Romney is REAL Change for ALL of US!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
That should be his slogan.

No more pitting one group of citizens against the other. We need a president who will be for men, women, the young , old blacks, whites, Asians and Hispanics...all citizens.

We need a president who will not sue states or stop agreements with them when they are carrying out federal laws he doesn't care for.

We need a president who will protect our borders.

We need a president who knows how to deal with the economy and what steps to take to make businesses work so they won;t be reluctant to hire more employees.

We need a president who will demand a budget and work with Congress.

We need a president who will work bipartisanly to get the good answers regardless where they come from.

We need a president who will work for the Country, not his own agenda.

Romney is REAL CHANGE for ALL of (the) U.S.!
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This country is no longer capable of bipartisanship.

President Romney would be treated just like President Bush was.
Willard is the same center/right republican as Obama. He will do the exact same things as Obama, but further destroy the nation by getting back to epically failed right wing/bush policies.

You are out of your damn mind if you think anything would get better.
This country is no longer capable of bipartisanship.

President Romney would be treated just like President Bush was.

Somehow we have to get back to bipartisanship. Obama, we know can't do it. Let's encourage Romney to be THE MAN.
When you go to the voting booth and look on who to vote For president has "all the above", you know your fucked!
Willard is the same center/right republican as Obama. He will do the exact same things as Obama, but further destroy the nation by getting back to epically failed right wing/bush policies.

You are out of your damn mind if you think anything would get better.

I once believed in the Hope and Change thing. Now I am desperately praying for it.
When you go to the voting booth and look on who to vote For president has "all the above", you know your fucked!

"What party are you running under Mr. Romney?" "Why the Republidemoindeliberaltarian party"
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Until then, trust your vote. There is no perfect person for each person or passion, to be addressed.
Willard is the same center/right republican as Obama. He will do the exact same things as Obama, but further destroy the nation by getting back to epically failed right wing/bush policies.

You are out of your damn mind if you think anything would get better.

I once believed in the Hope and Change thing. Now I am desperately praying for it.

I gave up after Reagan and the repubs of the 80's.
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Where is Obama's economic team and what is their plan for an economic recovery? Obama has said he would be a one term president if the ecnomic recovery was not done in 3 years. Where the deficit reduction he promised?

Why, instead did the deficit go up to record levels, we experienced credit downgrades and people are still experiencing high unemployment growth? Have you lost your home yet? Many have.

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