Rossi Runs E-Cat for 40 Days at 600C Self-Sustained


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Rossi claims 40 days of continuous operation for a 10 kilowatt Energy Catalyzer at 600 degrees celsius

Rossi stated in the email that the new high temperature E-Cat — that can produce 600 degree steam with a COP of 6 — has been operating continuously for 40 days.

The Rossi work is super-controversial and most people believe he is a fraud.

With 600C steam high efficiency turbines, Stirling engines, and even thermal photovoltaic systems can be used to produce electricity from E-Cats.

This test has lasted so far for 960 (nine hundred and sixty) hours, and is planned to last at least 90 days.

Continuous operation for 90 days under constant video surveillance and some public viewing generating 10 kilowatts of thermal power and providing over 3 kilowatts of electricity would be pretty conclusive and very, very simple to prove.

There are still some undisclosed issues that are still being worked upon. It would seem that this should either be a product / service by the end of 2013 at the latest or the fraud claims would be proven.

This stuff is moving along so fast....

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