% or more, to refinance their existing student loan debt at today’s lower interest rates of 3.86%. Unfortunately the vote rang in at 56-38, which despite a majority of Senate approval falls short of the 60 votes necessary for the measure to overcome Republicans’ filibuster of the measure and proceed to debate.

“It’s a real shame Republicans are standing in the way of this very important, timely legislation,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters after the vote.

40 million Americans have outstanding student loan debt totaling $1.2 trillion, making student loan debt the second-largest form of consumer debt, second only to mortgages. Student-loan debt also grew by $31 billion from January to March, making it the fastest-growing household debt category as well.

If it can help economic recovery or benefit any American, the Republicans are against it.
Here's How To Reach The Senators Who Voted Against Debt Relief To Student Loan Borrowers

On Wednesday, the Senate voted 56-38 against a measure that would have helped millions of Americans with expensive student loans.

The measure, proposed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), would have allowed people to refinance their student loan debt at lower rates. President Barack Obama got behind the measure earlier this week.

Other than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who voted against the measure on procedural grounds in order to preserve Democrats’ ability to reconsider it at a later date, only Republicans voted against the proposal, which failed to get the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster. Only three Republican senators -- Susan Collins of Maine, Bob Corker of Tennessee and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- voted in favor of Warren’s proposal.

Below, a list of the Twitter handles of all of the senators who voted no on the measure, excluding Reid. Find their information and let them know how you feel. For a full roll call, click here.

Follow the link.
Warren's going to go campaign for democratic candidates with this.

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Senate Republicans Filibuster Elizabeth Warren?s Bill to Refinance Student Loans | Occupy Democrats

Despite President Obama’s efforts Monday to use an executive order, and Tuesday’s Tumblr Q & A to shine a spotlight on the Senate’s consideration of Senator Warren’s Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would provide for the refinancing of certain Federal student loans, the bill was unable to clear the hurdle in the Senate that would allow it to be up for further consideration.

The bill would have allowed millions of borrowers, some with years-old debt and interest rates topping 7% or more, to refinance their existing student loan debt at today’s lower interest rates of 3.86%. Unfortunately the vote rang in at 56-38, which despite a majority of Senate approval falls short of the 60 votes necessary for the measure to overcome Republicans’ filibuster of the measure and proceed to debate.

“It’s a real shame Republicans are standing in the way of this very important, timely legislation,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters after the vote.

40 million Americans have outstanding student loan debt totaling $1.2 trillion, making student loan debt the second-largest form of consumer debt, second only to mortgages. Student-loan debt also grew by $31 billion from January to March, making it the fastest-growing household debt category as well.

If it can help economic recovery or benefit any American, the Republicans are against it.

The Democrats are right and the Republicans are wrong on this issue. Just like in every aspect of life you are right one some thing and wrong on somethings. See the partisan like you will say defend the Democrats even when they are dead wrong and reasonable individual will call out the their side when they are dead wrong.

I think the Republicans are making a huge mistake on going against this bill.
Any time democrats use the word "emergency" you can bet your ass(ets) that they are going spend a lot of taxpayer money to support their base in an election year.
All these College types going deep in debt getting degrees that don't
do anything to get them employment.
Federal student loan interest rates are what they are because tax payers and students who should be getting lower interests, based on the school they go to and future earnings, are already subsidizing all of these other students who take out way too much in loans for the schools they are going to and future job prospects. Someone gettig a loan to go to Stanford should be paying a lot less interest rate than someone going to Dingleberry Tech because the risk is so much less with the first student. The rate is the same for all though.
Senate Republicans Filibuster Elizabeth Warren?s Bill to Refinance Student Loans | Occupy Democrats

Despite President Obama’s efforts Monday to use an executive order, and Tuesday’s Tumblr Q & A to shine a spotlight on the Senate’s consideration of Senator Warren’s Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would provide for the refinancing of certain Federal student loans, the bill was unable to clear the hurdle in the Senate that would allow it to be up for further consideration.

The bill would have allowed millions of borrowers, some with years-old debt and interest rates topping 7% or more, to refinance their existing student loan debt at today’s lower interest rates of 3.86%. Unfortunately the vote rang in at 56-38, which despite a majority of Senate approval falls short of the 60 votes necessary for the measure to overcome Republicans’ filibuster of the measure and proceed to debate.

“It’s a real shame Republicans are standing in the way of this very important, timely legislation,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters after the vote.

40 million Americans have outstanding student loan debt totaling $1.2 trillion, making student loan debt the second-largest form of consumer debt, second only to mortgages. Student-loan debt also grew by $31 billion from January to March, making it the fastest-growing household debt category as well.

If it can help economic recovery or benefit any American, the Republicans are against it.

They are so ignorant for doing that, Mitch McConnell is out of his mind.

Elizabeth Warren said she was going to campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky and everyone should support her in her race whether you live in Kentucky or not.
Well you libs take up a collection and pay them off for them

All the people before them has paid of their loans

now all a sudden it needs to be given special treatment

buy them votes buy them votes
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Well you libs take up a collection and pay them off for them

All the people before them has paid of their loans

now all a sudden it needs to be given special treatment

buy them votes buy them votes

As usual, you're wrong.

No one is saying they should not have to pay off their loans. The bill would have given then the same interest rate as the rest of us. That's it. Nothing more.

Please stop lying.

Just because you didn't bother getting an education doesn't mean others are as lazy as you.

(Yeah, asking Staph not to lie is like asking the wind not to blow. She's full of lies and hot air.)
Interesting that we do not hear granny Warren or any of her democrat cohorts howling about "price gouging" at colleges. :eusa_think:

I've been hearing a lot about price gouging. Maybe you should stop getting your "news" from faux, beck, limbaugh, Alex Jones and other liars.

Naw, you wouldn't want to be bogged down with FACTS.
Put the vote off until next spring when the issue regarding contract law can be examined. What's wrong with that?
Interesting that we do not hear granny Warren or any of her democrat cohorts howling about "price gouging" at colleges. :eusa_think:

I've been hearing a lot about price gouging. Maybe you should stop getting your "news" from faux, beck, limbaugh, Alex Jones and other liars.

Naw, you wouldn't want to be bogged down with FACTS.

No, we sure wouldn't, dumb ass.

Cost Of College Degree In U.S. Has Increased 1,120 Percent In 30 Years, Report Says
What do R's get out of this?

Let the loans get refied at a lower rate....why stop that?

Since RWs are against higher education, elitism and don't go to college, they get nothing. That's why the Repubs are against it - stop people from getting an education because, after all, there are plenty of jobs cleaning toilets and super sizing shit food.

Libs will pay off the same amount but at the same interest rate as the rest of us pay.
Interesting that we do not hear granny Warren or any of her democrat cohorts howling about "price gouging" at colleges. :eusa_think:

I've been hearing a lot about price gouging. Maybe you should stop getting your "news" from faux, beck, limbaugh, Alex Jones and other liars.

Naw, you wouldn't want to be bogged down with FACTS.

No, we sure wouldn't, dumb ass.

Cost Of College Degree In U.S. Has Increased 1,120 Percent In 30 Years, Report Says

Thanks for proving my point.

If you still don't get it, check the source of your link.

Hint: its not faux, beck, limbaugh, jones, etc.
Interesting that we do not hear granny Warren or any of her democrat cohorts howling about "price gouging" at colleges. :eusa_think:

I've been hearing a lot about price gouging. Maybe you should stop getting your "news" from faux, beck, limbaugh, Alex Jones and other liars.

Naw, you wouldn't want to be bogged down with FACTS.
What do Fox, Beck, Limbaugh, Alex Jones and the rest have to do with anything?

Are you trying to say that people with $250,000 in debt after 4 years in college are not getting gouged?
I've been hearing a lot about price gouging. Maybe you should stop getting your "news" from faux, beck, limbaugh, Alex Jones and other liars.

Naw, you wouldn't want to be bogged down with FACTS.

No, we sure wouldn't, dumb ass.

Cost Of College Degree In U.S. Has Increased 1,120 Percent In 30 Years, Report Says

Thanks for proving my point.

If you still don't get it, check the source of your link.

Hint: its not faux, beck, limbaugh, jones, etc.

And what do you think is enabling the gouging? Try thinking real hard without setting your brain on fire.

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