Romney paid 1,825% MORE IN Taxes then NUMNUTS!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
Romney filed for an extension, and Romney has a net worth of $250,000,000:
Mitt Romney requests extension for filing 2011 tax return - Election 2012 - The Washington Post
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$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
Romney filed for an extension, and Romney has a net worth of $250,000,000:
Mitt Romney requests extension for filing 2011 tax return - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

WTF is this guy hiding?

$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
Romney filed for an extension, and Romney has a net worth of $250,000,000:
Mitt Romney requests extension for filing 2011 tax return - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

WTF is this guy hiding?


With hundreds of millions, his taxes are complex, obviously. I doubt he is HIDING anything.
Berkshire Hathaway owes taxes, not Buffet personally. I thought the right had no problem with corps not paying income tax, they EMPLOY people, REMEMBER?
LOL. So Romney had that much more income for which he did nothing.

You know poor people like you have ONLY envy both penis possibly and wealth obviously to live for!
HOW f..king sad!
Truly when people like you have absolutely NOTHING to look forward to except jealousy,envy spite for other people EVEN if the other people don't do anything.. SO fu...king WHAT??

Obviously you have NOTHING better to do with your life then to have jealousy, envy and spite for other people..
I on the other hand are FAR superior to you obviously!
I think. I rationalize. I investigate the FACTS! I am motivated BY the Romneys of the world's successes even at my age of 70!
I surely though AM not jealous. Envious. And not lazy to have the ONLY satisfaction in life being envious of the wealthy!
GET A JOB! Do something worthwhile instead of OBVIOUSLY suffering from "WE".. (WEALTH ENVY) and possibly "PE" (penis envy)!
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
Romney filed for an extension, and Romney has a net worth of $250,000,000:
Mitt Romney requests extension for filing 2011 tax return - Election 2012 - The Washington Post
And you dumb motherfuckers will definitely put him in office.
Trailer trash and broke ass murkins LOVE fatcats. Especially if the NRA says Him be da man !
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!
Romney filed for an extension, and Romney has a net worth of $250,000,000:
Mitt Romney requests extension for filing 2011 tax return - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

WTF is this guy hiding?


You mean what MORE is he hiding. We already found out about the Swiss Bank account and the fact that Bain is a PO Box in the Cayman Islands.
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!

Oddly enough,

if we had a flat tax, i.e., the tax system so beloved by Conservatives,

Romney would pay, proportionately, even more.

So why do you conservatives want to soak the Rich like Romney???

Berkshire Hathaway owes taxes, not Buffet personally. I thought the right had no problem with corps not paying income tax, they EMPLOY people, REMEMBER?

Hey corporations AREN'T PEOPLE as you idiots are fond of saying!
Buffett controls the corporation that OWES $1 billion!
He has to sign the returns! NO corporation can physically SIGN the tax returns!
The BUCK stops at BUFFOON!

BUT I'm NOT critical of the BUFFOON or Jr. BUFFON!
What I am critical is their outstanding examples of HYPOCRISY!!!!
AND their minions like you who obviously ARE CONFUSED BY BIG NUMBERS OK little numbers...
HMMM. using your convoluted logic..
Obama paid 20% Romney paid 15% Wow Obama paid more of his income the Romney as a PERCENTAGE YESS!!!
BUT Buffoon Jr and his buffonettes like you keep making THAT the issue!
STupidly thinking that MOST intelligent people are saying:
YEA idiot buffon JR paid ONLY $167,000 ROMNEY paid 1,825% MORE in real dollars!

DUH... don't you see how the AVERAGE AMERICAN WHEN they find out the flimflam,
the shyster totally ignorant attempt to make this a big deal.. are just like women insulted by the latest Democrat gaffe will see you and other Buffonettes are really stupid for making this totally inane argument!
The point of the thread is Romney PAID 1,825% MORE ACTUAL dollars in taxes then Buffoon JR!

NOT phony rhetoric about "20"% versus "15%" BUT actual MONEY!

How simpler can the argument get that Buffoon Jr and you Buffonettes have obviously NO contact with the real world! $ 3 million in PAID taxes is a lot more then $167,000 that Buffoon Jr paid!

THAT's the reality!
WAKE up folks!
Romney paid 1,825% MORE in actual dollars out of pocket then Obama!
$20,900,000 Romney taxes @ 15.4% EQUALS: Romney PAID $3,218,600 to IRS!
$ 800,000 numnuts taxes @ 20.9% EQUALS: Obama Paid 167,200

Romney PAID $3,051,400 MORE in TAXES then Numnuts !

Romney paid over 1,825% MORE IN TAXES ACTUAL dollars then NUMNUTS!

Romney $3,218,600 paid to IRS Obama $167,200

BUT who cares right???

WELL idiots that keep bringing up the Buffet rule is so f...king DUMB!

PLUS BUFFET OWES $1 billion in taxes NoW!!!!

Oddly enough,

if we had a flat tax, i.e., the tax system so beloved by Conservatives,

Romney would pay, proportionately, even more.

So why do you conservatives want to soak the Rich like Romney???

Now, which party controls the Senate again? :rolleyes:
He's 'hiding' money. Swiss bank accounts, Cayman Islands - everybody knows the drill. If "They" can't find it, "They" can't tax it.

That's what he is fighting for, on behalf of his cronies.
He's 'hiding' money. Swiss bank accounts, Cayman Islands - everybody knows the drill. If "They" can't find it, "They" can't tax it.

That's what he is fighting for, on behalf of his cronies.

He filed for an extension; the actual amount his family will pay is UNKNOWN.

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