Romney Leads Obama in Absentee Votes in FL; Closes Gap In NC, OH


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
As if to confirm all the scuttle surrounding GOP enthusiasm, how effective Romney's ground game is, and reports from other states about Romney's advantage in early voting, today the Tampa Bay Times reports some pretty phenomenal numbers. I should be noted that these are not complete numbers and most certainly could change. But as an early indication of enthusiasm, Team Obama should be worried:

Absentee Ballot Requests:

REP 855,344 (43.40%, +4.43)

DEM 767,968 (38.97%)

The votes don’t count until you return the ballot, and Romney has an even wider lead there:

Absentee Ballot Returns:

REP 12,323 (45.54%, +7.51)

DEM 10,289 (38.03%)

In North Carolina, Romney's way ahead with absentee ballots. Of the 29,400 returned, 54% are registered Republicans, only 28% Democrats.

In Ohio, 691,000 absentee ballots have been requested, 30% from Democrats, 24% from Republicans, and 46% from unaffiliated. This might look bad (and the numbers could change), but in 2008, Democrats massacred Republicans in early voting by 19 points; now it's only six. Romney is also winning Independent voters, so it's not reasonable to believe that those Ohioans listed as "unaffiliated" could be going his way.

According to the website American Majority Action, that gathers absentee ballots counts from the college professors who track them…

The five largest counties in Ohio have all shifted at least 6 percent (and as much as 27 percent) to the Republicans since 2008. While the polls show an Obama lead, these real votes (assuming voters registered in a party vote for their candidate) demonstrate a significant Republican shift since 2008.

Obama won Ohio by 263,000 or 4.8% in 2008. Since then, Secretary of State Jon Husted removed over 450,000 deceased and duplicated registrations from the voter rolls. And we all know the only candidate that hurt was Barack Obama.

From Romney Leads Obama in Absentee Votes in FL; Closes Gap In NC, OH
Romney Takes Swing State Lead
by John Hinderaker

Rasmussen Reports tracks likely voter preference in 11 swing states, alongside its national poll. The 11 states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. In recent weeks, President Obama has fared better in the swing state survey than the national poll, leading by six points as recently as October 4.

The swing state poll is a seven-day rolling survey, so it does not yet fully reflect the effects of Romney’s big win in the debate last week. But even so, the results are stunning: Romney has now taken a two-point lead, 49% to 47%. Some of the other findings are even more positive; Rasmussen reports that “Forty-six percent (46%) of these Swing State voters are now “certain” they will vote for Romney and will not change their minds. Forty percent (40%) are certain they will vote for the president.

It wouldn’t be right to say that the Democrats are going into panic mode, and, in fact, what strikes me as remarkable about the polls is that Obama doesn’t do worse. But when the best the president can do on the stump is talk about Big Bird, you can tell he is getting desperately low on ammunition. Meanwhile, the Democrats’ emails to their faithful are sounding increasingly hysterical. This one came in this morning:

John –

I won’t mince words: If we’re going to win this thing, we need everyone to double-down on their efforts.

The Republicans and their Super PACs are flooding the airwaves with false and misleading ads in swing states across the country. If we sit idly by while President Obama and Democrats nationwide are under attack, then we’ll lose.

This election is too close — and too important — for anyone to sit on the sidelines.

Will you donate $3 or whatever you can before tomorrow’s ad-buy deadline to help us fight back against Republican attacks?

The next 4 weeks will decide the outcome of this election.

If we win, it will be because of what you did at moments like this. I hope you’ll join us.

Chip in $3 right now:


Kelly Ward
DCCC Political Director

I sincerely hope it’s true that Republicans and their SuperPACs are flooding the airwaves, but here in a non-swing state, we don’t see any evidence of it.
Romney Surges Past Obama in Colorado, National Polls After Debate

Mitt Romney's debate performance has propelled him past President Barack Obama in the polls in Colorado and nationally, according to post-debate polls conducted by Gravis Marketing and Clarus Research, respectively.

Romney leads Obama by one point (47% to 46%) in the Clarus Research poll, which was conducted nationwide on Thursday. On Tuesday, before the debate, Obama led Romney by 4 points (49% to 45%) in the same poll.

In the Gravis Marketing Colorado poll, which was conducted October 3-4, Romney leads Obama by 3.5 points, 49.4% to 45.9%. In Gravis Marketing's September 25th poll of Colorado voters, Obama led Romney by 4.7 points, 50.2% to 45.5%.

Wednesday's debate was held in Denver, Colorado. Obama won Colorado by nine points in 2009, but he has been underperforming in 2008 in one of the most important swing states that could potentially flip to Romney in 2012.

From Romney Surges Past Obama in Colorado, National Polls After Debate
As if to confirm all the scuttle surrounding GOP enthusiasm, how effective Romney's ground game is, and reports from other states about Romney's advantage in early voting, today the Tampa Bay Times reports some pretty phenomenal numbers. I should be noted that these are not complete numbers and most certainly could change. But as an early indication of enthusiasm, Team Obama should be worried:

Absentee Ballot Requests:

REP 855,344 (43.40%, +4.43)

DEM 767,968 (38.97%)

The votes don’t count until you return the ballot, and Romney has an even wider lead there:

Absentee Ballot Returns:

REP 12,323 (45.54%, +7.51)

DEM 10,289 (38.03%)

In North Carolina, Romney's way ahead with absentee ballots. Of the 29,400 returned, 54% are registered Republicans, only 28% Democrats.

In Ohio, 691,000 absentee ballots have been requested, 30% from Democrats, 24% from Republicans, and 46% from unaffiliated. This might look bad (and the numbers could change), but in 2008, Democrats massacred Republicans in early voting by 19 points; now it's only six. Romney is also winning Independent voters, so it's not reasonable to believe that those Ohioans listed as "unaffiliated" could be going his way.

According to the website American Majority Action, that gathers absentee ballots counts from the college professors who track them…

The five largest counties in Ohio have all shifted at least 6 percent (and as much as 27 percent) to the Republicans since 2008. While the polls show an Obama lead, these real votes (assuming voters registered in a party vote for their candidate) demonstrate a significant Republican shift since 2008.

Obama won Ohio by 263,000 or 4.8% in 2008. Since then, Secretary of State Jon Husted removed over 450,000 deceased and duplicated registrations from the voter rolls. And we all know the only candidate that hurt was Barack Obama.

From Romney Leads Obama in Absentee Votes in FL; Closes Gap In NC, OH

Like I said to the liberals and obama fans who have been telling me "this election is over" for 3 or 4 weeks straight I'm goint to tell you the election isn't over nor is it tommorrow so lets not get ahead of ourselves over some decent polls for romney this week. We have 2 more pres and a VP debate to deal with and another UE announcement for november right before the election.
by Douglas Gibbs @ Political Pistachio: Romney Landslide Predicted by University of Colorado Model

Here at Political Pistachio we have been telling you since the beginning that it will be a landslide win for Romney. The manipulated polls, the manipulated unemployment numbers, and the continuous erroneous claims by the Democrats that Romney is lying, cannot stop the landslide from happening. The democrats are throwing every dirty trick at the GOP, and the kitchen sink, but the fact is Obama's record is a record of failure. He is a poor decision maker, his foreign policy has resulted in the Middle East igniting with the Muslim Brotherhood in charge, and his domestic policies laced with Marxism has destroyed the economy, and has placed the American Dream at risk.

People know the truth.

I am shocked there is anyone remaining willing to vote for Obama. . . but those people who are still in the tank for Obama are beyond saving. . . which, I think, was what Romney was trying to say with his 47% comment.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

University of Colorado Model: Romney Will Beat Obama in 2012 - The Blaze @

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