Romney and the Mass GOP Cabal: Ask Ron Paul backers what to expect...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
This is just a small example of the dirty tricks being played across the country.

Others include:
Issuing new rules for the state convention the day before that disregards the rules committee rules that are supposed to govern the convention. - Louisiana
Using police to arrest the new convention chair when you lose your seat due to not following the rules. - Louisiana
Illegally adjourning the caucus/convention before the business of electing delegates can be finished. - Arizona, Missouri Oklahoma, Washington and Nevada in '08.
Taking the ballot boxes to an undisclosed location to count the votes in private. Iowa, Arizona and I think Maine.
Canceling a caucus and rescheduling it past the cut off date to be inlcuded in the results. - Maine
Passing out fake delegate slates to confuse voters and cause delegates to become ineligible due to being on multiple slates. - Maine, Arizona , Washington.

These are just some instances I can think of off the top of my head and most are well documented on you tube if you search for the applicable event.
The cheating is widespread and it is not just in the GOP. Ron Paul people are exposing the rotten core of the system. The GOP doesn't realize that even if they win this battle they are losing the war because they are creating converts for the other side. There are many long time republicans that are sickened by the corruption they see. They may not be Paul supporters but they are fair minded and want to see change.
the part where you think he's relevant.

Please learn the difference between fact and opinion then come back and we can talk some more.


otay, corky

THe biggest argument against him being irrelevant is the fact that Romney keeps fighting him at every turn despite having supposedly clinched the nomination. If it was clinched why send out affidavits stating an intention to vote for romney to national delegates who are supposedly bound already? Why fight tooth and nail for delgates in Louisiana and Maine and every other caucus state? Why not let him have a voice at the convention? Why try to block his supporters from positions of power? If we are irrelevant then why can't you ignore us?
Ron Paul is a cranky old fool and his idiot son is a moron. That said, the GOP has both of them within their ranks.

Thanks for the neg rep for stating my opinion. If Ron Paul was irrelevant why would you bother to open and read a thread about him? Why would you get so irritated by the fact that I support him and make a valid point?

Ron Paul may or may not be an old fool but he has thousands upon thousands of people come out and hear him speak. He raises millions of dollars from GRASSROOTS fundraising with no special interest money. He has inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the country to get involved and run for office within the GOP and in the public sector. His supporters have gained power in quite a few states and have even taken over the GOP in a few so far. These include Iowa, Nevada and Alaska. As elections are held this will only increase. You may not like Ron Paul but if you discount him then you are the foolish one.

I don't think that Ron Paul is the messiah as some do and I am not honestly counting on him winning anything. He has raised the conversation level in this country and we are now finally talking about the Fed and the unsustainable debt. We are talking about our involvement in other countries and looking at our foreign policy. We are looking at civil liberties and how congress has been slowly taking them away. All of this is due in large part to the topics he brought to the table in the debates and otherwise. Politicians are now getting on board. I heard a candidate for the Senate on the radio decrying NDAA just yesterday. She was responding to a caller who specifically called to ask her about it. This is the true effect of the Ron Paul candidacy and conservatives should be thankful for it instead of disparaging.

These are indisputable and verifiable FACTS.
Ron Paul is a cranky old fool and his idiot son is a moron. That said, the GOP has both of them within their ranks.
Is that why Mitt Romney met with Rand Paul recently?

[ame=]ALERT: Mitt Romney Meets with Rand Paul - YouTube[/ame]
Ron Paul is a cranky old fool and his idiot son is a moron. That said, the GOP has both of them within their ranks.
Is that why Mitt Romney met with Rand Paul recently?

[ame=]ALERT: Mitt Romney Meets with Rand Paul - YouTube[/ame]


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