Romney/ryan budget plan designed to kill


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

Obama sucked 500 billion dollars out of medicare and yet you think it's the Republicans that want to throw you over the cliff? If Obama has his way, once the unelected IPAD gets done with you, you'll be throwing yourself off a cliff for voting Obama in the first place.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

Pure Horse Shit, the Plan does not effect those at or Close to Retirement age at this time.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Folks over 55 are absolutely affected by Romney/Ryan re-opening the donut hole. Millions of low-income folks over 55 (including 9 million of them who are dually eligible for Medicare) are affected by R/R slashing Medicaid benefits that help pay their Medicare premiums or provide benefits that wraparound their Medicare. People over 55 are affected by the elimination of annual preventive care in Medicare.

The notion that R/R will wait ten years to destroy Medicare is wishful thinking. They'll begin chipping away at it on Day One.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?

In your case, I can only hope. If you don't know the particulars of the LilOasshole....maybe you should read up.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?

You are a retard read the plan.
The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Folks over 55 are absolutely affected by Romney/Ryan re-opening the donut hole. Millions of low-income folks over 55 (including 9 million of them who are dually eligible for Medicare) are affected by R/R slashing Medicaid benefits that help pay their Medicare premiums or provide benefits that wraparound their Medicare. People over 55 are affected by the elimination of annual preventive care in Medicare.

The notion that R/R will wait ten years to destroy Medicare is wishful thinking. They'll begin chipping away at it on Day One.

Please provide the numbers...the actual numbers from the models you are using to call out this crap. There is no change to the program for anyone over 55.
Yep. Which is why is just switched from GOP to voting Dem this fall. Seriously.

Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?
Rep. Alan Grayson had it right, RepubliCON$ want you to die quickly.

Plain & simple.
Folks over 55 are absolutely affected by Romney/Ryan re-opening the donut hole. Millions of low-income folks over 55 (including 9 million of them who are dually eligible for Medicare) are affected by R/R slashing Medicaid benefits that help pay their Medicare premiums or provide benefits that wraparound their Medicare. People over 55 are affected by the elimination of annual preventive care in Medicare.

The notion that R/R will wait ten years to destroy Medicare is wishful thinking. They'll begin chipping away at it on Day One.

Please provide the numbers...the actual numbers from the models you are using to call out this crap. There is no change to the program for anyone over 55.

Yes, there are indeed changes to the program for current beneficiaries. Immediately slashing a funding stream that pays for benefits (and provides additional supports) for 9 million current beneficiaries affects them.

Asking current beneficiaries to begin paying more for their prescription drugs affects them.

Taking away current beneficiaries' annual wellness visit affects them.

And those are just the obvious irrefutable changes that R/R propose to make immediately (via executive order if necessary, if Romney is to be believed).

But more importantly, Romney/Ryan don't believe in the Medicare guarantee and at least one of them is well-regarded for his "courage" in being willing to take a machete to seniors' benefits. I doubt anyone's dumb enough to think Romney is campaigning on policies he'll enact two years after his second term ends.

No, there isn't a senior or near-senior in America who's safe with these two holding any modicum of political power.
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Romney/Paul budget plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program which will cut Medicare services and cost seniors more, cut Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, raise the age of social security, cut education, cut government jobs and programs such as Head Start, cut unemployment insurance payments, give more tax cuts to the rich with the savings from these cuts. Push granny off the cliff, hog tie their children and hand cuff their grand children. Romney/Ryan budget plan designed to hurt the elderly, poor, disabled and students. And reward the rich with the savings in these cuts to the elderly, poor, disabled and students.

LilOlLady told me that republicans want to kill us! Oh I'm scared now. Obama 2012 Obama 2012!!! I want to live gosh darnit! I WANT TO LIVE! I want to be the perfect model Obama citizen with section eight housing, food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, electric assistance, a welfare check, and free transportation vouchers! I want to get fat, not excersize, smoke and drink alcohal, and when I develop cancer Obama will force someone else to pay my medical bills for my slothfulness! The evil republicans want to make me earn my living and pay for my own benefits! If I do that I will die because I'm too lazy to work and too dumb to be considered skilled labor. Perhaps I will join the Janitors union in DC if Romney is elected. Thank you for the heads up LilolLady! Obama 2012!
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Folks over 55 are absolutely affected by Romney/Ryan re-opening the donut hole. Millions of low-income folks over 55 (including 9 million of them who are dually eligible for Medicare) are affected by R/R slashing Medicaid benefits that help pay their Medicare premiums or provide benefits that wraparound their Medicare. People over 55 are affected by the elimination of annual preventive care in Medicare.

The notion that R/R will wait ten years to destroy Medicare is wishful thinking. They'll begin chipping away at it on Day One.

Please provide the numbers...the actual numbers from the models you are using to call out this crap. There is no change to the program for anyone over 55.

Yes, there are indeed changes to the program for current beneficiaries. Immediately slashing a funding stream that pays for benefits (and provides additional supports) for 9 million current beneficiaries affects them.

Asking current beneficiaries to begin paying more for their prescription drugs affects them.

Taking away current beneficiaries' annual wellness visit affects them.

And those are just the obvious irrefutable changes that R/R propose to make immediately (via executive order if necessary, if Romney is to be believed).

But more importantly, Romney/Ryan don't believe in the Medicare guarantee and at least one of them is well-regarded for his "courage" in being willing to take a machete to seniors' benefits. I doubt anyone's dumb enough to think Romney is campaigning on policies he'll enact two years after his second term ends.

No, there isn't a senior or near-senior in America who's safe with these two holding any modicum of political power.

Obama already slashed it.

Your claims don't hold up. You are about two generations of proposals behind.
The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?
Rep. Alan Grayson had it right, RepubliCON$ want you to die quickly.

Plain & simple.

And the people of Florida rammed his pink slip up his ass.

Keep quoting him. Just hope people don't think you are as stupid as he was (is).
The plan specifically says no one over 55 is affected.

Now, why don't you quit lying and go to hell.

Pull out the particulars of the plan that back your sorry liberal government loving claims or shut up.

So, will Americans only live until 54 in the future?

In your case, I can only hope. If you don't know the particulars of the LilOasshole....maybe you should read up.

So, you wish death upon me? Thank you for proving that you are devoid of morals, ethics or anything that could be described as Christian.

I HAVE read up.

Seniors and the disabled would pay sharply more for their Medicare coverage under a new plan by House Republicans aimed at curbing the nation’s growing deficit, a Congressional Budget Office analysis shows.

For example, by 2030, under the plan, typical 65 year olds would be required to pay 68 percent of the total cost of their coverage, which includes premiums, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket costs, according to CBO. That compares with the 25 percent they would pay under current law, CBO said.

The GOP budget proposal also would raise the eligibility age for the politically popular program – and repeal big chunks of the health care overhaul law approved by Congress last year.

Besides overhauling Medicare, his 10-year budget proposal also would give states more control over Medicaid, the state-federal program for the poor, but cut the amount states would receive for the program from federal coffers by hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade.

Americans would not be required to buy health insurance, under the proposal – and employers would not have to offer it either. States would not be on the hook to set up new insurance marketplaces.

Medicare enrollees would be given a set amount from the government to purchase private plans. Those plans would cost considerably more than traditional Medicare, the CBO says, partly because private plans pay hospitals, doctors and other providers more and have higher administrative costs. At the same time, enrollees would also pay a higher percentage of the overall cost of their coverage.


“Medicare was a comprehensive—and comprehensible—program, available throughout the country and with a core set of benefits,” says Judith Stein, director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy.

In other words, it delivers the opposite of what the private insurance industry has been providing. And it is doing so with a better track record of controlling costs. Beginning in 1997, the growth in Medicare’s cost per beneficiary has been slower than the cost escalation in coverage delivered by private insurers. Between 2002 and 2006, for example, Medicare’s cost per beneficiary rose 5.4 percent, while per capita costs in private insurance rose 7.7 percent, according to MedPAC, an independent agency charged with advising Congress on Medicare issues.

So why would Congress create a new health insurance system that doesn’t have a Medicare-like public plan for consumers to purchase?

Because conservatives, Democrats among them, never let the facts get in the way of their ideology. The Senate, in particular, seems intent on creating a new private health insurance “cooperative” that has never been tested, has no track record of delivering quality coverage at an affordable price, and which consumers would have to learn to navigate.

Forty-four years ago, on July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the law creating Medicare. In its way, Medicare was a testament to our failure to create a national health insurance system that would cover everyone. With former President Harry Truman looking on, Johnson said the need was great, and urgent. “There are more than 18 million Americans over the age of 65. Most of them have low incomes. Most of them are threatened by illness and medical expenses that they cannot afford.”

At the time, about half of the elderly had no health insurance—they were too old and too likely to get sick, so the private market simply wouldn’t insure them. The elderly were the demographic group most likely to live in poverty, and about one in three older Americans were poor. Blacks and other minorities could not receive treatment in whites-only medical facilities, discrimination that was barred by Medicare.

Now the elderly are among the best-insured Americans, with upward of 95 percent covered by Medicare. The rate of poverty among those 65 and older is under 10 percent. The decline in elderly poverty began with the creation of Social Security—but it accelerated, according to Census Bureau data, only after Medicare coverage began.

“The need for this action is plain,” Johnson said in signing the law in Truman’s hometown of Independence, Mo. “And it is so clear indeed that we marvel not simply at the passage of this bill, but what we marvel at is that it took so many years to pass it.”

Now we marvel again at the long and contentious legislative path that health care revision is taking. We hear the same arguments against a national health insurance plan that were made nearly half a century ago.

But now we have Medicare, and its demonstrated history of delivering exactly what Johnson said it would. And the marvel of our own time is that we ignore this success, while promoting untried alternatives that may well fail.


Medicare enjoys popular support despite the initial bitter resistance to passing it. Before its enactment, the elderly were at high risk for falling into poverty because most people had health insurance through their employer. Upon retirement, many had difficulties paying for medical care.

Over the years, the program has expanded. You are probably unaware that the Medicare program also pays for much of the durable equipment for many hospitals. It also funds the vast majority of residency training in the United States, including resident physician salaries and benefits, and gives subsidies to teaching hospitals in exchange for training resident physicians.

The president's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is considering cuts to the Medicare program. We are told that the purpose of the cuts in Medicare (and to Social Security as well) would be to reduce the national deficit and protect the nation's financial health. One has to ask: Are health care and insurance against poverty for seniors and the disabled no longer priorities for our society? And if Medicare is cut, where would the money come from to educate our future physicians and other health professionals?

Rather than cut Medicare, if we want to dramatically reduce health care costs and thus lower our national debt, we need to build on what works and expand to a "Medicare for All" national health insurance program. Every other industrialized nation has some form of national health insurance. They pay half as much per person, cover everyone and have as good or better overall medical outcomes than we do. According to both the World Health Organization and the Commonwealth Fund, our overall rankings are still at the bottom or near bottom when compared to other industrialized nations despite that fact that we spend twice as much.

How can these democratic nations spend so much less yet have such high-quality care? It's because none have for-profit private health plans that play central roles in financing health care. They are able to put a higher percentage of their health care dollars to actual health care because they are not paying for the waste and profiteering associated with the "middleman" private health insurance industry.

Medicare operates as a single-payer health care system with administrative costs of just 4 percent to 6 percent compared with for-profit health insurance administrative costs of between 16 percent and 26.5 percent. In a "Medicare for All" program, administrative savings would amount to about $400 billion each year by eliminating unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy. That's enough to provide high-quality health care for every American and end co-pays and deductibles. Americans could go to any provider they wished to see. And, as with Medicare, the majority of health providers and hospitals would remain private and could receive fair reimbursements for their services.

We have all made mistakes. But Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted on different scales. Better the occasional faults of a party living in the spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a party frozen in the ice of its own indifference.
President John F. Kennedy
Ron Wyden...from Oregon....signed up as a partner to the latest Ryan proposal.

The left is foaming at the mouth so hard, they can't see anything.
Ron Wyden...from Oregon....signed up as a partner to the latest Ryan proposal.

The left is foaming at the mouth so hard, they can't see anything.

So, we are supposed to be persuaded by what? Because he is a Democrat?

OH, I forgot, you are among those who supported everything Bush did, but NOW you say you didn't.

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