Romney NOT Running

Romney outflanked the dumb ass far right yet again.

With MR supporting JB, you guys dumped. Again.
Romney outflanked the dumb ass far right yet again.

With MR supporting JB, you guys dumped. Again.

Mitt Romney Will Not Run in 2016 -

In an apparent jab at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is 61, Romney emphasized the need for a fresh face for the GOP.

"I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee," he told supporters on the call. "In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case."
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One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........

Historically it has taken over a decade for a third party to either mature or displace one of the failed parties.

How long did it take for you Socialists to displace the Democratic Party of old?
One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........
Unwittingly, you hit the nail right on the head, because we ALREADY KNOW what happens when a RINO is run on the republican ticket. Are we saying President Romney right now? No. So there ya go. We KNOW that RUN A MODERATE strategy FAILS.

The ONLY person that is going to be elected president on the republican ticket is going to HAVE to be a good conservative, and stick to the conservative platforms and values... lower taxes, less government, no amnesty, pro military, anti abortion, pro constitution, just to name a few.
Romney outflanked the dumb ass far right yet again.

With MR supporting JB, you guys dumped. Again.

Mitt Romney Will Not Run in 2016 -

In an apparent jab at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is 61, Romney emphasized the need for a fresh face for the GOP.

"I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee," he told supporters on the call. "In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case."

Not a jab at all and you are only fooling yourselves.
Only a birfer and loon would write, "The ONLY person that is going to be elected president on the republican ticket is going to HAVE to be a good conservative, and stick to the conservative platforms and values... lower taxes, less government, no amnesty, pro military, anti abortion, pro constitution, just to name a few."

Such a person will lose.
Romney NOT Running

Actually, Romney IS running - AWAY! He's afraid of Hillary.

Mitt Romney’s exploration of a third presidential campaign ended Friday after three tumultuous weeks of deliberations that led him to conclude that, while he might emerge with the Republican nomination again in 2016, he might be so badly wounded in the process that he would have trouble defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton in a general election.

Mitt Romney bows out of GOP presidential race over potential for political injury - The Washington Post
One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........

Historically it has taken over a decade for a third party to either mature or displace one of the failed parties.

How long did it take for you Socialists to displace the Democratic Party of old?
im a socialist now.....well thats a first....every week you dipshits have a new label.... i was just called a "Libertarian turd" in another thread.....this socialist just made 400,000 dollars on the sale of a building....and this socialist will turn that into more "socialist" "labelers" are something else....
It matters who you vote for, and the DEMOCRAT LITE ass hats the republican party has had to HOLD IT'S NOSE and vote for lately haven't made ANYTHING any better. So stop voting for them and maybe the republican party will figure it out. They can't win elections without the CONSERVATIVE vote, then maybe we'll start seeing true conservatives worthy of voting for, like Ted Cruz.

That's the same STUPID logic that gave us Bill the rapist Clinton.

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

Thanks a pantload, scumbags. Run away the very minute you don't get what you want, hold your breath and stomp your feet, pussy-boy
Gave us Clinton, a president that was FAR superior to Bush Jr. If you are unable to see that reality then there is little point in continuing on - you cant see anything past party dogma.
Bill Clinton would be considered a far right wing-nut in today's progressive party. You let Me know when you realize that and maybe then we'll talk.

As it stands right now, the Democrats have had only one choice for the past 12 years and still they managed to elect the bigger of the two losers.

The GOP is not much better, and despite the bullshit talking points on endless wars started by the GOP (America didn't start this endless war) The reason the GOP is not appealing is because they seem to think that if they act like the progressives, the media will like them.

No balls, no spine, no principles. The GOP in a nutshell.
Where did I make a mention of where Clinton stands politically?

What the dems would consider Clinton is irrelevant to my point.
One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........

Historically it has taken over a decade for a third party to either mature or displace one of the failed parties.

How long did it take for you Socialists to displace the Democratic Party of old?
im a socialist now.....well thats a first....every week you dipshits have a new label.... i was just called a "Libertarian turd" in another thread.....this socialist just made 400,000 dollars on the sale of a building....and this socialist will turn that into more "socialist" "labelers" are something else....
It is interesting how you can be a libertarian and a socialist at the same time.

One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........
Unwittingly, you hit the nail right on the head, because we ALREADY KNOW what happens when a RINO is run on the republican ticket. Are we saying President Romney right now? No. So there ya go. We KNOW that RUN A MODERATE strategy FAILS.

The ONLY person that is going to be elected president on the republican ticket is going to HAVE to be a good conservative, and stick to the conservative platforms and values... lower taxes, less government, no amnesty, pro military, anti abortion, pro constitution, just to name a few.
yea good luck with that....hey but i was called a socialist for saying that .....thats a first for me... i think i will give me one of these....

One RINO down but God knows how many more will spring up to ensure a liberal in The White House in 2017!
so why dont you guys come up with a real right winger and see how the country and the more moderate right reacts to that.........

Historically it has taken over a decade for a third party to either mature or displace one of the failed parties.

How long did it take for you Socialists to displace the Democratic Party of old?
im a socialist now.....well thats a first....every week you dipshits have a new label.... i was just called a "Libertarian turd" in another thread.....this socialist just made 400,000 dollars on the sale of a building....and this socialist will turn that into more "socialist" "labelers" are something else....
It is interesting how you can be a libertarian and a socialist at the same time.

these turds and their little label them on both sides....
Mitt was not twisted. He told Bush the price.

Mitt, if Bush wins, will be Secretary of State.

Wow..You can't blame Romney for taking that sweet deal. Where do you come up with this stupid shit?? Bush isn't winning...Romney knows that.
I doubt that. These people are not stupid but they ARE narcissists in the extreme. It would not surprise me one bit if they all thought they would win.

My bet is on donors jumping ship. If that happened, I could see Romney throwing in the towel early for the 'team' rather than divide the money. It would not surprise me if there was a position worked out for it either.
Mitt was not twisted. He told Bush the price.

Mitt, if Bush wins, will be Secretary of State.

Wow..You can't blame Romney for taking that sweet deal. Where do you come up with this stupid shit?? Bush isn't winning...Romney knows that.
I doubt that. These people are not stupid but they ARE narcissists in the extreme. It would not surprise me one bit if they all thought they would win.

My bet is on donors jumping ship. If that happened, I could see Romney throwing in the towel early for the 'team' rather than divide the money. It would not surprise me if there was a position worked out for it either.

Well everything these guys do is for politics. The first thing Romney decided to do after annoucing he's not running is to have dinner with Chris Christie. Take it for what it's worth.
Mitt was not twisted. He told Bush the price.

Mitt, if Bush wins, will be Secretary of State.

Wow..You can't blame Romney for taking that sweet deal. Where do you come up with this stupid shit?? Bush isn't winning...Romney knows that.
I doubt that. These people are not stupid but they ARE narcissists in the extreme. It would not surprise me one bit if they all thought they would win.

My bet is on donors jumping ship. If that happened, I could see Romney throwing in the towel early for the 'team' rather than divide the money. It would not surprise me if there was a position worked out for it either.

Well everything these guys do is for politics. The first thing Romney decided to do after annoucing he's not running is to have dinner with Chris Christie. Take it for what it's worth.
Well, that is not a surprise though. He has a LOT of pull still and can shift his donors to another candidate. It would not surprise me if that is what that 'dinner' was about. Money.
Jeb is the best the GOP has to offer? That's sad.
No, you obviously havent been paying attention. Currently no one is running from the GOP. On the Democrat side you've got a rude piece of shit from VA, while Hillary pretends the nomination is hers. So you've got rude and lying. And yes that is the best the Democrats can come up with.

You will vote for whoever the GOP tells you to. I will be laughing when you break out the Jeb Bush sigs, then accuse him of being a RINO the moment he loses. :lol:

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