Romney in first place in all the January primary and caucus States!

please. nothing this far out means anything. I wont be upset if Romney wins. But I am not going to pretend polls now tell us what will happen then.
The more recent Great Socialist triumphs in China may help to bail-out mostly Socialist Greece.

Governor Romeny might want to consider a good, old-fashioned Morman, Mission to Laissex-Faire East Africa and Haiti, after the election. The family apparently has the $250.0 mil. to spread around, following other Morman precepts.

Actually, the Conservative Base of the Republican Party likely cannot stand to even be around any of the above.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Vote Many off Island, In Only One Month: Bad for new Vaudeville, GOP, business debates!)
If only Romney would run as the Marx-o-crat that he is we'd be rid of Obama in the primaries. Of course the country would still be on the shit-chute and maybe moving a little faster in that direction. America is like an alcoholic. We can't improve until we're at rock bottom and Romney could get us there far more quickly than "president*" 9.1.

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