Mitt Romney VP pick Big mistake=Political Suicide.Will not win Presidentcial elc.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
This is the biggest mistake the Mitt Romney camp could have made. This man Ryan is
just to radical, the Democrates will have a feild day on him.
Romney had many other choices out to choose from for a VP candidate.
Obama could win a secound term now.

The American public is not ready to accept this Ryan philosophy.
Wrong choice , wrong time.
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This is the biggest mistake the Mitt Romney camp could have made. This man Ryan is
just to radical, the Democrates will have a feild day on him.
Romney had many other choices out to choose from for a VP candidate.
Obama could win a secound term now.

The American public is not ready to accept this Ryan philosophy.
Wrong choice , wrong time.

He could have done worse (Palin). But you're right. No help from Ryan.
you know paul ryan must scare teh lefties, if it wasnt that big of deal as they claim would there be this many threads about one guy?

you know paul ryan must scare teh lefties, if it wasnt that big of deal as they claim would there be this many threads about one guy?

There is the idea that you are grasping onto in your desperation knowing ryan is a loser for romney. Not that romney was much better. however, it is the same reason palin was such a disaster, he has so many things to pick on. The republicans have made such asses out of themselves that yeah they are going to get picked apart. It is called revenge and that is not really desperation. It is more the warm fuzzy feeling you get inside for giving such deserving people shit.
again the guy is such a non factor lefties cant stop talking about the guy.

keep telling yourself that and maybe if you get some ruby slippers and click your heels together 3 times it will become true. Oh, move to the midwest and catch a tornado first.
you know paul ryan must scare teh lefties, if it wasnt that big of deal as they claim would there be this many threads about one guy?

There is the idea that you are grasping onto in your desperation knowing ryan is a loser for romney. Not that romney was much better. however, it is the same reason palin was such a disaster, he has so many things to pick on. The republicans have made such asses out of themselves that yeah they are going to get picked apart. It is called revenge and that is not really desperation. It is more the warm fuzzy feeling you get inside for giving such deserving people shit.

than why attack him like Palin, if palin never scared the left how come anywhere she goes or does the left cant stop talking about her, its late here on the easy coast and U are still telling me how much of a loser Paul is and u still cant shut up about him. So it cant be that reason, if hte boogie man isnt so scary why are kids scared of him>?

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