Roger Stone Linked PAC Encourages Voters To Write In Trump For GA Senate Race


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Conservative operatives and a super PAC with ties to infamous GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone are calling for Trump supporters to punish Republicans by sitting out Georgia’s crucial Senate runoffs or writing in Trump’s name instead. And though their efforts remains on the party’s fringes, the trajectory of the movement has Republicans fearful that it could cost the GOP control of the Senate. The most aggressive call to boycott or cast protest ballots in the two runoff races has, so far, come from a dormant pro-Trump super PAC with ties to Stone, which unveiled a new initiative to retaliate against the Republican Party’s supposed turncoats by handing Democrats control of the U.S. Senate."

Makes sense, Roger Stone was the architect behind the Brooks Brothers revolt that helped stop the count in Florida back in 2000 -- he was also the architect of "Stop The Steal" not in 2020, but in 2016....anyone thinking this goofy ass Stop the Steal movement is new haven't been paying attention -- it's just another in a long line of dirty tricks from Roger Stone and the GOP..

But hey, by all means....teach that Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Pat Toomey a lesson by writing in Trump for the Senate or just boycott the election altogether -- after all....if you are so confident Soros, Democrats and the CIA stole the presidential election -- why would they not steal a senatorial race?? It's much more easier....

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