Rosenstein conspiracy, sedition, treason exposed

Oh, and I'm still waiting for you to show us the IG's findings on the FISA warrants applications.....when the IG hasn't finished their investigation into the FISA warrant applications nor released their findings.

Good luck with that one, Easy. Once again, you live up to your name.
There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still blabbing garbage.
Remember we were losing 750000 jobs a month?
Dons first year was the worst job creation in 6?
Sounds like you don't have my daughters brains.
She started a $150000000 company under Obama.
Easy if you have a few brains
There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends
Deputy director of the Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein autjored a report on why former FBI director James Comey should be fired and then advised Presient Donald Trump he should fire FBI director Comey.

Once the president, exercising his legal Authority, fired Comey it is being reported that Rosenstein plotted, planned, and attempted to recruit Cabinet Members to participate in a conspiracy where he, Rosenstein, would secretly record the president and then have his band of conspirators use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office!

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

'A bombshell report published Friday afternoon claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.'

Oh, he denied it?
Never would have guessed.
Sean hanitty said it was a dark state conspiracy.
And he's always right
Irony is lost on our brain fixed trump rubes

Laughing.......with reports of the President's unfitness, his erratic behavior, his declining mental state....why wouldn't there at least be a discussion about the 25th amendment?
There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Yeah, explain how discussing legal and constitutional processes is either sedition, conspiracy or treason?
Just so we're there anyone polishing that turd of an OP that Rosenstein discussing the 25th amendment was 'sedition', 'treason' and 'conspiracy'?

As that laughable joke of a premise seems to be abandoned by everyone. Including the opening poster.
Falsely presenting the Dossier according to who?
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.

The President if the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, as Rosenstein advised him to do, and Rosenstein 'jokes' about secretky wearing a hidden microphone to make a recoding to use to remove him from office, 'jokingly' asking Cabinet members to join him?!
Liberals have a pretty f*ed up sense of humor.
- It reminds me if how Hillary testified how she thought Ambassador Steven's more than 60 requests for additional security was a 'joke'.

Rosenstein strenuously denied being serious about wearing a wire, adding that he 'would never do anything to try to remove President Trump from office'.

His name is in FISA warrant documents that involved intentionally falsely presenting Russian-authored Dossier information as legitimate Intel in an attempt to deceive the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on an opposing political party campaign during an election.

- He is on record as having criminally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas ordering him to release Russia Investigation documents, as he blew through deadline after deadline refusing to release the documents.

- He is the one that authored a report explaining why Comey should be fired, advised President Trump to fire Comey, and once the President exercised his legal authority and fired Comey, he - Rosenstein - called for./ signed onto an Obstruction investigation.

The conspirators, according to the US IG, abandoned traditional / established processes, procedures, and rules regarding investigations ... They modified witness testimony after the fact ... They indicted someone for lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying that his agents do not think Flynn lied during his interview - yet partisanly protected others who lied to the FBI from indictment ... They set up Papadopoulos up with a meeting arranged by a foreign Hillary supporter / donor and abmn FBI ' Perjury Trap' ... They tried to set up Trump Jr ...

...but Rosenstein was just 'joking' about wearing a wire in an attempt to take down Trump.

Laughing......discussing completely legal and constitutional processes is not sedition. Nor treason. Nor conspiracy. Nor any of the other unhinged, panty shitting hysterics you've offered us.
Rrefusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena - illegal

Knowingly signing a false document to deceive the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to illegally spy on an opposition party election campaigns. - illegal

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

It’s the NYT. They aren’t credible.
Except when they print or publish anti-trump hit pieces, according to snowflakes...
So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:
'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-)
Falsely presenting the Dossier according to who?
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.

The President if the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, as Rosenstein advised him to do, and Rosenstein 'jokes' about secretky wearing a hidden microphone to make a recoding to use to remove him from office, 'jokingly' asking Cabinet members to join him?!
Liberals have a pretty f*ed up sense of humor.
- It reminds me if how Hillary testified how she thought Ambassador Steven's more than 60 requests for additional security was a 'joke'.

Rosenstein strenuously denied being serious about wearing a wire, adding that he 'would never do anything to try to remove President Trump from office'.

His name is in FISA warrant documents that involved intentionally falsely presenting Russian-authored Dossier information as legitimate Intel in an attempt to deceive the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on an opposing political party campaign during an election.

- He is on record as having criminally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas ordering him to release Russia Investigation documents, as he blew through deadline after deadline refusing to release the documents.

- He is the one that authored a report explaining why Comey should be fired, advised President Trump to fire Comey, and once the President exercised his legal authority and fired Comey, he - Rosenstein - called for./ signed onto an Obstruction investigation.

The conspirators, according to the US IG, abandoned traditional / established processes, procedures, and rules regarding investigations ... They modified witness testimony after the fact ... They indicted someone for lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying that his agents do not think Flynn lied during his interview - yet partisanly protected others who lied to the FBI from indictment ... They set up Papadopoulos up with a meeting arranged by a foreign Hillary supporter / donor and abmn FBI ' Perjury Trap' ... They tried to set up Trump Jr ...

...but Rosenstein was just 'joking' about wearing a wire in an attempt to take down Trump.

Laughing......discussing completely legal and constitutional processes is not sedition. Nor treason. Nor conspiracy. Nor any of the other unhinged, panty shitting hysterics you've offered us.
Rrefusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena - illegal

Knowingly signing a false document to deceive the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to illegally spy on an opposition party election campaigns. - illegal

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

It’s the NYT. They aren’t credible.
Except when they print or publish anti-trump hit pieces, according to snowflakes...
So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:
'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.
Falsely presenting the Dossier according to who?
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.

The President if the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, as Rosenstein advised him to do, and Rosenstein 'jokes' about secretky wearing a hidden microphone to make a recoding to use to remove him from office, 'jokingly' asking Cabinet members to join him?!
Liberals have a pretty f*ed up sense of humor.
- It reminds me if how Hillary testified how she thought Ambassador Steven's more than 60 requests for additional security was a 'joke'.

Rosenstein strenuously denied being serious about wearing a wire, adding that he 'would never do anything to try to remove President Trump from office'.

His name is in FISA warrant documents that involved intentionally falsely presenting Russian-authored Dossier information as legitimate Intel in an attempt to deceive the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on an opposing political party campaign during an election.

- He is on record as having criminally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas ordering him to release Russia Investigation documents, as he blew through deadline after deadline refusing to release the documents.

- He is the one that authored a report explaining why Comey should be fired, advised President Trump to fire Comey, and once the President exercised his legal authority and fired Comey, he - Rosenstein - called for./ signed onto an Obstruction investigation.

The conspirators, according to the US IG, abandoned traditional / established processes, procedures, and rules regarding investigations ... They modified witness testimony after the fact ... They indicted someone for lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying that his agents do not think Flynn lied during his interview - yet partisanly protected others who lied to the FBI from indictment ... They set up Papadopoulos up with a meeting arranged by a foreign Hillary supporter / donor and abmn FBI ' Perjury Trap' ... They tried to set up Trump Jr ...

...but Rosenstein was just 'joking' about wearing a wire in an attempt to take down Trump.

Laughing......discussing completely legal and constitutional processes is not sedition. Nor treason. Nor conspiracy. Nor any of the other unhinged, panty shitting hysterics you've offered us.
Rrefusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena - illegal

Knowingly signing a false document to deceive the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to illegally spy on an opposition party election campaigns. - illegal

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

It’s the NYT. They aren’t credible.
Except when they print or publish anti-trump hit pieces, according to snowflakes...
So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:
'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
Deputy director of the Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein autjored a report on why former FBI director James Comey should be fired and then advised Presient Donald Trump he should fire FBI director Comey.

Once the president, exercising his legal Authority, fired Comey it is being reported that Rosenstein plotted, planned, and attempted to recruit Cabinet Members to participate in a conspiracy where he, Rosenstein, would secretly record the president and then have his band of conspirators use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office!

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

'A bombshell report published Friday afternoon claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.'

Thanks Sergei
Falsely presenting the Dossier according to who?
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

Laughing......discussing completely legal and constitutional processes is not sedition. Nor treason. Nor conspiracy. Nor any of the other unhinged, panty shitting hysterics you've offered us.
Rrefusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena - illegal

Knowingly signing a false document to deceive the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to illegally spy on an opposition party election campaigns. - illegal

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

It’s the NYT. They aren’t credible.
Except when they print or publish anti-trump hit pieces, according to snowflakes...
So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:
'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'

There are numerous reports of how unstable the president is.
Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughable premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
Last edited:
Falsely presenting the Dossier according to who?
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

Rrefusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena - illegal

Knowingly signing a false document to deceive the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to illegally spy on an opposition party election campaigns. - illegal

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

Except when they print or publish anti-trump hit pieces, according to snowflakes...
So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:
'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'

Yes, sore-loser, butt-hurt, hate-driven, TDS-suffering, Felon/traitor- supporting, seditious liberals and snowflakes make them every day.

The last President was a terrorist supporter and co-conspirator ...

....armed and protected terrorists / Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Gangs / violent illegals / this nation's enemies ...

...Illegally spied on US citizens / reporters / the media / US Senators / the USSC, illegally targeted US citizens who legally opposed his re-election with the IRS, and killed Americans with his own personal UN-Constitutional drone assassination program...

...damn-near destroyed the US economy while claiming it was the 'new norm', DID destroy the existing health care system, and affected the 1st ever US Credit Rating Down Grade...

Dragged us into 2 In-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, violated both Constitution and law, by-passed Congress frequently to do what he wanted, was found In Contempt of Court twice and in violation of the Constitution at least twice...

.....and snowflakes 'worship' him while claiming HE was / is 'SANE'.

The current President has delivered:
The strongest economy in decades

Lowest unemployment rate in decades

Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history

Most Americans working ever

Record stock market

More Americans off Democrat Hand-outs, off of dependency on Democrats / the govt

More jobs

More full-time jobs

Higher wages


And more....

...and that is despite the 100% committed obstruction, perjury, conspiracy, sedition, Witch Hunt, etc being perpetrated / going on in an attempt to undermine this success and to remove him from office....

Dude, if making America great again and this much success is 'insane' / the result of what an 'Insane' person is doing.....

I will gladly take 'INSANE' over that criminal, traitorous POS we had as our last President!

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughably premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
You want someone to post evidence that Hillary lost the 2016 election as well?


That's your problem, Sky - you're sitting on your ass waiting to be spoon-fed, demanding other post the exact information that has been posted and re-posted in numerous thread all over this board, as you know.

The lame tactic you are using, as usual, is playing the 'stupid' game, pretending you are clueless, asking for the same information you have asked for over and over again in the past, each time declaring that if people don't give you that same information AGAIN then they are lying.

You are pathetic, your bullshit is old, and no one is going to play your game anymore. Instead you will be ignored.
The US IG, Oher, US confessional records, etc..., as you already know.

Watching you play 'stupid' for the 'double-digit'th time after this has already been proven to you repeatedly never stops being amusing...

A thespian you are not... :p

With the document being false......says the wasteland of your imagination.

Your entire 'conspiracy', 'treason' and 'sedition' narrative has predictably and laughably collapsed.

All you did was reveal the depth of your insanity, Easy. Insisting that merely *discussing* completely legal and cosntitutional processes is a crime punishable by death. And demonstrated your concept for the Constitution.

Laughing......No, Easy. No it isn't. Discussing constitutional processes can be done by any American without punishment or sanction from the government as its completely legal. And discussing the 25th amendment is as constitutional as discussing impeachment.

So the following isn't true? Are you sure which side you're taking these days? Is it fake news or are you comfortable picking and choosing according to the propaganda stance of the day? :rolleyes:

Still don't know the def of liberal and snowflake I see.
Keep blabbing stupidities.
It amuses my oz friends

Yeah? Link to Rosenstein holding a press conference announcing this? :itsok:

Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughably premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
You want someone to post evidence that Hillary lost the 2016 election as well?


Now your turn. Show us the text messages backing IMA's elaborate fantasy. You can't. Ima's entire narrative is built on the back of imagination.

Which is my point. You and your ilk keep offering us fantasy and imagination in the face of facts and evidence. Even more laughable, you offer your fantasies and imagination AS facts and evidence.

Which is kind of adorable.

That's your problem, Sky - you're sitting on your ass waiting to be spoon-fed, demanding other post the exact information that has been posted and re-posted in numerous thread all over this board, as you know.

And by 'spoon fed', you mean citing *actual* evidence rather than simply imagining 'proof' like you and Ima do? Like you did when you 'cited' the IG report on the FISA memos, despite the IG investigation into the FISA memos ongoing and no conclusions having been released?

Like Ima did with elaborate fantasies and imaginary assurances regarding the content text messages that haven't been released.

See, your problem that you're too used to the right wing echo chamber. Where any fantasy you want to make up is accepted as gospel truth. Where you never need evidence, where you can just imagine whatever you'd like. Its made your arguments soft.

As when challenged for *actual* evidence rather than your assurances or imagination, your claims just fold. Just like your 'conspiracy', 'sedition' and 'treason' idiocy in the OP. Even you won't touch that silly shit now.
Last edited:
Easy, and Leftists------> Leftists are screwed, and it won't take 18 months to show it. It will be BEFORE the midterms.

Now then, I see you Leftists are babbling about the New York Times, fake or not in this instance, and what has happened to their reporting on the issue!

Want me to explain it to you, since Easy probably forgot about it?

OK Leftists, follow along, and if I lose ya, read it twice, lol.

--------------> Do you remember the senate gopher having an affair with the reporter from Buzzfeed who got caught leaking classified documents to her? If you don't, quit reading, because you aren't informed enough to follow the bouncing ball.

Now this gopher had a clearance to receive, and deliver, highly classified documents as they came into the senate.

What does that have to do with anything you say? Pay attention, and you will learn something.

On the day that the senate subcommittee received the FISA documents on Carter Paige, and BEFORE they were redacted; Mr gopher sent a certain amount of images (either 72, or 82) to his paramour, the reporter. How big was the FISA document unredacted? 72, or 82. What ever the number was unredacted, that was the EXACT number he sent to her.

So what happened?

Well, the reporter broke off her affair with the gopher, and suddenly got hired at...…….wait for it...…….THE NEW YORK TIMES! Funny how that happens, lol.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, that means, the NEW YORK TIMES already knows what is in the FISA warrant, that all of us are waiting to be released. In essence, they know what was going on behind the scenes in the DOJ, and FBI. They also know, none of it adds up, lol. The problem for them is-----------> how could Trump prove it so they could be ahead in reporting? What to do, what to do!

Wait, I know, what if Trump demands everything be unclassified, including Texts from all of the involved-) (what a trap that is by Trump, more on that later)

So now, THE NEW YORK TIMES knows what is coming, because they have that hot little FISA warrant in their hands, and have had it for some time. No matter what, they can't end up with egg on their face, or who will believe or buy their rag?!?!?!?!

And how do they know that if nothing else, the texts will be released, or someone is going to be indicted or both?

Well, that is easy (pun intended) peezy! Because texts are on phones. Phones are not secure devices. FBI-DOJ people have to sign into their computer to see CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS they are cleared to view. THEREFORE------------> if classified information was shared over their phones, then they did the same thing Hilly did, lol. And if that is the case, how can they investigate Hilly, hehehehehehehehehe.

Point is, "sources and methods" can not be discussed while using hand held devices at home, now can they Leftists-) So either in their texts, there is no "sources and methods" discussed, or they ALL broke the law! Saints preserve us, and Trump laid the trap, lololol! You can NOT have it both ways, now can you.

In closing-------->the gopher is now WORKING with the administration, just like Priestep………… fill in the holes. As I said in an earlier post that you probably didn't read--------------> As soon as it was discovered that Priestep was working with the administration, and that Trump ordered the texts and FISA to be declassified, Nellie the underbelly Ohr refused to testify, and Strozck through his lawyer, refused to return also. (perjury ya know)

And just think-----------> all of this and what it means is coming into your homes very soon, BEFORE the midterms! This is gonna be fun, and as I said before; CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-) you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughably premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
You want someone to post evidence that Hillary lost the 2016 election as well?


Now your turn. Show us the text messages backing IMA's elaborate fantasy. You can't. Ima's entire narrative is built on the back of imagination.

Which is my point. You and your ilk keep offering us fantasy and imagination in the face of facts and evidence.

That's your problem, Sky - you're sitting on your ass waiting to be spoon-fed, demanding other post the exact information that has been posted and re-posted in numerous thread all over this board, as you know.

And by 'spoon fed', you mean citing *actual* evidence rather than simply imagining 'proof' like you and Ima do? Like you did when you 'cited' the IG report on the FISA memos, despite the IG investigation into the FISA memos ongoing and no conclusions having been released?

Like Ima did with elaborate fantasies and imaginary assurances regarding the content text messages that haven't been released.

See, your problem that you're too used to the right wing echo chamber. Where any fantasy you want to make up is accepted as gospel truth. Where you never need evidence, where you can just imagine whatever you'd like. Its made your arguments soft.

As when challenged for *actual* evidence rather than your assurances or imagination, your claims just fold. Just like your 'conspiracy', 'sedition' and 'treason' idiocy in the OP. Even you won't touch that silly shit now.
as I said before and as you know, dumbass, the information you have requested has been posted numerous times and numerous locations on this board.

As predicted, you declare that if I do not post the information again then it must be false. As I said, I'm not playing your game.

You declaring that if the same information is not posted again means it's not true is like declaring Kavanaugh must himself request the FBI give credibility to his Accuser and investigate him again even though she has proven her claims are false and her very own Witnesses say the event never happened.

You're an idiot. you're offering us your imagination about the contents of text messages you haven't even seen. And insisting that it will magically make the frantic, unhinged and confused conspiracy batshit that your ilk are pumping real?

Sigh....this is why its so difficult to have a rational conversation with conservatives. When presented with facts and evidence, they try and counter with their imagination.

With your feverish fantasy about the text messages best begun with 'Once Upon A Time'....backed by nothing, of course.

Good luck with that.

It's ok, you can relax, lol.

Let me ask you something------------------->

would the Democrats release something that proves nothing?


We already know what is in the texts, you don't, nor the independents; that is why they are being released silly!

Remember, they are not from an un named source, or somebody said, it will be their own words. I would tell you what they prove, but you would just post a funny, lol. So I will let YOU read them with the rest of the people who do NOT know, and then watch you squirm like the rest of the far Leftists, hehehehehehehehee.

Like I said--------->CYA, wouldn't want to be ya, or on your side of the aisle-)
I'm still waiting for you to back any of your hapless fantasy with actual evidence. Your entire argument is your imagination about what is in the text messages, backed by nothing. And elaborate assurances based on your fantasy.

Imagination, Trump supporters have in spades. Actual evidence and connections to reality? Not so much.

As the abandoned and laughably premise of this entire thread demonstrates.
You want someone to post evidence that Hillary lost the 2016 election as well?


Now your turn. Show us the text messages backing IMA's elaborate fantasy. You can't. Ima's entire narrative is built on the back of imagination.

Which is my point. You and your ilk keep offering us fantasy and imagination in the face of facts and evidence.

That's your problem, Sky - you're sitting on your ass waiting to be spoon-fed, demanding other post the exact information that has been posted and re-posted in numerous thread all over this board, as you know.

And by 'spoon fed', you mean citing *actual* evidence rather than simply imagining 'proof' like you and Ima do? Like you did when you 'cited' the IG report on the FISA memos, despite the IG investigation into the FISA memos ongoing and no conclusions having been released?

Like Ima did with elaborate fantasies and imaginary assurances regarding the content text messages that haven't been released.

See, your problem that you're too used to the right wing echo chamber. Where any fantasy you want to make up is accepted as gospel truth. Where you never need evidence, where you can just imagine whatever you'd like. Its made your arguments soft.

As when challenged for *actual* evidence rather than your assurances or imagination, your claims just fold. Just like your 'conspiracy', 'sedition' and 'treason' idiocy in the OP. Even you won't touch that silly shit now.
as I said before and as you know, dumbass, the information you have requested has been posted numerous times and numerous locations on this board.

As predicted, you declare that if I do not post the information again then it must be false. As I said, I'm not playing your game.

You declaring that if the same information is not posted again means it's not true is like declaring Cavanaugh must himself request the FBI give credibility to his Accuser and investigate him again even though she has proven her claims are false and her very own Witnesses say the event never happened.

You're an idiot.

Laughing......the IG report on the FISA memos has 'already been posted', when the IG report on the FISA memos hasn't been released as the investigation is ongoing?

If you're going to offer us more fantasies, at least make them plausible.

And Ima is going on these adorable little rants about DOJ officials 'doing what Hillary did' with their phones. And other fanciful spasms of delusion induced cuteness.

All based on her imagination. Just like you based your argument about 'sedition', 'treason' and 'conspiracy' for Rosenstein discussing completely constitutional processes in imagination.

Which might explain why you predictably and laughably abandoned the claims of your own OP.
Deputy director of the Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein autjored a report on why former FBI director James Comey should be fired and then advised Presient Donald Trump he should fire FBI director Comey.

Once the president, exercising his legal Authority, fired Comey it is being reported that Rosenstein plotted, planned, and attempted to recruit Cabinet Members to participate in a conspiracy where he, Rosenstein, would secretly record the president and then have his band of conspirators use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office!

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

'A bombshell report published Friday afternoon claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.'

It's not like we didn't already know Rosenstein was a dirty snake. You can SEE it in his eyes in every photo of him I've ever seen. A low down, dirty, back-stabbing cowardly sneaky snake. Just like Hillary. The only difference now is that we have the PROOF.

Treasonous bastard. Time to sew his eyelids open, smother him in honey, and stake his out in the desert sun next to an anthill. . .
Deputy director of the Department of Justice Rod Rosenstein autjored a report on why former FBI director James Comey should be fired and then advised Presient Donald Trump he should fire FBI director Comey.

Once the president, exercising his legal Authority, fired Comey it is being reported that Rosenstein plotted, planned, and attempted to recruit Cabinet Members to participate in a conspiracy where he, Rosenstein, would secretly record the president and then have his band of conspirators use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office!

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

'A bombshell report published Friday afternoon claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.'

It's not like we didn't already know Rosenstein was a dirty snake. You can SEE it in his eyes in every photo of him I've ever seen. A low down, dirty, back-stabbing cowardly sneaky snake. Just like Hillary. The only difference now is that we have the PROOF.

Treasonous bastard. Time to sew his eyelids open, smother him in honey, and stake his out in the desert sun next to an anthill. . .

Perhaps you can succeed where so many of your ilk have already laughably failed:

Explain how merely discussing a legal and constitutional process is 'sedition', 'treason' or 'conspiracy'.

Good luck.

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