Rove: The Lessons of Defeat


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
This is a pretty good article that should be read in its entirety. Since posting it in its entirety would violate copyright laws, I'll summarize.

Most of the suggestions are tactical. Republicans must
- copy the Democrats get-out-the-vote strategy, including emulating the 50-state get-out-the-vote strategy
- better counter Democrats' negative advertising, which was effective
- do better registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls
- better frame economic issues towards middle-class families
- do better with young people, women and Hispanics
- avoid appearing callous and judgmental on social issues. Comments about rape and abortion hurt the party
- reduce the destructiveness of the primaries
- have fewer debates in the primaries
- hold the convention earlier

Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP -
This is a pretty good article that should be read in its entirety. Since posting it in its entirety would violate copyright laws, I'll summarize.

Most of the suggestions are tactical. Republicans must
- copy the Democrats get-out-the-vote strategy, including emulating the 50-state get-out-the-vote strategy
- better counter Democrats' negative advertising, which was effective
- do better registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls
- better frame economic issues towards middle-class families
- do better with young people, women and Hispanics
- avoid appearing callous and judgmental on social issues. Comments about rape and abortion hurt the party
- reduce the destructiveness of the primaries
- have fewer debates in the primaries
- hold the convention earlier

Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP -

And make sure voter machines don't register Obama when one presses Romney. :cool:
This is a pretty good article that should be read in its entirety. Since posting it in its entirety would violate copyright laws, I'll summarize.

Most of the suggestions are tactical. Republicans must
- copy the Democrats get-out-the-vote strategy, including emulating the 50-state get-out-the-vote strategy
- better counter Democrats' negative advertising, which was effective
- do better registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls
- better frame economic issues towards middle-class families
- do better with young people, women and Hispanics
- avoid appearing callous and judgmental on social issues. Comments about rape and abortion hurt the party
- reduce the destructiveness of the primaries
- have fewer debates in the primaries
- hold the convention earlier

Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP -

good ideas. but it seems the GOP made a determination that the fewer people who vote, the better they do. do you think that changes if they actually set out to foster voting?

maybe they should stay away from social issues altogether?? women don't want to relitigate rights they already fought for.

once they stop doing that, and playing the race baiting thing... then maybe women and people of color can move on and start discussing the bigger issues.
Thing about the "ground game" is people wouldn't like Repubs coming to their door. Their neighbors will think they are cops since they are mostly all white, Establishment-looking- types :tongue:

As to the "better framing of economic issues", I think that would hurt them even further w/ the disappearing middle-class.
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How about changing the message to one which resonates with the New America, Karl? Or, better yet, divorcing yourselves from global corporations?

Nah. That would be admitting that their entire agenda is wrong.
How about switching to ideas that are not Historically failed ideas?

How about NO LONGER being the party of the CEO?

The party wont do that because they are OWNED by the wealthy and merely work to get stupid people to vote against their own self interests
There is nothing republicans can do. At least not until after the collapse. There is no way republicans can out promise democrats and keep the republican vote. They will be faced with trying to split the democrat vote as the sole method of getting elected.

This is the New America, it does not deserve support, nor does it deserve any loyalty from Old America. Take away a political process and republicans will be recalcitrant and obstructionist on an individual level.
There is nothing republicans can do. At least not until after the collapse. There is no way republicans can out promise democrats and keep the republican vote. They will be faced with trying to split the democrat vote as the sole method of getting elected.

This is the New America, it does not deserve support, nor does it deserve any loyalty from Old America. Take away a political process and republicans will be recalcitrant and obstructionist on an individual level.

I hear Costa Rica is nice this time of year :)
good ideas. but it seems the GOP made a determination that the fewer people who vote, the better they do. do you think that changes if they actually set out to foster voting?

Rove disputes this in the article. He noted that the number voting actually declined by about 8 million and they still lost. Instead, he argues that Republicans have to work harder at registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls. Of course, that advice could be given to Democrats too.
I heard a republican analyst the other day who said the GOP failed in the way they communicated. He mentioned things like talking too much about the "middle class", when they should have used more inclusive words like "hard working tax payers". Mac mentioned how he's noticed democrats using "immigrant" and dropping the "illegal" part, which I think also hurt when republicans didn't catch it and call them on it.
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I have to laugh at the outdo the Dems on negative ads. I thought they were already the negative ad kings.
seriously though, the Repubs may have some constructive idea's on economics BUT as far as the ground game goes, this is how minorities see Republicans. Its like sending Lumpy 1 out canvassing :p Would you open the door?:

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This is a pretty good article that should be read in its entirety. Since posting it in its entirety would violate copyright laws, I'll summarize.

Most of the suggestions are tactical. Republicans must
- copy the Democrats get-out-the-vote strategy, including emulating the 50-state get-out-the-vote strategy
- better counter Democrats' negative advertising, which was effective
- do better registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls
- better frame economic issues towards middle-class families
- do better with young people, women and Hispanics
- avoid appearing callous and judgmental on social issues. Comments about rape and abortion hurt the party
- reduce the destructiveness of the primaries
- have fewer debates in the primaries (?)
- hold the convention earlier

Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP -
The Republicans ran RINOs against the Dems the last two election cycles and lost, so the solution is to become MORE like the Dems? :confused:

Good luck with that Karl.
This is a pretty good article that should be read in its entirety. Since posting it in its entirety would violate copyright laws, I'll summarize.

Most of the suggestions are tactical. Republicans must
- copy the Democrats get-out-the-vote strategy, including emulating the 50-state get-out-the-vote strategy
- better counter Democrats' negative advertising, which was effective
- do better registering Republicans and getting them out to the polls
- better frame economic issues towards middle-class families
- do better with young people, women and Hispanics
- avoid appearing callous and judgmental on social issues. Comments about rape and abortion hurt the party
- reduce the destructiveness of the primaries
- have fewer debates in the primaries (?)
- hold the convention earlier

Rove: The Lessons of Defeat for the GOP -
The Republicans ran RINOs against the Dems the last two election cycles and lost, so the solution is to become MORE like the Dems? :confused:

Good luck with that Karl.

yeah, you need to be more overtly racist and xenophobic :lol:
The Republicans ran RINOs against the Dems the last two election cycles and lost, so the solution is to become MORE like the Dems? :confused:

Good luck with that Karl.

Bush crashed the economy and we were bleeding over 600,000 jobs a month.

THAT is why the GOP lost in 2008.

Jesus Christ himself could not have won as the Republican candidate in 2008.

The GOP lost this time around because the psychotic piss drinking mob has gotten worse than ever.

The Republicans ran RINOs against the Dems the last two election cycles and lost, so the solution is to become MORE like the Dems? :confused:

Good luck with that Karl.

Bush crashed the economy and we were bleeding over 600,000 jobs a month.

THAT is why the GOP lost in 2008.

Jesus Christ himself could not have won as the Republican candidate in 2008.

The GOP lost this time around because the psychotic piss drinking mob has gotten worse than ever.


They need to figure out a way to distance/divest themselves of the "Crazies"

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