Root of all evil, fall of Iraq


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Always searching out answers for those little questions that come into my head. I came across this document this afternoon as I started searching for the answers to Iraq's fall. It makes sense to me but I still have some more research to do on the matter. If y'all have any links to pass on about this I would appreciate it. For Iraq it was a series of events but this provides some of the answers.

Iraq's Odious Debt:

1Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
An article on the loans in 1992 that were intended for food subsidies. Irregularities U.S. Loans Indirectly Financed Iraq Military : Foreign aid: Baker pushed through agriculture credits that helped Hussein free up money for arms.

Article excerpt:
On Aug. 4, 1989, FBI and Customs Service agents raided the Atlanta branch of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Italy’s largest bank. They uncovered evidence that the branch may have made $4 billion in unauthorized loans to Iraq--including $900 million guaranteed by the Agriculture Department program.

Classified documents indicate that several agencies issued warnings of serious irregularities with the program--that Iraq was unlikely or unwilling to repay the debts, that the Iraqi government demanded kickbacks from American firms, that funds derived from kickbacks were used to purchase arms and that Iraqi officials were likely to be implicated in the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro scandal. (Four top Iraqi government officials and the two government-owned banks were implicated in a later indictment.)
While searching other information I wondered who was financing Syria and Iran in their long term warring efforts.

'Japan, South Korea, China (CITIC Group 2017 ) agreed $10 billion credit terms for Tehran', Finland 2016, and recently Russia gave $5 billion in loans to Iran. Iran loans to Syria. There are probably more but I haven't found them all yet.

There is also a bit of money laundering going down Assad Henchmen's Russian Refuge: Syrian regime financers stashing money in Moscow | Global Witness

Did all of the US aid money actually get to where it is intended? Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance for the People of Syria | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development $7.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for the Syrian people (since the start of the crisis in 2011)?
Research Saddam's Sunnis Ba'ath party.
Not just their grand plans to infiltrate Europe, but also carrying some of it out under the guise of Isis and Syrian refuge crisis. Isis was mainly derived of former Ba'ath party members who were shuned or misstreated by the new mostly Shi'it elect & those in Saddams authority who went underground waiting to regroup under this umbrella org. Many people warned about their plans for Europe, including the Bush family, Sr was really informed on this subject, but not until recently did we see those warnings were right all along.
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Research Saddam's Sunnis Ba'ath party.
Not just their grand plans to infiltrate Europe, but also carrying some of it out under the guise of Isis and Syrian refuge crisis. Isis was mainly derived of former Ba'ath party members who were shuned or misstreated by the new mostly Shi'it elect & those in Saddams authority who went underground waiting to regroup under this umbrella org. Many people warned about their plans for Europe, including the Bush family, Sr was really informed on this subject, but not until recently did we see those warnings were right all along.
Thank you I will do that.

Today I'll finish up reading what I can in this book on google (without having to buy it) and then will go look for your info.
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