Cantor now in favor of unemployment benefits?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Eric Cantor has been defeated by Tea Party candidate David Brat. After voting down several extensions of unemployment benefits for millions of struggling Americans while insulting and belittling them at every opportunity, he has now joined America's legions of unemployed.


Not true of course. He'll just go right on making enormous money as a lobbyist which is not very different from his job sucking on the public teat has been all these years.

Eric Cantor has been defeated by Tea Party candidate David Brat. After voting down several extensions of unemployment benefits for millions of struggling Americans while insulting and belittling them at every opportunity, he has now joined America's legions of unemployed.


Not true of course. He'll just go right on making enormous money as a lobbyist which is not very different from his job sucking on the public teat has been all these years.


You can't have it both ways lefties. Either you want to make the political system better or you want to end the traditional social fabric of American life. You think Cantor was sucking the political teat but you also think the Tea Party is your enemy. Obama is still president and democrats control the senate. Are you just talking in typical bull shit leftie cliches or are you serious?
Actually his standard of living is probably about to go up tremendously. There are millions to be made by those that have his kind of connections in Washington.
since when did unemployment become another welfare program?

you people can't find work after two frekken years of living off us taxpayers, go stand in line to sign up for welfare, that's where you belong...

leeches on society there are so many we are being bled dry by them
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Eric Cantor has been defeated by Tea Party candidate David Brat. After voting down several extensions of unemployment benefits for millions of struggling Americans while insulting and belittling them at every opportunity, he has now joined America's legions of unemployed.


Not true of course. He'll just go right on making enormous money as a lobbyist which is not very different from his job sucking on the public teat has been all these years.


You can't have it both ways lefties. Either you want to make the political system better or you want to end the traditional social fabric of American life. You think Cantor was sucking the political teat but you also think the Tea Party is your enemy. Obama is still president and democrats control the senate. Are you just talking in typical bull shit leftie cliches or are you serious?

Liberals don't think of the Tea Party as the enemy. That would be giving them way, WAY too much credit.

Liberals see the Tea Party as complete and utter morons who don't really care to solve any problems as much as they just want to use government to complain out loud. It's the only thing they've been able to achieve in government thus far.
Actually his standard of living is probably about to go up tremendously. There are millions to be made by those that have his kind of connections in Washington.

Not to mention he will continue to receive a salary for the rest of his life
Liberals don't think of the Tea Party as the enemy. That would be giving them way, WAY too much credit.

Liberals see the Tea Party as complete and utter morons who don't really care to solve any problems as much as they just want to use government to complain out loud. It's the only thing they've been able to achieve in government thus far.

Government's role in America is to solve problems?

I must have missed that day in civics class. :lol:
Liberals don't think of the Tea Party as the enemy. That would be giving them way, WAY too much credit.

Liberals see the Tea Party as complete and utter morons who don't really care to solve any problems as much as they just want to use government to complain out loud. It's the only thing they've been able to achieve in government thus far.

Government's role in America is to solve problems?

I must have missed that day in civics class. :lol:

Well, quite obviously, part of the role of government is indeed to solve problems. If a nation attacks us, that is a problem. Solution: use of US military to defend our soil. That is a government action as described in the US constitution.

In fact, the entire idea behind the US Constitution was to lay a framework for the easiest possible way to solve future problems.

So, yes, part of any Government's role is to assist in solving problems, of course.
That one is a no-brainer.

Did you even take a civics class? :lol:
Liberals don't think of the Tea Party as the enemy. That would be giving them way, WAY too much credit.

Liberals see the Tea Party as complete and utter morons who don't really care to solve any problems as much as they just want to use government to complain out loud. It's the only thing they've been able to achieve in government thus far.

Government's role in America is to solve problems?

I must have missed that day in civics class. :lol:

That's why we are heading into Socialist/tyranny hell...Too many people think just like that

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