Rossi Get E-Cat to 1200 C


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Stunning Third Party E-Cat Test Report Details Leaked During NIWeek


For months now, Andrea Rossi has been telling us about a new version of the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology that he calls the "hot cat." This new variation of the technology is claimed to allow for extremely high temperatures, with total stability, of up to 1,200 degrees Celsius. Such temperatures hold the potential to allow for direct conversion of heat to electricity utilizing solid state devices. For example, thermophotovoltaic panels and thermoelectric generators could utilize the E-Cat as a source of very high temperature heat.

Meanwhile, a user on a forum by the name of "Cures" has been sharing bits of information about the high temperature E-Cat. Over a month ago, he stated that he had witnessed a test in which an E-Cat module reached temperatures of over 700C. He also stated changes were made afterwards that allowed for temperatures of over 1,000C. In all of his posts, he spoke very favorably about the test results. In his opinion, they were very impressive, and indicated nothing less than a nuclear phenomenon taking place.

(You can read many of Cures posts, here. One of my sources has indicated to me he may be using an additional online name as well, and could have been posting on United States based forums all along -- before he even posted on non-English speaking forums.)

In the past few days, while NIWeek has been ongoing, he has started posting even more detailed information. Rumors about the report are now circulating all across the internet, and it seems he may be using more than one online identity. Piecing together all the various posts, a lot of information can be obtained.

Most of his latest revelations are about a specific test of a "hot cat" that took place on July 16th. The facts and figures he has leaked about this test seem to trump all other claims made by cold fusion researchers at NIWeek. They are actually much more significant than anything that was presented during that conference. His statements seem to describe a device that is capable of performance levels far beyond any test setup described during the week long event. As I see it, the ability to produce kilowatts of output -- at temperatures up to 1,200 Celsius -- from a simple setup proves, once again, that Leonardo Corporation is the clear leader in the field of cold fusion or LENR.

The test setup that Cures describes is elegant in its simplicity. You can see the picture he posted, here.

First, the E-Cat tested was constructed using two steel tubes or cylinders of equal length. The tube with a smaller diameter was placed inside of the tube with a larger diameter. In the gap between the two cylinders (the outer surface of the inner cylinder and the inner surface of the outer cylinder) a resistive heating element was placed, along with the "charge" consisting of nickel powder, catalysts, and a tablet that would release hydrogen when heated. The ends of the cylinder were then covered with a putty that could withstand high temperatures. As can be seen in the picture posted by Cures, the central "hole" was not covered.

The outer and inner surface of the module was coated with a black paint that would resist high temperatures. The black surface would make the device a more efficient black body radiator.

Next, the device was positioned several feet above the floor on a metal framework. A thermal camera was positioned below the E-Cat module, looking upwards. This camera would be used to record the surface temperature of the bottom half of the module. By being positioned below the module instead of above, the thermal camera would not be exposed to hot rising air that could artificially inflate the temperature data acquired. Due to the air currents providing some amount of cooling to the bottom of the reactor, the camera was in the position that would allow for the lowest temperatures to be recorded. This makes the resulting measurements the most conservative possible.

Power was applied to the resistors inside of the E-Cat and the temperature of the module, as recorded by the thermal camera, increased over a period of several hours. The thermal camera was connected to a computer so all of the data could be recorded for analysis. A handheld laser thermometer was used to determine the temperature of the inner surface of the inner cylinder (the glowing hole in the image Cures posted).

Cures has stated that at the time of the photo, the average external temperature of the module was E-Cat was 801 degrees Celsius, with a peak local temperature of 873C in one spot. This was recorded by the infrared camera. The temperature of the inner surface was measured (with the handheld laser themometer) to be from 1,100C to 1,200C, increasing in temperature towards the center of the module.

According to Cures, at that moment, the module was being supplied with 3.56 kilowatts of electrical power, and it was calculated to be emitting 13.39 kilowatts of power in the form of infrared radiation. This figure is accurate if the inner and outer "walls" (the inner surface of the inner cylinder and the outer surface of the outer cylinder) were emitting the same amount of power. Even if the inner wall was emitting less power than the outer wall, the minimum 8% loss of power due to convection (stripping heat from the module) and the placement of the camera (where it would record the lowest temperatures) would seem to make up for the difference.

A big beeze is coming that will lift all sails.

This is the beginning of the final life style mankind will enjoy for the foreseeable future.

We will no longer fear lack of food and shelter, but only of our fellow man.
I thought last year at this time they were talking about this being out by now. Wait and see I guess.

I know Defkalion was, but Rossi is selling his 1 Megawatt units now, in theory anyway.

I am guessing he was not anticipating NI's involvement and so many resources and so much expertise being given him. The thermal engineers are giving him so good ideas, apparently, to drastically improve what he was building initially.
Andrea Rossi
August 13th, 2012 at 7:21 AM
Dear Riccardo T.
Many publications are on their way, all signed. Many indipendent tests are going on.
Warmest Regards,

Dear Antonella:
About the tests: the precise dates will be decided in an agreement that we should reach at the beginning of September: obviously we have to accept their needs.
About Cures: He has been identified as Domenico Fioravanti, it appears that the data from the test made on July 16th comes from him. If it is true, it is due to an excess of enthusiasm for the results, that have been obtained in a test directed by him and by 6 Professors from two Universities. The data had to remain confidential, but he could not help to talk about this event and the remarkable results.
He is making these tests as a Consultant of a military Customer of us and now probably he will have problems for the leakages, even if I do not think it has been so important: sooner or later the same data will be published. I knew Ing Fioravanti when he was a Student of the Politecnico di Torino ( the Engineering University of Turin, Italy) because he was making a research for Prof. Cesare Boffa (one of the best Engineering Prof. of the time) regarding the new technologies of Electrostatic Precipitators. It was the year 1976 and even if I was 26 years old, I was at the times considered an expert of the sector, so I gave to Domenico Fioravanti much papers I had wrote and he also visited the electrostatic precipitators I manufactured in my factory of Caponago (Milan, Italy). Then we never met again. After 35 years (!!!) I received an email from him in the blog of the Journal, in which he congratulated for the E-Cat, and for me has been a delighting surprise to hear from him again. I contacted him privately and he explained to me that he was a Colonel Engineer, expert of missiles tests. One year later, when with our Military Customer we had to choose a neutral Consultant for the test of the well known plant of 1 MW, I proposed Fioravanti, whom they knew very well, because he worked with NATO, with the Pentagon at the highest levels and always for engineering connected with thermodynamic tests ( mainly nuclear carriers’ heads tests). So we all have been glad to choose him.
His intellectual integrity and his knowledge of the matter has allowed a job that has been considered highly professional from all the parties involved.
This is it.
Warm Regards,
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Andrea Rossi
August 13th, 2012 at 7:21 AM
Dear Riccardo T.
Many publications are on their way, all signed. Many indipendent tests are going on.
Warmest Regards,

Dear Antonella:
About the tests: the precise dates will be decided in an agreement that we should reach at the beginning of September: obviously we have to accept their needs.
About Cures: He has been identified as Domenico Fioravanti, it appears that the data from the test made on July 16th comes from him. If it is true, it is due to an excess of enthusiasm for the results, that have been obtained in a test directed by him and by 6 Professors from two Universities. The data had to remain confidential, but he could not help to talk about this event and the remarkable results.
He is making these tests as a Consultant of a military Customer of us and now probably he will have problems for the leakages, even if I do not think it has been so important: sooner or later the same data will be published. I knew Ing Fioravanti when he was a Student of the Politecnico di Torino ( the Engineering University of Turin, Italy) because he was making a research for Prof. Cesare Boffa (one of the best Engineering Prof. of the time) regarding the new technologies of Electrostatic Precipitators. It was the year 1976 and even if I was 26 years old, I was at the times considered an expert of the sector, so I gave to Domenico Fioravanti much papers I had wrote and he also visited the electrostatic precipitators I manufactured in my factory of Caponago (Milan, Italy). Then we never met again. After 35 years (!!!) I received an email from him in the blog of the Journal, in which he congratulated for the E-Cat, and for me has been a delighting surprise to hear from him again. I contacted him privately and he explained to me that he was a Colonel Engineer, expert of missiles tests. One year later, when with our Military Customer we had to choose a neutral Consultant for the test of the well known plant of 1 MW, I proposed Fioravanti, whom they knew very well, because he worked with NATO, with the Pentagon at the highest levels and always for engineering connected with thermodynamic tests ( mainly nuclear carriers’ heads tests). So we all have been glad to choose him.
His intellectual integrity and his knowledge of the matter has allowed a job that has been considered highly professional from all the parties involved.
This is it.
Warm Regards,

Is proton the harmonic mean of up and down quark fermi-gluons! « Journal of Nuclear Physics

Well, seems he shot his clearance all to hell. They dont play around about that shit much any more, as I understand it.
Andrea Rossi
August 15th, 2012 at 9:02 PM
Dear Zero:
Ampenergo is our Licensee for America.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
August 15th, 2012 at 9:00 PM
Dear H. Hansson:
On the 10th of September the report will be published, after the presentation of the same at the 1st Convention of the World Licensees of Leonardo Corporation that will be made in Zurich.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
August 25th, 2012 at 4:45 AM
Dear H. Hansson:
Thank you for your important questions.
Here are the answers:
1- Yes
2- The safety certification process for the industrial plants has been made. Besides this, within October will be finished and published the indipendent validation test made by a University.
Warm Regards,
H. Hansson
August 25th, 2012 at 4:27 AM
Dear Mr. Rossi,

The last several months you have been very upbeat about two issues in your comments on this website.

That it soon will be enough confirmed and verified information about LENR for ordinary main stream media and journalist to write for their readers in laymen terms.

That you very soon will have a valid certification for your industry eCat.

Do you still have the same positive view on above issues?? ..

H. Hansson
Andrea Rossi
August 25th, 2012 at 4:45 AM
Dear H. Hansson:
Thank you for your important questions.
Here are the answers:
1- Yes
2- The safety certification process for the industrial plants has been made. Besides this, within October will be finished and published the indipendent validation test made by a University.
Warm Regards,
H. Hansson
August 25th, 2012 at 4:27 AM
Dear Mr. Rossi,

The last several months you have been very upbeat about two issues in your comments on this website.

That it soon will be enough confirmed and verified information about LENR for ordinary main stream media and journalist to write for their readers in laymen terms.

That you very soon will have a valid certification for your industry eCat.

Do you still have the same positive view on above issues?? ..

H. Hansson

I read stuff like that and in the back of my mind I hear this screaming voice, 'DONT BUY IT! IT CANT BE THAT GOOD!'

Some sort of survival instinct I guess, but I cannot believe that Rossi has fooled all these thousands of people and mega corporations like Seimans and National Instruments.
Whether someone is fooled or not, there still isn't an actual working model of one of these things anywhere. Except, supposedly, in the hands of Rossi.

This isn't even a good scam. Look at the photo. The thing is hooked up to wires. Wires can supply electricity. Golly, I wonder where the heat could be coming from? Naturally, Rossi only lets people look at his wondrous creation from a distance.

He also fails at explaining why, in contradiction to the laws of nuclear physics, his fusion reaction creates no measurable gamma radiation. Oh, he says it emits gamma, but the lead shielding stops it from leaking out. Bzzzzzzt. Not how shielding works. Lead shielding _reduces_ gamma leakage, but never stops it entirely. Especially not the tiny thickness of lead that could be in such a small device. You need a full two inches of lead to get a 90% reduction. At the power levels this thing is supposedly making, it should be spitting out dangerous levels of gamma, even with the shielding. The fact that Rossi misrepresents the physics so badly there should be another clue.

If Rossi wants some credibility, he needs to let his setup be monitored. That is, all the incoming wires get meters attached to see if they're delivering power. Naturally, Rossi will not allow such a thing.
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Whether someone is fooled or not, there still isn't an actual working model of one of these things anywhere. Except, supposedly, in the hands of Rossi.

This isn't even a good scam. Look at the photo. The thing is hooked up to wires. Wires can supply electricity. Golly, I wonder where the heat could be coming from? Naturally, Rossi only lets people look at his wondrous creation from a distance.

He also fails at explaining why, in contradiction to the laws of nuclear physics, his fusion reaction creates no measurable gamma radiation. Oh, he says it emits gamma, but the lead shielding stops it from leaking out. Bzzzzzzt. Not how shielding works. Lead shielding _reduces_ gamma leakage, but never stops it entirely. Especially not the tiny thickness of lead that could be in such a small device. You need a full two inches of lead to get a 90% reduction. At the power levels this thing is supposedly making, it should be spitting out dangerous levels of gamma, even with the shielding. The fact that Rossi misrepresents the physics so badly there should be another clue.

If Rossi wants some credibility, he needs to let his setup be monitored. That is, all the incoming wires get meters attached to see if they're delivering power. Naturally, Rossi will not allow such a thing.

I am not going each point, but will simply point at all the critics who have seen Rossi's machine performing up close and who have then joined him in his efforts.

That tells me far more than what some shade tree physicists think are signs of fraud.
Andrea Rossi
August 27th, 2012 at 4:20 AM
Dear Larry Jameson:
Thank you for your important question.
My speak in Zurich will regard the report of the tests made on the 16th of July and on the 6th of August made basically for the product certification in course for the Hot Cats. This report will be published by thechnical and specialistic publications after the 9th of September, by the scientific journalists who will attend the meeting.
The rigorous publication deriving from the third party validation that we will make, as I said, within October by a University will be made by the professors who will make the validation, so I do know where it will be published. Please do not ask me which will be the University, I am under NDA and, by the way, three Universities are candidates for this work, should the one that has been chosen since now will retreat for any reason. We have to respect the rules and the decisions of the Universities, who, obviously, do not depend from us. I can anyway say that the test made on the 16th of July has been made with 6 professors of 2 Universities, but unofficially: it has been a preparatory test.
I am under a strict NDA for this test, whose results will be published in the context of the Certificator’s work, not of the Universities.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
August 27th, 2012 at 4:20 AM
Dear Larry Jameson:
Thank you for your important question.
My speak in Zurich will regard the report of the tests made on the 16th of July and on the 6th of August made basically for the product certification in course for the Hot Cats. This report will be published by thechnical and specialistic publications after the 9th of September, by the scientific journalists who will attend the meeting.
The rigorous publication deriving from the third party validation that we will make, as I said, within October by a University will be made by the professors who will make the validation, so I do know where it will be published. Please do not ask me which will be the University, I am under NDA and, by the way, three Universities are candidates for this work, should the one that has been chosen since now will retreat for any reason. We have to respect the rules and the decisions of the Universities, who, obviously, do not depend from us. I can anyway say that the test made on the 16th of July has been made with 6 professors of 2 Universities, but unofficially: it has been a preparatory test.
I am under a strict NDA for this test, whose results will be published in the context of the Certificator’s work, not of the Universities.
Warm Regards,

Lol, I dont think you need to play any violins for Rossi.

Within two years I suspect he will be about the wealthiest man on the planet.
I can blow up almost any old kind of battery and generate a lot of heat and light.

Nickel and "proprietary" ingredients don't ring a bell here for you?

And why are we now changing the LENR reactions if the ole Cold Fusion plan was so good before? And why must it scavenge the heat energy with "thermophotovoltaic" transducers? You do know that heat is the enemy for PV efficiencies don'tcha?
I can blow up almost any old kind of battery and generate a lot of heat and light.

Nickel and "proprietary" ingredients don't ring a bell here for you?

And why are we now changing the LENR reactions if the ole Cold Fusion plan was so good before? And why must it scavenge the heat energy with "thermophotovoltaic" transducers? You do know that heat is the enemy for PV efficiencies don'tcha?

Yeah, National Instruments is just full of morons who dont get this stuff. /s

So why dont you write them a letter and essplain to them why they are wrong about LENR tech, ok?

I dont have time to waste on denialists like yourself.
Uncle Ferd says mebbe dey can make a thermoelectric bomb...
Scientists Create Highly Efficient Thermoelectric Material
April 17, 2014 ~ Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois say they have found a better way to turn waste heat into electricity by improving "thermoelectric" devices.
Until now, thermoelectrics were too inefficient or expensive for widespread use.

According to a report in the latest issue of the journal Nature, a material called tin selenide has an unusual combination of properties that make it particularly good at converting heat into electric current. Tin selenide is a good conductor of electricity but a poor conductor of heat.

Scientists say the new device could be a step toward making a more efficient hybrid car that would use fuel to directly create electricity rather than the less-efficient current process of running a gasoline motor to power a generator.

Scientists Create Highly Efficient Thermoelectric Material

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