Romney's Five Questions


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Of course, they'll all be different questions tomorrow. That's just how he rolls.

ONE: You are poised to be the first president in modern history to leave office with a net loss of jobs during your Administration. Mr. President, take a break from the personal attacks and answer this critical question – where are the jobs?

TWO: There are more than twenty-five million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, or have just given up looking for work. Will you take time off from your record-setting schedule of fundraising and political travel to do what is necessary to get these Americans back to work?

THREE: While running for president three years ago, you said your “first job” would be to stop adding to the national debt. Since the national debt has exploded on your watch and recently surpassed $15 trillion, do you consider this to be a promise you failed to keep?

FOUR: Following the loss of our prized AAA credit rating, this week another agency revised America’s credit outlook to “negative.” Your Treasury Secretary previously insisted there was “no risk” our credit rating would be downgraded, which turned out to be untrue. Will you commit to showing the leadership we need to prevent yet another historic downgrade?

FIVE: Last week, third-quarter gross domestic product was revised downward, the latest example of your failure to revive our economy. After three years in office and a laundry list of promises not kept, why should the American people reward you with another four years?

Of course, my first question came out of the comments; how many jobs have you outsourced, Mr. Romney? How many people have you screwed over by replacing them with youngsters?

Romney Has Five Questions For Obama That The White House Would Rather Ignore
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Response by T. Gansky


1. Republicans who ran on a platform of jobs, jobs, jobs in 2010 have not offered one single jobs incentive piece of legislation that did not come in the form of tax cuts, or cuts to programs supporting the poor.

2. The President offered a comprehensive jobs package that was paid for only to be rejected by Republicans who want to see nothing but the President fail.

3. Check the foundation for the debt Mit. Not only did we engage in two wars that were run "off budget" but TAXES were cut at the same time. On top of that, a gift was given to drug companies in the form of extension of Medicare drug coverage also NOT PAID for. Any analysis of the deficit, which drives the debt, shows that the bulk of the problem emanates from these policies in place prior to my term.

4. While the ratings agencies trepidation is understandable, especially in light of Congressional grid lock that all but brought our government to its knees in the summer, our issuance of debt is always completely subscribed, and our interest rates remain at historically low levels. These are results that are testimony to the true strength of our country regardless of what the ratings agencies may say.

5. The President should take full responsibility for the difficulties facing the economy; after all, he is the President of the greatest democratic republic ever conceived by man. A fundamental tenet of our government is that the President is not a dictator. Instead, he must work with Congress to create laws to help turn things around. It is difficult to work with a Congress whose leaders openly seek my failure even if it means the failure of our country.

If you Obama haters think that your blind hatred of the President to the point of wishing for his failure (and, by extension, the failure of our country) think it is not lost on the rest of us who will see that he is re-elected, then not only are you haters, but you are morons. Nothing good ever came from hate. Just look at what we got when you hated Clinton.
That's typical.
Point the truth at leftists and they deflect to the GOP.
The GOP has passed many job programs through the House. And the Senate has stopped every one of them.
The president's "jobs package" was a smaller version of the stimulus that everyone has agreed has failed.
We have never had a credit downgrade. With different circumstances, interest in our debt will dry up in no time.
Could Obama come up with a jobs bill that republicans would vote for? We know the answer to that one.
Republicans submitted something they called "the JOBS act". It had nothing to do with jobs but was an attempt to allow states to loot the money for extended unemployment benefits and use it to for other things. It is the closest thing to a republican jobs bill I know of.
Here's the answer for the jobs question that would get my vote:

"It isn't the government's responsibility to provide us with jobs, any more than it's their responsibility to feed us or raise our kids for us."
Here's the answer for the jobs question that would get my vote:

"It isn't the government's responsibility to provide us with jobs, any more than it's their responsibility to feed us or raise our kids for us."

I tend to disagree with that based on these little factoids:
1. The government gave tax breaks to move factories overseas
2. The government stopped Boeing from running their new plant in SC
3. The government piles on regulations and costs such that its unaffordable to hire
4. AMR declared bankruptcy today because they were buried by legacy pension costs
5. The government gives away too many entitlements to those who did not earn them
6. The government does nothing to promote domestic jobs, including open borders

I could keep going, but you get my drift. The government sets the conditions for employment...
1. The government gave tax breaks to move factories overseas
2. The government stopped Boeing from running their new plant in SC
3. The government piles on regulations and costs such that its unaffordable to hire
4. AMR declared bankruptcy today because they were buried by legacy pension costs
5. The government gives away too many entitlements to those who did not earn them

Right, and all these policies are a direct result of the belief that it's the government's job to 'manage' the economy. That's what neither side seems to get. The way to keep government from doing crap that fucks up the economy, is to keep them out of it. But all most folks can do is complain that they're not getting their share of the spoils.
1. I don't know who the "first" president was to leave office with a net loss of jobs - but I know who the last: George Bush. (The one before Obama). Bush came into office with 112 million private sector jobs and left office with 111 million.

2. When Bush left office, he left the country in the midst of the deepest recession since WWII. The economy began growing again within one year after Obama took office, but it still has a ways to go. What we need is a "Jobs Act" - something Republicans have obstructed, and continue to oppose.

3. In light of the economic crisis of 2008, the President had to choose between running deficits, and healing the economy. He made the right choice.

4. The so-called "downgrade" was utterly irrelevant. Interest rates fell immediately afterwards, the opposite of what would have happened S&P's opinion meant anything.

5. Obama began his term during the most dangerous financial crisis since 1929. Since then, the economy has begun to grow again, and will continue to grow - right through the next presidential election. Obama's put together a record of remarkable success, here, and abroad.

Plus, the Republican candidates are a clown-show act.
Response by T. Gansky


1. Republicans who ran on a platform of jobs, jobs, jobs in 2010 have not offered one single jobs incentive piece of legislation that did not come in the form of tax cuts, or cuts to programs supporting the poor.

2. The President offered a comprehensive jobs package that was paid for only to be rejected by Republicans who want to see nothing but the President fail.

3. Check the foundation for the debt Mit. Not only did we engage in two wars that were run "off budget" but TAXES were cut at the same time. On top of that, a gift was given to drug companies in the form of extension of Medicare drug coverage also NOT PAID for. Any analysis of the deficit, which drives the debt, shows that the bulk of the problem emanates from these policies in place prior to my term.

4. While the ratings agencies trepidation is understandable, especially in light of Congressional gridlock that all but brought our government to its knees in the summer, our issuance of debt is always completely subscribed, and our interest rates remain at historically low levels. These are results that are testimony to the true strength of our country regardless of what the ratings agencies may say.

5. The President should take full responsibility for the difficulties facing the economy; after all, he is the President of the greatest democratic republic ever conceived by man. A fundamental tenet of our government is that the President is not a dictator. Instead, he must work with Congress to create laws to help turn things around. It is difficult to work with a Congress whose leaders openly seek my failure even if it means the failure of our country.

If you Obama haters think that your blind hatred of the President to the point of wishing for his failure (and, by extension, the failure of our country) think it is not lost on the rest of us who will see that he is re-elected, then not only are you haters, but you are morons. Nothing good ever came from hate. Just look at what we got when you hated Clinton.

1. "jobs programs" never work, so why borrow money from China just to waste it?
2. see answer #1
3. TRUE. Bush sucked. So does BO. Whats your point? BO should have let the Bush tax cuts expire.
4. Wrong. Just look at the Debt projections if nothing serious is done. How stupid is this guy?
5. See #4. Its time to CUT SPENDING, and then CUT SPENDING MORE or we go bankrupt. We simply cannot keep borrowing from China!!

See #5. How stupid are people that can't see the tax+spend death spiral. BO didn't move 14,000 factories overseas, but he didn't deal with reality well at all. He sucks up to Wall Street just like all pols. How does he earn that $1-billion in contributions???????
1. The government gave tax breaks to move factories overseas
2. The government stopped Boeing from running their new plant in SC
3. The government piles on regulations and costs such that its unaffordable to hire
4. AMR declared bankruptcy today because they were buried by legacy pension costs
5. The government gives away too many entitlements to those who did not earn them

Right, and all these policies are a direct result of the belief that it's the government's job to 'manage' the economy. That's what neither side seems to get. The way to keep government from doing crap that fucks up the economy, is to keep them out of it. But all most folks can do is complain that they're not getting their share of the spoils.

The elusive answers remain:

1) A fair and simple tax code, written to avoid favoritism.
2) A budget that is balanced by law.
3) Transparency in ALL political spending and advertising.
4) Prepare the next generation by investing in quality education for the citizenry.

The government can't create private jobs, only government jobs. All the government can do is make certain that all businesses and industries are treated equally and without favoritism under the tax code and all Americans have equal access to congress.
Of course, they'll all be different questions tomorrow. That's just how he rolls.

ONE: You are poised to be the first president in modern history to leave office with a net loss of jobs during your Administration. Mr. President, take a break from the personal attacks and answer this critical question – where are the jobs?

TWO: There are more than twenty-five million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, or have just given up looking for work. Will you take time off from your record-setting schedule of fundraising and political travel to do what is necessary to get these Americans back to work?

THREE: While running for president three years ago, you said your “first job” would be to stop adding to the national debt. Since the national debt has exploded on your watch and recently surpassed $15 trillion, do you consider this to be a promise you failed to keep?

FOUR: Following the loss of our prized AAA credit rating, this week another agency revised America’s credit outlook to “negative.” Your Treasury Secretary previously insisted there was “no risk” our credit rating would be downgraded, which turned out to be untrue. Will you commit to showing the leadership we need to prevent yet another historic downgrade?

FIVE: Last week, third-quarter gross domestic product was revised downward, the latest example of your failure to revive our economy. After three years in office and a laundry list of promises not kept, why should the American people reward you with another four years?

Of course, my first question came out of the comments; how many jobs have you outsourced, Mr. Romney? How many people have you screwed over by replacing them with youngsters?

Romney Has Five Questions For Obama That The White House Would Rather Ignore

OMFG!!! Obama's getting Spanked by that!
Republicans submitted something they called "the JOBS act". It had nothing to do with jobs but was an attempt to allow states to loot the money for extended unemployment benefits and use it to for other things. It is the closest thing to a republican jobs bill I know of.

Try getting financial advise from people who are fucking criminals in the billions column

[ame=]Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again - YouTube[/ame]
1. The government gave tax breaks to move factories overseas
2. The government stopped Boeing from running their new plant in SC
3. The government piles on regulations and costs such that its unaffordable to hire
4. AMR declared bankruptcy today because they were buried by legacy pension costs
5. The government gives away too many entitlements to those who did not earn them

Right, and all these policies are a direct result of the belief that it's the government's job to 'manage' the economy. That's what neither side seems to get. The way to keep government from doing crap that fucks up the economy, is to keep them out of it. But all most folks can do is complain that they're not getting their share of the spoils.

The elusive answers remain:

1) A fair and simple tax code, written to avoid favoritism.
2) A budget that is balanced by law.
3) Transparency in ALL political spending and advertising.
4) Prepare the next generation by investing in quality education for the citizenry.

The government can't create private jobs, only government jobs. All the government can do is make certain that all businesses and industries are treated equally and without favoritism under the tax code and all Americans have equal access to congress.

What I mean by 'Prepare the next generation by investing in quality education for the citizenry.' is not throw money at the current system... I mean that it should be the job of "The System" to find something for every little girl and boy in America to do when they grow up, or determine that they are profoundly disabled. Based on that criteria, our system is failing. We're close... a LOT of kids are getting great educations, but too large a percentage are still being dumped on the rest of us to care for via welfare and, more expensively, prison.

No, I don't have the answer to this one, just the observation.

:eusa_think: Although ending prohibition would put a dent in the prison problem. LEAP | Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Ending prohibition would probably put a dent in the violence along the southern border, too. :smoke:

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