Romney Flip Flops on Mandate, now says it is a tax


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
After saying Thursday that he agreed with the dissent on the SCOTUS decision, i.e., that it wasn't a tax,

Romney has now, with painfully boring predictability, flip flopped AGAIN and is now saying it is a tax.


Romney calls health care mandate a ‘tax,’ contradicts top aide – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Apparently, conveniently, Romney is taking the position that the Supreme Court can't ever be wrong.

(Supporters of Roe v. Wade, among others, should take comfort in that Romney endorsement of a woman's right to choose.:lol:)
Well I guess I'd rather have a flip flopper than a flat out liar
What an idiot Willard is, he can't even go a week without flip-flopping.
After saying Thursday that he agreed with the dissent on the SCOTUS decision, i.e., that it wasn't a tax,

Romney has now, with painfully boring predictability, flip flopped AGAIN and is now saying it is a tax.


Romney calls health care mandate a ‘tax,’ contradicts top aide – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Apparently, conveniently, Romney is taking the position that the Supreme Court can't ever be wrong.

(Supporters of Roe v. Wade, among others, should take comfort in that Romney endorsement of a woman's right to choose.:lol:)

Just a thought, not that I want to actually defend idiots who want to tell me what to do, but perhaps he is simple saying that, if the court says the sky is orange in order to justify the fact that the FCC can tell us to eat spinach, than the sky is orange.
After saying Thursday that he agreed with the dissent on the SCOTUS decision, i.e., that it wasn't a tax,

Romney has now, with painfully boring predictability, flip flopped AGAIN and is now saying it is a tax.


Romney calls health care mandate a ‘tax,’ contradicts top aide – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Apparently, conveniently, Romney is taking the position that the Supreme Court can't ever be wrong.

(Supporters of Roe v. Wade, among others, should take comfort in that Romney endorsement of a woman's right to choose.:lol:)

Un like Obama of course who only Flipped Flopped on it, after he passed it right?

fuck you.

No credibility none of you.
a tax only for those without health insurance ... for everyone else it is a Premium.
I wonder if Romney owns stock in International House of Pancakes?

Mitt Romney said the federal health care reform mandate constitutes a "tax" Wednesday, contradicting the way a senior adviser to his campaign characterized his position earlier this week.

Eric Fehrnstrom, the senior adviser to Romney's campaign, said in a Monday interview that Romney thought the fee that will be generated by the federal law was not a tax despite the Supreme Court's ruling.
Romney is clearly ignorant of the subject, and has no idea what he’s talking about. And conflicting with an advisor indicates a campaign in continued disarray.
Since everyone else seems to just pick and choose what they want from the article allow me to do the same.
"I said that I agreed with the dissent and the dissent made it very clear that they felt it was unconstitutional. But the dissent lost," Romney said. "It's in the minority. And so now the Supreme Court has spoken, and while I agreed with dissent, it's taken over by the fact that the majority of the court said that it's a tax and therefore it is a tax."
Since everyone else seems to just pick and choose what they want from the article allow me to do the same.
"I said that I agreed with the dissent and the dissent made it very clear that they felt it was unconstitutional. But the dissent lost," Romney said. "It's in the minority. And so now the Supreme Court has spoken, and while I agreed with dissent, it's taken over by the fact that the majority of the court said that it's a tax and therefore it is a tax."

Most people would consider that living with reality, but NY considers that flip flopping. :eusa_shhh:
Since everyone else seems to just pick and choose what they want from the article allow me to do the same.
"I said that I agreed with the dissent and the dissent made it very clear that they felt it was unconstitutional. But the dissent lost," Romney said. "It's in the minority. And so now the Supreme Court has spoken, and while I agreed with dissent, it's taken over by the fact that the majority of the court said that it's a tax and therefore it is a tax."

What I'm hearing on the news is that the dissent is very pissed off, and not speaking to Justice Roberts any longer.
I wonder if Romney owns stock in International House of Pancakes?


The left calls Romney a flip-flopper and says that Obama evolves I just don't really understand the difference other than just politics.

Saying "i hate pancakes, they taste like shit-patties!" one day, then a week later stating "I love pancakes! I eat them every day with my cheesy-grits" is flip flopping

Saying "I like pancakes, but just with butter for now, but I'm working on putting syrup on them as well." Then years later stating "I like pancakes with butter, and now that i've grown up a bit, I like them with syrup too" Is evolving.
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I wonder if Romney owns stock in International House of Pancakes?


The left calls Romney a flip-flopper and says that Obama evolves I just don't really understand the difference other than just politics.

Saying "i hate pancakes, they taste like shit-patties!" one day, then a week later stating "I love pancakes! I eat them every day with my cheesy-grits" is flip flopping

Saying "I like pancakes, but just with butter for now, but I'm working on putting syrup on them as well." Then years later stating "I like pancakes with butter, and now that i've grown up a bit, I like them with syrup too" Is evolving.

Whatever floats your boat to let you sleep at night is all good with me, B_K. :rolleyes:

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