Romney 7 million to Charity..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Gads, that will affect your tax rate, I'm thinkin.

Obama, over the years is a proven a cheap, penny pinching bastard and of course a liberal.


The Romney tax returns offer a window into an area of public life that matters a great deal but is rarely discussed: charitable contributions.

It confirms long-term pattern for both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, in which the Romneys have generally paid a lower tax rate than the Obamas, but given more to charity. In recent years only, the relative contributions to charity from the two couples have moved closer together.

In 2011, the Romneys donated about 29% of their income to charity – $4 million out of their total $13.7 million in income. For 2010, they donated about 13.8% of their income, $2.98 million out of $21.6 million. Over a 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income, according to an accountants’ letter they provided on Friday.

The information released by the Romney camp Friday also made a point of noting that in combination the Romneys have paid close to 40% on average of their adjusted gross income to various taxes and charities. By any measure, that’s a big number.

Mr. Obama and wife Michelle gave $172,130, or roughly 21.8% of their income, to charity in 2011, and about 14.2% in 2010. That was up from 5.9% in 2009. The Obamas gave between 4.7% and 6.5% of their income to charity between 2005 and 2008. The Obamas’ income shrank in 2011, to about $790,000, compared to earlier years, helping to boost their percentage.

The Republican candidate’s giving reflects a tendency his party would like to see replicated more widely. Republicans favor a world in which people pay fewer taxes and give more to charity, believing that private spending is more effective than that of the federal government.
Romney’s Taxes: A Window Into Charitable Giving - Washington Wire - WSJ
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

"The Obamas gave between 4.7% and 6.5% of their income to charity between 2005 and 2008."

What's your opinion on this from the OP..?
Romney gave so much less by percentage of his UNEARNED income, there is no comparison; Romney gives primarily to his church, that "7 million" is maybe a month so of INTEREST off his 1/4 BILLION in wealth. NO SCARIFICE, ever.
All the little people Romney stepped on made it possible.

He doesn't deduct it all in election years, with all his dodges his tax rate would be 10%. He's conniving, that is certain. Ann Romney moaned about having to live off the interest from a few million Geoorge tossed at them during college, poor thing. ; ) A 49 THOUSAND dollar DOWNPAYMENT on a home in the 1970's meant they moved into their first MANSION at an early age. Mitt's friends tell him to BRAG about hhis unearnd wealth. give him credit, he isn't dumb enough to do that. But he slipped up crying "I'm UNEMPLOYED!", as though he had ever BEEN employed.

Overall, like him or not, he is smart; the exteme riches could not be hidden however.
Romney gave so much less by percentage of his UNEARNED income, there is no comparison; Romney gives primarily to his church, that "7 million" is maybe a month so of INTEREST off his 1/4 BILLION in wealth. NO SCARIFICE, ever.

The church doesn't count, why is that..?
Gads, that will affect your tax rate, I'm thinkin.

Obama, over the years is a proven a cheap, penny pinching bastard and of course a liberal.


The Romney tax returns offer a window into an area of public life that matters a great deal but is rarely discussed: charitable contributions.

It confirms long-term pattern for both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, in which the Romneys have generally paid a lower tax rate than the Obamas, but given more to charity. In recent years only, the relative contributions to charity from the two couples have moved closer together.

In 2011, the Romneys donated about 29% of their income to charity – $4 million out of their total $13.7 million in income. For 2010, they donated about 13.8% of their income, $2.98 million out of $21.6 million. Over a 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income, according to an accountants’ letter they provided on Friday.

The information released by the Romney camp Friday also made a point of noting that in combination the Romneys have paid close to 40% on average of their adjusted gross income to various taxes and charities. By any measure, that’s a big number.

Mr. Obama and wife Michelle gave $172,130, or roughly 21.8% of their income, to charity in 2011, and about 14.2% in 2010. That was up from 5.9% in 2009. The Obamas gave between 4.7% and 6.5% of their income to charity between 2005 and 2008. The Obamas’ income shrank in 2011, to about $790,000, compared to earlier years, helping to boost their percentage.

The Republican candidate’s giving reflects a tendency his party would like to see replicated more widely. Republicans favor a world in which people pay fewer taxes and give more to charity, believing that private spending is more effective than that of the federal government.
Romney’s Taxes: A Window Into Charitable Giving - Washington Wire - WSJ

Politics aside, Romney's multi-million dollar contributions to charity are ignored while Obama's claim to fame is his use of someone else's money.
Romney gave so much less by percentage of his UNEARNED income, there is no comparison; Romney gives primarily to his church, that "7 million" is maybe a month so of INTEREST off his 1/4 BILLION in wealth. NO SCARIFICE, ever.

The church doesn't count, why is that..?

It DOES actuallly, you did not relate the FACTS of what Romney actually HAS given to help others, through his church: TIME! He not only went on a mission, as a bishop, he coordinated relief efforts, among other things.

Got that? TIME, the one thing no amount of money can buy you more of.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

Romney follows the law, just like Obama, Soros and Buffett's secretary. (Buffett doesn't, he's settling his tax fraud case).

That's not dodging taxes.
A lot does go in to the Mission program, and Relief society; as a Bishop, Romney had to put in many hours, UNPAID, to cooridinate those things, and many youth programs. I have met several Bishops in the LDS chirch, all were VERY busy, whatever their life's work.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

Romney follows the law, just like Obama, Soros and Buffett's secretary. (Buffett doesn't, he's settling his tax fraud case).

That's not dodging taxes.

That's just it. Instead of attacking wealthy people, maybe some should look to Washington regarding tax laws. Romney isn't breaking laws, just following them. I don't see any liberals paying over and above what the law requires, yet Romney is supposed to apologize for being wealthy and will get picked apart simply because he has wealth.

If you want to discuss a real evil wealthy person, read up on George Soros, who didn't care if an entire country suffered as long as he made money, which he now spends to try and ruin more of the world. Or Geithner and countless other cheats in the Obama administration. The left shrugged that off and don't care that the guy responsible for making tax laws filed a dishonest return and claimed ignorance of what deductions are legally allowed.

When it comes to charity, Republicans tend to donate more of their own money out of kindness and generosity. Democrats can't spend other peoples' money fast enough to buy votes.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

Romney follows the law, just like Obama, Soros and Buffett's secretary. (Buffett doesn't, he's settling his tax fraud case).

That's not dodging taxes.

That's just it. Instead of attacking wealthy people, maybe some should look to Washington regarding tax laws. Romney isn't breaking laws, just following them. I don't see any liberals paying over and above what the law requires, yet Romney is supposed to apologize for being wealthy and will get picked apart simply because he has wealth.

If you want to discuss a real evil wealthy person, read up on George Soros, who didn't care if an entire country suffered as long as he made money, which he now spends to try and ruin more of the world. Or Geithner and countless other cheats in the Obama administration. The left shrugged that off and don't care that the guy responsible for making tax laws filed a dishonest return and claimed ignorance of what deductions are legally allowed.

When it comes to charity, Republicans tend to donate more of their own money out of kindness and generosity. Democrats can't spend other peoples' money fast enough to buy votes.

Obama is disingenuous. He hasn't donated a dime of his charitable contributions to the government. I wonder why.

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