Romney's rambling and incoherent speech on the economy.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
The Bishop did his best to one up President Obama on his speech but wound up falling on is face. It was embarrassing to watch him. Normally, on matters of the economy, I think he makes some sense..but he didn't here. First off, he tried to make Obama look bad by stating he didn't support business. And he used the example of a company in Vegas that sold furniture but saw a "drop" in business because Obama "called for companies not to hold conventions in Vegas". That's sorta "half right". He called for companies that recieved TARP bailouts not to use that money to celebrate by going to the Super Bowl or Vegas. So maybe Romney thinks these folks should have doubled dipped. First in the way of bailouts then by way of writing off the expenses. Good stuff.

And amoung the other points Romney made was about veterans. Perhaps he really should keep away from this. He talked about a "torch" carried by men in WWII..that wasn't "owned" by America. First off..they didn't carry torches..they carried guns. Second off..they did unspeakable things..that they did in the name of this country. Most I've talked too, including my own grandfather..weren't proud of those things. Romney wouldn't know that. His grandfather didn't serve. His father didn't serve. He didn't serve. In fact..he supported sending other kids to Vietnam..while he went to France. And his sons didn't serve. He had NO ONE close to him ever serve in war. My Uncle was in Korea. My Grandfather went to France and Germany. My Father tried to enlist..yes VOLUNTEER for VIETNAM but was rated 4F. Because of childhood diabetes. He wasn't fat or anything..he was quite fit.

In any case..these were men I admire. They weren't drafted..the VOLUNTEERED.

No fucking ROMNEY did that.

The Bishop did his best to one up President Obama on his speech but wound up falling on is face. It was embarrassing to watch him. Normally, on matters of the economy, I think he makes some sense..but he didn't here. First off, he tried to make Obama look bad by stating he didn't support business. And he used the example of a company in Vegas that sold furniture but saw a "drop" in business because Obama "called for companies not to hold conventions in Vegas". That's sorta "half right". He called for companies that recieved TARP bailouts not to use that money to celebrate by going to the Super Bowl or Vegas. So maybe Romney thinks these folks should have doubled dipped. First in the way of bailouts then by way of writing off the expenses. Good stuff.

And amoung the other points Romney made was about veterans. Perhaps he really should keep away from this. He talked about a "torch" carried by men in WWII..that wasn't "owned" by America. First off..they didn't carry torches..they carried guns. Second off..they did unspeakable things..that they did in the name of this country. Most I've talked too, including my own grandfather..weren't proud of those things. Romney wouldn't know that. His grandfather didn't serve. His father didn't serve. He didn't serve. In fact..he supported sending other kids to Vietnam..while he went to France. And his sons didn't serve. He had NO ONE close to him ever serve in war. My Uncle was in Korea. My Grandfather went to France and Germany. My Father tried to enlist..yes VOLUNTEER for VIETNAM but was rated 4F. Because of childhood diabetes. He wasn't fat or anything..he was quite fit.

In any case..these were men I admire. They weren't drafted..the VOLUNTEERED.

No fucking ROMNEY did that.


What Speech did you listen to. To me he sounded like he knows about 10,000 Times more about Economics than Obama does.

I saw both the Obama and Romney speeches neither was very impressive the main theme of Romney's speech was it's all Obama's fault and Obama's main theme was it's not my fault your not aiming very high if that impressed you.
you got thr
The Bishop did his best to one up President Obama on his speech but wound up falling on is face. It was embarrassing to watch him. Normally, on matters of the economy, I think he makes some sense..but he didn't here. First off, he tried to make Obama look bad by stating he didn't support business. And he used the example of a company in Vegas that sold furniture but saw a "drop" in business because Obama "called for companies not to hold conventions in Vegas". That's sorta "half right". He called for companies that recieved TARP bailouts not to use that money to celebrate by going to the Super Bowl or Vegas. So maybe Romney thinks these folks should have doubled dipped. First in the way of bailouts then by way of writing off the expenses. Good stuff.

And amoung the other points Romney made was about veterans. Perhaps he really should keep away from this. He talked about a "torch" carried by men in WWII..that wasn't "owned" by America. First off..they didn't carry torches..they carried guns. Second off..they did unspeakable things..that they did in the name of this country. Most I've talked too, including my own grandfather..weren't proud of those things. Romney wouldn't know that. His grandfather didn't serve. His father didn't serve. He didn't serve. In fact..he supported sending other kids to Vietnam..while he went to France. And his sons didn't serve. He had NO ONE close to him ever serve in war. My Uncle was in Korea. My Grandfather went to France and Germany. My Father tried to enlist..yes VOLUNTEER for VIETNAM but was rated 4F. Because of childhood diabetes. He wasn't fat or anything..he was quite fit.

In any case..these were men I admire. They weren't drafted..the VOLUNTEERED.

No fucking ROMNEY did that.


you got the name wrong in your title there sallow, you mean obamas cut and paste 53 minutes of zero....Jonathan alter, dana milbank agree so, get your talking piouints straight:lol:
you got thr
The Bishop did his best to one up President Obama on his speech but wound up falling on is face. It was embarrassing to watch him. Normally, on matters of the economy, I think he makes some sense..but he didn't here. First off, he tried to make Obama look bad by stating he didn't support business. And he used the example of a company in Vegas that sold furniture but saw a "drop" in business because Obama "called for companies not to hold conventions in Vegas". That's sorta "half right". He called for companies that recieved TARP bailouts not to use that money to celebrate by going to the Super Bowl or Vegas. So maybe Romney thinks these folks should have doubled dipped. First in the way of bailouts then by way of writing off the expenses. Good stuff.

And amoung the other points Romney made was about veterans. Perhaps he really should keep away from this. He talked about a "torch" carried by men in WWII..that wasn't "owned" by America. First off..they didn't carry torches..they carried guns. Second off..they did unspeakable things..that they did in the name of this country. Most I've talked too, including my own grandfather..weren't proud of those things. Romney wouldn't know that. His grandfather didn't serve. His father didn't serve. He didn't serve. In fact..he supported sending other kids to Vietnam..while he went to France. And his sons didn't serve. He had NO ONE close to him ever serve in war. My Uncle was in Korea. My Grandfather went to France and Germany. My Father tried to enlist..yes VOLUNTEER for VIETNAM but was rated 4F. Because of childhood diabetes. He wasn't fat or anything..he was quite fit.

In any case..these were men I admire. They weren't drafted..the VOLUNTEERED.

No fucking ROMNEY did that.


you got the name wrong in your title there sallow, you mean obamas cut and paste 53 minutes of zero....Jonathan alter, dana milbank agree so, get your talking piouints straight:lol:

54. It was 54 minutes...

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