Romney Revealed Tax Records To McCain in 2008 but not to Americans in 2012

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Romney Revealed Tax Records To McCain in 2008 but not to Americans in 2012

"Back during the Republican primaries and debates, it took some needling by Newt Gingrich and others to get Romney to release his tax returns for just two years (far fewer than the 23 years he provided Sen. John McCain in 2008 when Romney was being considered as McCain’s running mate). Meanwhile, thanks to the reporting of Forbes and others, the specifics of Romney’s wealth are known in greater detail." - New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich -

The story of two rich guys: One rich guy didn't know how many houses he had, the other doesn't know where all his money is and doesn't know when he stopped collecting money from companies he owned? :eusa_clap:

New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich
Romney Revealed Tax Records To McCain in 2008 but not to Americans in 2012

"Back during the Republican primaries and debates, it took some needling by Newt Gingrich and others to get Romney to release his tax returns for just two years (far fewer than the 23 years he provided Sen. John McCain in 2008 when Romney was being considered as McCain’s running mate). Meanwhile, thanks to the reporting of Forbes and others, the specifics of Romney’s wealth are known in greater detail." - New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich -

The story of two rich guys: One rich guy didn't know how many houses he had, the other doesn't know where all his money is and doesn't know when he stopped collecting money from companies he owned? :eusa_clap:

New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich

Run with that... :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Boston Globe reported Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney (white Obamney) lied like a rotten rat, when he claimed he left Bain Capital, in 1999. White Obamney received $100,000 in salary, until 2002, see story, which means white Obamney is liable, for felony prosecution.

The Globe refuses to retract the story. WTF is white Obamney doing, not releasing ALL his tax returns, if he wants to claim he wasn't Bain CEO, with 100K per year, after 1999? Put up, or shut up, Meat.

Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - Politics - The Boston Globe

US Politics | AMERICAblog News: THIS JUST IN... Boston Globe refuses Romney demand to "correct" Bain story

Boston Globe: Romney left Bain three years later than he says he did - The Washington Post


White Obamney now lacks Presidential credibiltiy. Just in: he left the 2002 Winter Olympics offices, to return, to Massachusetts, to attend to business:

Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim

Romney's Olympic Legacy: Savior Or Self-Promoter? : NPR

Mitt Romney did business in Massachusetts during Olympics - Alexander Burns -


Is white Obamney as busted as Holder, who has to face disbarrment rumors, maybe trial? Whaddya know?
Watching all this backfire on democrats is certainly well worth their effort in bringing it out.
Watching all this backfire on democrats is certainly well worth their effort in bringing it out.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, for example, found that Obama led Romney 50 percent to 42 percent among voters in swing states, where the anti-Bain ads have run. Romney has also seen his “favorable” rating dip in battleground states, too.
Sure, watching all this is worth some effort.

The Democrats imitate the Republicans, all the way to copying their Watergate burglar behavior, their policies, their support for Israel, white Obamneycare, Nixon's stonewalling (FF and Bradley Manning media withheld, from those who want this), war, and torture.

Will the Democrats learn, to bust Republicans, who learned that, from Democrats (Watergate)?
When it comes to getting the economy going again, I would personally put my money on the guy who knows how to run a business and make money in the private sector vs. the guy who's been taught since he was a young man that the private sector is evil.
Romney Revealed Tax Records To McCain in 2008 but not to Americans in 2012

"Back during the Republican primaries and debates, it took some needling by Newt Gingrich and others to get Romney to release his tax returns for just two years (far fewer than the 23 years he provided Sen. John McCain in 2008 when Romney was being considered as McCain’s running mate). Meanwhile, thanks to the reporting of Forbes and others, the specifics of Romney’s wealth are known in greater detail." - New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich -

The story of two rich guys: One rich guy didn't know how many houses he had, the other doesn't know where all his money is and doesn't know when he stopped collecting money from companies he owned? :eusa_clap:

New details about Romney's wealth confirm F. Scott Fitzgerald's quip about the rich

Run with that... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Here's what I call NOT ENOUGH:

Mitt Romney (R-Mass) | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

2011 Presidential (filed in 2012)

2011 Amendment (filed in 2012)

2011 Extension (filed in 2012)

2011 Extension (filed in 2012)

2011 Presidential (filed in 2012)

2010 Presidential (filed in 2011)

2010 Presidential (filed in 2011)

2010 Presidential (filed in 2011)

2010 Amendment (filed in 2011)

2006 Extension (filed in 2007)

2006 Presidential (filed in 2007)

2006 Presidential (filed in 2007)


Where's the rest, MEAT?

The McCain camp was so freaked out by Romney's tax returns they fled the campaign headquarters and didn't stop running until they got to Alaska.
Maybe they were bored into a stupor. We know Romney is very, very rich, grew up with extraordinary wealth, and sends money out of the US to pay less to this country. What else is needed? His status with Bain could have been adviser, consultant or empty seat; I want to see some economic plans beyond "not like Obama".
Romney Revealed Tax Records To McCain in 2008 but not to Americans in 2012

Yes he did, then McCain selected Palin for his VP instead of Romney. Ain't it funny...

Apparently McCain wanted a Game Change...

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