Romney and Obama two birds of a feather.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Think there is any difference between Romney and Obama? think again.
both backed by the zionists and goldman sachs and here to serve wall street and the zionists new world order plan.

Bush and Clinton and Obama all have said there needs to be a new world order,the same speech Hitler spoke.Romney is long time pals with Bush Sr so dont expect anything different from him either. Evidence of voter fraud surfaces in Iowa.htm

Obama has been the most destructive president we ever had serving the interests of wall street and the zionists.

think Romney is any different? better think again.

If only we lived in a world where the two finalists would come down between Ron Paul and Gary Johnson instead of having to choose between Hitler and Stalin which is pretty much our choice here we have been given.
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there are miles of differance and only people who dont want Americans to vote say such shit
there are miles of differance and only people who dont want Americans to vote say such shit

thanks for ignoring and not looking at the facts shown to you TRUTH DOESNT MATTER.

Oh and btw,I want americans to vote.I just dont want them to be idiots and vote for either of these two clowns.I want them to be smart and do what Im going to do which is vote in Ron Paul as a WRITE IN CANDIDATE.
there are miles of differance and only people who dont want Americans to vote say such shit

thanks for ignoring and not looking at the facts shown to you TRUTH DOESNT MATTER.

Oh and btw,I want americans to vote.I just dont want them to be idiots and vote for either of these two clowns.I want them to be smart and do what Im going to do which is vote in Ron Paul as a WRITE IN CANDIDATE.

The difference? Obama won't pull another 9/11, Romney would. Yeah, the world can be a pretty rotten place at times but if I had to walk through Hell I would want Obama by my side. Romney fucking wet himself and go into fetal position.
there are miles of differance and only people who dont want Americans to vote say such shit

thanks for ignoring and not looking at the facts shown to you TRUTH DOESNT MATTER.

Oh and btw,I want americans to vote.I just dont want them to be idiots and vote for either of these two clowns.I want them to be smart and do what Im going to do which is vote in Ron Paul as a WRITE IN CANDIDATE.

The difference? Obama won't pull another 9/11, Romney would. Yeah, the world can be a pretty rotten place at times but if I had to walk through Hell I would want Obama by my side. Romney fucking wet himself and go into fetal position.

Obummer has expanded everything that Bushwacker got started,look at the second link I posted so I doubt that.He launced more drone attacks in pakistan in his first two years in office murdering more innocent women and children than Bushwacker did in his entire 8 years in the white house as well as expanding the patriot act that Bush got started so dont be too sure.You got to remember the president is just a puppet for the establishment.

By the time a new president is in office,the elite up their agenda for world domination which is why each president that gets in office is always worse than the previous one.Not because they are more evil than their predecesser,but if they dont do what they are told,then they end up like Kennedy our last real president we had who was not a willing puppet for them.
still no reply from TRUTH DOESNT MATTER how they are vastly different I see.Wont see one either.:D
Think there is any difference between Romney and Obama? think again.
both backed by the zionists and goldman sachs and here to serve wall street and the zionists new world order plan.

Bush and Clinton and Obama all have said there needs to be a new world order,the same speech Hitler spoke.Romney is long time pals with Bush Sr so dont expect anything different from him either. Evidence of voter fraud surfaces in Iowa.htm

Romney Obama the Same? - YouTube

Obama has been the most destructive president we ever had serving the interests of wall street and the zionists.

Obama Fact Sheet. Bush, Obama, Same Old Drama! Chronological listing of Obama's dealings

think Romney is any different? better think again.

17 Reasons Why A Vote For Mitt Romney Is A Vote For The New World Order

If only we lived in a world where the two finalists would come down between Ron Paul and Gary Johnson instead of having to choose between Hitler and Stalin which is pretty much our choice here we have been given.

OK.. I'll contribute my two cents.

Obama had a very narrow window of opportunity to pass what he said he had in mind between the emergency of the bailouts and the health care reform he always maintained was our single most expensive and out of control program holding our country back. It was surely NOT the two years the neoGOPers keep squeeling about. For at least two and a half years since the stabilization of the economy from the very brink of disaster the conz have sandbagged EVERYTHING that Obama has requested.

SOOOooo... in response to the OP I hafta say that we don't know what trees Obama wanted to plant would have bared fruit. Obama's lack of progress on the economy is directly attiributabe to the conz subtrafuge. We don't know what Obama's plan was.

As for Romney... he has dug deep into the republican playbook and is going with a "secret" plan something like tricky Dick's secret plan to get us out of Viet Nam. I have seen no Romney specifics that do not mirror Bush's disasterous acheivements. He has Ryan on board as a red herring so we can worry about Ryans plan yet Romney has said he has his own seperate plan. But it's a secret. Like his financial disclosure. AND if you don't like his responses about THAT ask his wife.

Obama and Romney the same? How would you know?
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From Black Agenda Reports:

"Republicans and Democrats, like Romney and Obama are of one mind on many more things than they disagree about. From war and empire to their policies on Big Ag, Big Energy, “clean coal and safe nuclear power,” and the war on drugs their areas of agreement are vast and troubling, and perhaps far more important than the rhetorical and stylistic differences highlighted by US political campaigns."

Elected Republicans AND Democrats serve the same 1% of the US population, and it's not the one percent sending most of their children to die in Afghanistan.

If Mitt moves in next January, he'll likely have an opportunity to appoint 1-3 SCOTUS replacements.

If Wall Street's Boy gets a second term, he will likely succeed where Bush and Clinton failed and "reform" Social Security.

Flip a coin?

Closer Than You Think: Top 15 Things Romney and Obama Agree On | Black Agenda Report
not enough difference to change anything but that's politics as usual.

There is a ton of difference between Romney's capitalist agenda and president Hussein's agenda that is determined to reduce the US to a 3rd world country not unlike his birthplace. Anyone that tells you that there is no difference is a democrat party dirty trickster.
not enough difference to change anything but that's politics as usual.

There is a ton of difference between Romney's capitalist agenda and president Hussein's agenda that is determined to reduce the US to a 3rd world country not unlike his birthplace. Anyone that tells you that there is no difference is a democrat party dirty trickster.

Read this...

Closer Than You Think: Top 15 Things Romney and Obama Agree On | Black Agenda Report

and get back to us...
I see the romney apologists like pale retard for example,are all avoiding this thread.No surprise.they know they cant counter these facts so they want it to die.:lol::lol::D
this lady here tells it like it is.How there is no difference between the two.

[ame=]Romney & Obama: They Are the Same Folks!!! - YouTube[/ame]
here is another great article on this.

Yes, I

Yes, I would like to admit that this November, I will be voting third party. However, contrary to what many do or would like to believe, I am notwasting my vote.When stating that you are going to vote third party, one is usually met with the typical dismissals that “you’re wasting your vote” and “there’s no chance in hell that they will win.” While my party of choice may not win, I realize that there is little difference between either candidate and that both will only make this country worse.Obama has made a number of policy decisions during his first term that have strengthened the police state, expanded US militarism abroad, and aided the very bankers that have pillaged the country.Concerning the police state, during his presidency, Obama has created a legal precedent that allows him (and future presidents) to assassinate US citizens as can be seen in the case of Anwar al-Awlaki.

While Obama supporters will argue that al-Awlaki was a terrorist, the fact of the matter is that he had never actually committed a terrorist act. ABC News reported that “al-Awlaki was not the trigger-man in any of the 19 terror operations to which he is linked even though he did “[push] the attackers over the violent edge or [personally guided] them through operations.” Even if one may argue that pushing attackers over the edge or guiding them is being an accomplice, it still does not erase the fact that he was, legally speaking, still a US citizen at the time he was killed and that he his Sixth Amendment right was violated as he was not given a fair trial in a court of law.

However, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Last year, Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 which allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens. While the US Supreme Court ruled part of the bill unconstitutional, Obama still ignored the federal ban on indefinite detention. This year he signed into law HR 347 which, while masqueraded as innocently rewriting a trespass law from 1971, “could be misused as part of a larger move by the Secret Service and others to suppress lawful protest by relegating it to particular locations at a public event.” Thus, under Obama the police state has become all the worse and in this aspect he is worse than even former President Bush.

Militarily, Obama increased the number of US troops in Afghanistan and had a false drawdown in Iraq as while the US military left, US contractors entered the fray. He entered Libya, after ignoring Congress, arguing that because the UN had given the green light, he didn’t need Congress to authorize the invasion of Libya. He also stated that there were no US troops in Libya when that was a complete and total lie. Now, in Syria, Obama is aiding the Syrian rebels, who are mainly composed of Al Qaeda members and foreign fighters whose goal it is to establish an Islamic state.

Economically, Obama has let banks that were involved in the mortgage crisis off the hook. While Obama should be praised for supporting women’s rights and LGBT rights, he has continued the militaristic foreign policy of his predecessor, aided the very banks that played a major role in creating the current financial crisis, and has created a police state on steroids.

Romney is not much better as his foreign policy views differ only slightly from Obama’s. He is actively pushing the US closer to war with Iran and has no problems with being Israel’s lapdog, backing an Israeli attack on Iran. Domestically, Romney supports the rich and corporations even more than Obama does and wants to wage class war on the poor and middle class. Despite his having ‘business’ experience, Romney’s budget plan is an utter joke and goes even farther than Ryan’s budget. He is in favor of keeping the police state apparatus that Bush bought into being and Obama has furthered. Thus, while there are differences between the Obama and Romney, they are quite few and far between.

While many may mock me and others for voting third party, we are not wasting our votes as democracy is about people voting for who they think the best person is to get into office, not who is the slickest PR campaign or who has the richest interest groups backing them. Voting for Obama or Romney and knowing that both of them don’t care about average Americans will only continue pushing the pendulum that is American politics, to either the Republicans or the Democrats, with there being no substantial change in how the system itself works and who is benefits and oppresses.

I don’t know about you, but this November, I’m voting with my conscious.
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what many posters here dont realise is that as bad as Obama has been for us, Romney will be even worse believe it or not because for all of Obamas faults and autrocities he has committed against the american people,he has at least resisted the establishment and the status quos desire to invade Iran where Romney has criticised Obama on that and has said we need to invade Iran.

I of course wish Paul was going to be the new president since he is the only one who wants to serve the people instead of wall street and the establishment but since he is out of it,I am going to be pulling for Obama to win.I wont vote for him, but I will be pulling for him since we are stuck with one of these clowns as president.
either way we are screwed with either one of these clowns as the new president.they are both war mongrels and both will invade Iran.Obama is pretending like he is against the Iran war by saying and acting like he is against it speaking out on it but thats just for support and votes.He has expanded Bushs war and you got to remember that he lied about the patriot act as well before he became president saying he was against it and would repel it if president but when he got in office he of course lied and voted to reinstate it so it would be stupid to believe anything thie liar says either.

great choice of candidates FLIP FLOP Romney,or socialist big time liar Obama.great choices to have.

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