Romney, Huckabee or Walker: Who’s Most Important?

Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us

you have revealed yourself to be both dishonest and ignorant. A powerful combination.

people get on ballots by doing hard work. look at Jimmy Carter, traveled around the nation for a few years before LOCAL Democratic clubs supported his being on the ballot.

If money bought elections Nelson Rockefeller would have been President
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Sonny - the whole Barack Obama Phenomena of 2008 blows your theory completely out of the water. No money - no backing. Beat the well-funded.

Gee, I didn't really have to go too far back to explode your little delusion now did I?
Are you really serious? You honestly believe that he didn't owe any favors after taking his seat in Washington? You believe that he made it clear during his run for office that no one should expect any favorite treatment from the oval office? Gee, you are really deep in that dark uninformed cave.
On Friday, news reports, varying slightly, described remarks Mitt Romney purportedly made to a group of donors saying he is considering a run for president again in 2016.

Romney Huckabee or Walker Who 8217 s most important - The Washington Post

If we elect someone from this list to be the US president in 2016, then shame on us.
FYI ---- Professional politicians are exactly that, professional politicians, no difference. They all do what professional politicians do, play "politics as usual". Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Campaign rhetoric is nothing more than "Dr. Feelgood" speeches, designed to pull votes, period. By the time any professional politician is elected and takes office, they owe many favors, and they begin paying those debts. We have a Lobbyist controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office bought and paid for. Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us. It's all a game, a cruel game played against this nation and her citizens.
who bought and paid for the oval; office? Names please
The ones that funded his run for president. I'm sure the list is a long one. He didn't pay for it himself. How many hundreds of $Millions did it take to get him elected?

So you're as clueless as supposed?

No, not in the least. I'm smart enough to know that he didn't fund his run for the oval office out of his own pocket.
yet you're dumb enough to imagine this pathetic reply makes you look intelligent.
Sonny - the whole Barack Obama Phenomena of 2008 blows your theory completely out of the water. No money - no backing. Beat the well-funded.

Gee, I didn't really have to go too far back to explode your little delusion now did I?
Are you really serious? You honestly believe that he didn't owe any favors after taking his seat in Washington? You believe that he made it clear during his run for office that no one should expect any favorite treatment from the oval office? Gee, you are really deep in that dark uninformed cave.

Oh! First you said the oval office was bought. Now you say people who helped elect a candidate want special treatment?

Oh the horror! The horror. special treatment!
... and then there are those who cling to their fantasy (and call others stupid for not clinging to it) even though it has been demonstrated false.
Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us

you have revealed yourself to be both dishonest and ignorant. A powerful combination.

people get on ballots by doing hard work. look at Jimmy Carter, traveled around the nation for a few years before LOCAL Democratic clubs supported his being on the ballot.

If money bought elections Nelson Rockefeller would have been President
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us

you have revealed yourself to be both dishonest and ignorant. A powerful combination.

people get on ballots by doing hard work. look at Jimmy Carter, traveled around the nation for a few years before LOCAL Democratic clubs supported his being on the ballot.

If money bought elections Nelson Rockefeller would have been President
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
You were challenged on statements you made. You went sophomoric and ignorant.
FYI ---- Professional politicians are exactly that, professional politicians, no difference. They all do what professional politicians do, play "politics as usual". Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Campaign rhetoric is nothing more than "Dr. Feelgood" speeches, designed to pull votes, period. By the time any professional politician is elected and takes office, they owe many favors, and they begin paying those debts. We have a Lobbyist controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office bought and paid for. Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us. It's all a game, a cruel game played against this nation and her citizens.
who bought and paid for the oval; office? Names please
The ones that funded his run for president. I'm sure the list is a long one. He didn't pay for it himself. How many hundreds of $Millions did it take to get him elected?

So you're as clueless as supposed?

No, not in the least. I'm smart enough to know that he didn't fund his run for the oval office out of his own pocket.
yet you're dumb enough to imagine this pathetic reply makes you look intelligent.
So, personal attacks make you right, make you intelligent, and makes you appear to be over the age of 10? Pleeeeease !!!
I'm looking forward to a Romney-Bush cage match, two silver spoon boys going at it. That will make it rough for the rich boys to pick which candidate to support.

yeah. By the time they get through destroying each other nobody will elect them.. Willard should have learned that last go round, Jeb will this go round.
Same thing any oth of the parties do in primaries,nothing new there,why try and make it something it not.

you said it was the same thing (almost used English too). I didn't make it anything other than what is. Ponder that.
Besides, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we're asked to vote for the ones pre-selected for us

you have revealed yourself to be both dishonest and ignorant. A powerful combination.

people get on ballots by doing hard work. look at Jimmy Carter, traveled around the nation for a few years before LOCAL Democratic clubs supported his being on the ballot.

If money bought elections Nelson Rockefeller would have been President
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
You were challenged on statements you made. You went sophomoric and ignorant.
I answered the challenge. Go back and read. I said that he didn't pay his own way to the oval office.
you have revealed yourself to be both dishonest and ignorant. A powerful combination.

people get on ballots by doing hard work. look at Jimmy Carter, traveled around the nation for a few years before LOCAL Democratic clubs supported his being on the ballot.

If money bought elections Nelson Rockefeller would have been President
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
You were challenged on statements you made. You went sophomoric and ignorant.
I answered the challenge. Go back and read. I said that he didn't pay his own way to the oval office.
that was NOT the challenge. lying again
You just have to love the layout of the land. Clinton "it's her time". Jeb "it's my turn now". Romney "three times a charm".

Sad just freaking sad.
What's so sad about it, is the fact that voters will once again elect a professional politician to serve. Now that's sad, very sad.
not sad. go out and hire a non professional accountant

then get back to us
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
You were challenged on statements you made. You went sophomoric and ignorant.
I answered the challenge. Go back and read. I said that he didn't pay his own way to the oval office.
that was NOT the challenge. lying again
When you grow up, and can discuss issues in an adult and civil manner, let me know and we can finish this conversation.
You just have to love the layout of the land. Clinton "it's her time". Jeb "it's my turn now". Romney "three times a charm".

Sad just freaking sad.
What's so sad about it, is the fact that voters will once again elect a professional politician to serve. Now that's sad, very sad.
not sad. go out and hire a non professional accountant

then get back to us
We're not talking about accountants. We're talking about Politicians. Did you lose track of the subject matter? It's politicians, not accountants. Please try to stay focused and on topic. Thanks.
Reality awaits. Don't live with your head buried in the sand, please. Wake up.

You're also revealed to be a loser loudmouth with nothing to back up your sophomoric rantings.

Any candidate you name had to work their way into the corridors of local party groups in order to get through the primary process. We have a party system. Join a party and get your ignorant lazy arse edumacated, Jethro
Your silly immature name calling, and school yard mouth, really does nothing to support your argument. Why not try to discuss and debate in a civil and adult manner? Are you intelligent enough to have civil and adult conversations? Just curious.
You were challenged on statements you made. You went sophomoric and ignorant.
I answered the challenge. Go back and read. I said that he didn't pay his own way to the oval office.
that was NOT the challenge. lying again
Pleeeeeeease !! I'm really not interested in this game of tag. I answered your questions. Mr. Obama was bought. He had many that put up the money to get him elected. All politicians are helped. All politicians owe favors. All politicians repay those favors. It's well publicized and noted. Free trips, kick-backs, etc. etc. etc.
People like this SonnyBoyDolt, assume a non professional politician (I suppose he'd support an amateur politician) could do a good job as President. Oh yeah, watch that amateur try and deal with the electorate and it's mood swings, let alone the Congress and foreign leaders: other politicians

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