Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Bob Blaylock in #102.I 23.09.06 wrote: The Germans didn't consider Jews to be persons, either. bbblylck.23.09.06 #102 .I

NotfooledbyW in #12061: In response to {POST #102 .I} I must Inform Saint Bobblaylock that our founding generation’s leaders did not consider a fetus to be a person prior to being born.

Bob in #61.III Blaylock 23.11.13 wrote: To the degree that the savage and murderous practice of abortion is allowed to take place in this country is a severe degree of malfeasance on the part of our government—not only a willful failure to fulfill its duty to protect the innocent, but a willful repudiation and violation of that duty. •¥¥¥• bobblylck.23.11.13 #61

NotfooledbyW in #12061: Saint Bobblaylock indicates that he believes our Constitution was divinely-inspired brilliance by the great men who founded this country in the following exchange { #28 to #25}

Tommy Tainant said: Why does the US need electors ? •¥• It seems to be a device that can only add confusion and give bad actors an opportunity to cause mischief. Like trump is doing. •¥¥• tmmytnnt.23.12.28 #25

Bob Blaylock in #28 24.01.02 wrote: “I very much doubt that you have anywhere near the capability to understand the divinely-inspired brilliance of the way the great men who founded this country set up our government, including our bicameral legislative branch, and the Electoral College.” bblylck.24.01.02 #28 to tmmytnnt.23.12.28 #25

NotfooledbyW in #12061: So if we apply Saint Bobblaylock’s belief that our Constitution was divinely-inspired to his erroneous Biblical crusade against “the savage and murderous practice of abortion” it means his version of God fucked up in the 1780s at the Constitutional Convention In Philadelphia because whatever DIVINE Inspiration that went into creating the United States of America it did not give the unborn any rights or protections above or beyond the rights of the potential birth mother.

The “severe degree of abortion malfeasance” is not on our government. The malfeasance is on the Divine Inspiration that Saint Bobblaylock thinks happened in 1790.

nf.24.01.02 #12,061
to bblylck.24.01.02 #28
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Weatherman2020 in #1 24.01.02 wrote: Humanity is at two ends of the spectrum. Nothing exists in between. There is no middle ground. wthrmnnnnn.24.01.02 #1

Only if you are an inhumane white Christian nationalist Republican and also hate trees would there be no middle ground.

The “middle” shut down Republican Christian freakishness on abortion in Ohio last November.

'These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses Bannon predicted that donors may stop funding the anti-abortion movement because it might be a "drag" on Republican chances in the 2024 elections.

nf.24.01.02 #12,062
to wthrmnnnnn.24.01.02 #1
Weatherman2020 in #1 24.01.02 wrote: Humanity is at two ends of the spectrum. Nothing exists in between. There is no middle ground. wthrmnnnnn.24.01.02 #1

Only if you are an inhumane white Christian nationalist Republican and also hate trees would there be no middle ground.

The “middle” shut down Republican Christian freakishness on abortion in Ohio last November.

'These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses Bannon predicted that donors may stop funding the anti-abortion movement because it might be a "drag" on Republican chances in the 2024 elections.

nf.24.01.02 #12,062
to wthrmnnnnn.24.01.02 #1
Why do you love to murder children?
DigitalDrifter in #575 24.01.03 wrote: Yeah, and the left NEVER gets in the streets to riot, right? dgtldrftr.24.01.03 #575

Neither does the “right” if you agree with Saint Foxfyre’s POST #695 24.01.04 commentary on the J6 Ashley Babbitt “criminals for Trump” riot.

Foxfyre in #695 24.01.04 wrote: “I will never see those relative few who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts as anything other than stupid idiots who served the President and the Patriot cause/vision miserably. I suspect some, maybe many, intended to do just that . . . . “ •¥¥¥• fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #695

So Saint DigitalDrifter do you agree with MAGASaint Foxfyre’s verdict that Ashley Babbitt and all those inside the Capitol on J6 with her, in the least of it, were unlawful, criminal, stupid idiots who served the former one term loser of a president and the patriot cause/vision behind him miserably?

nf.23.01.04 #12,067
to dgtldrftr.24.01.03 #575
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SeaMajor7 in #111 24.01.05 dhgfs: “MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with Putin or Russia, you fucking retarded asshole! •¥• svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111

That is what populates the Republican Party. The Party that irrationally and immorally believes it has an obligation to the Biblical God of the entire universe to force full term gestation on all American women.

The Republican Party under MAGA loyalty to one man rule is the preferred Party of Putin.

My initial response to Saint Seamajor7 is reposted here;

NotfooledbyW #118 dhgfs: There is absolutely no collusion involved between Saint Putin and Saint Trump, It’s simply a shared experience of intimacy on a deep spiritual and ideological kind of religious belief that connects the two very strong white straight Christian men and their supporters. There is no collusion, Both men do not drink alcoholic beverages and both men wouid like to force full term gestation on women in their respective countries if they could. •¥• nf.24.01.06 #118 to svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111

The intellectual peak capability of the typical MAGA culture warring writer is as follows:

SeaMajor7 #119 dhgfs: Fuck YOU and your GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT!!!!!! •¥• You can SHOVE Putin and Russia Russia Russia UP YOUR ASS!!!!! •¥¥• svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #119

nf.24.01.06 #12,068
to svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #119
Why do you love to murder children?
Correll #tshco00011: “everyone knows that if trump wins, the rioters will go nuts. that is using political violence and abuse of power, to influence the election.” •¥• “no, no dem victory can be legit while mobs are running rampant in the streets. cvrrvll.20.08.18 #11

Why do white Christian nationalists keep trying to murder democracy?
“the weakness of the counterarguments”

BackAgain rvwgo11655: “Do we or do we not place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to life?” bckvgn.23.10.27 #11,655

NotfooledbyW etdpw00038: Were law abiding voters in 2020 America lawfully entitled to choose Joe Biden to replace djtPENCE and have Biden be peacefully and constitutionally settled in as President elect on January 6, 2021 in our nation’s Capitol? nf.24.01.07 #38 to ppgrg.24.01.03 #19

BackAgain #lonpa00063: “The legal decision remains legally baseless. It is of course an expression of mere (almost purely political) opinion.” •¥• “Thankfully, there is an excellent prospect that our SCOTUS will shred this lawless and disgraceful decision of the Colorado Supreme Court.“ bckvgn.23.12.20 #63

The question Saint Backagain asks in {BackAgain rvwgo11655} is a valid politically motivated question as to whether American voters do or do not “place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to life?” The answer is simply yes of course every law abiding voter does so unless they kill a person in self defense of themselves, other persons or the nation as a member of the armed forces.

The public has no interest in unborn life with exceptions I have outlined here,

(D) It was essentially decided in RvW that stood for fifty years. It held that ‘without cause’ abortion prior to 20 weeks is strictly a private matter and the state has no interest in the private outcome either way. That is, unless an outside party is involved to cause harm to mother or fetus or both, {NotfooledbyW #369142:}​

Procrustes Stretched #lonpa00088: “The Colorado Ruling Changed My Mind” •¥• “The strongest argument for throwing Trump off the ballot is the weakness of the counterarguments.” ps.23.12.21 #88

In February the USSC will decide if DJT is disqualified from running to park his fat ass in the Oval Office for second term. Saint Backagain is optimistic in {BackAgain #lonpa00063:} that six Catholics will overturn Colorado but may have cause to worry based on the question St. Backagain used regarding life.

Do we or do we not place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to vote?

I watched DJT’s speech on J6 and before the riot began I told my wife that the fat motherfucker says he has a way to win and if he gets that he is starting a fucking civil war.

I was not far off.

Catholic I’m sure wearing black robes I’m sure hold our long cherished national commitment to the right to vote sacred and easily can see that DJT does not. So when we combine that with the observation in Procrustes Stretched #lonpa00088: that legally the strongest argument for throwing Trump off the ballot is the weakness of the counterarguments.

The question is if USSC rules that essentially Pence blocked DJT’s insurrection or unlawful attempt to hang onto power and that it would not be wise to let DJT take the Oath of office again because his oath
Means nothing will MAGA storm the Supreme Court to burn it down or will MAGA finally die?

I can’t wait until February because either way I have nothing to lose - But MAGA mobocracy could be put down for good.

nf.24.07.08 #12,068
to bckvgn.23.12.20 #63

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

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SootedUpCyndi #pbman154615: “I'm pro -choice. Within reason. In normal circumstances.. Do it early “ •¥• stdpcynd.22.05.05 #154,615

Why have you gone on record on the USMB Saint SootedUpCyndi that you are pro-choice when you admit that you vote for post-J6 Republican politicians who are committed to forcing full term gestation on all women because Republican politicians are beholden to the white Christian nationalist to hold seats in Congress and the White House.

to stdpcynd.22.05.05 #154,615
awmtb “A Whitey's Message to Black People”

1miseryindex Dec2023 Sawmtb00001: Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know): •¥• All whities don't hate you! •¥¥• that's Number One •¥¥¥• Then there is this: Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." •¥¥¥¥•
Sometimes all you have to do is were a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.•¥¥¥¥¥• And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...•¥¥¥¥¥,¥• So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood. •¥¥¥¥¥,¥¥• And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because... •¥¥¥¥¥,¥¥¥• I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone. •¥¥¥¥¥,¥¥¥¥.• Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...
1msryndx Sawmtb00001

Just vote for Christian and Jewish Democrat for US Senators and President the rest of your life instead of voting with the extremely angry and violent Republicsn Party if you mean what you said Saint1Miseryindex in POST Sawmtb00001 in your little white Catholic rant.

nf.24.01.18 #12,072
to 1msryndx Sawmtb00001

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

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Is "Abortion" the only thing Democrats have to run on in 2024?

JGalt Jan2024 Siatot00001: “I mean come on, man. Not even any GOP candidates are running on this dead issue. Is the main concern among Democrats really the "right" to murder their crotch-fruit?” •¥• “That just seems like a silly basket to put all your eggs in if you really want to win an election. I mean it's not like all voting Democrats have vaginas, right?” •¥¥• jgvlt Siatot00001

The six week abortion ban is the only way to stop killing baby fetus “crotch fruit”
prior to viability. The only GOP primary candidate for president who will stop killing baby fetus is DeSantis.

Too harsh! Trump suggests Desantis' 6 week abortion law went too far​

Conservative from Georgia Sthtsd00001; Donald Trump seems to be open to admitting that when a woman is pregnant whatever is in her womb is not always a "baby". cfrvmg Sthtsd00001 23.05.15

Think about it St Jgalt! Republicans kill
Baby Fetus Crotch Fruit over political necessity - while long live and reign pussy grabber Trump the Baby Fetus Killer numero uno.

nfbw 24.01.19 Vrvwgo12073
to jgvlt Siatot00001
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Democrats are Horrible People - And I Can PROVE It!

Lord Long Rod Jan2023 Sdahpa00001: “I am an atheist (and a conservative).” llr!.23.01.31 lrdlngrd Sdahpa00001

Lord Long Rod Jan2023 Sdahpa00001: “They are pro-abortion on a religious-like level.”lrdlngrd 230131 Sdahpa00001

I am a Democrat and I am not pro-abortion. As a law abiding Democrat I have no interest in what happens inside woman’s bodies when somebody other than me gets them pregnant. I am pro-choice because I oppose state government’s making choices for law abiding women who do no harm when they decide to terminate their own pregnancy.

Abortion Law in Texas

Lord Long Rod Dec2023 Salitz00038: “Pro-life conservatives view abortion as murder, the same as if you walk up to some dude on the street, put a gun to his head, then splatter his brains all over the fucking place. You may, or may not, agree with this point of view. But that is beside the point. It is only if you do not view abortion as murder that you would look at abortion regulation as a government intrusion.” lrdlngrd 231212 Salitz00038

Anyone who views abortion as murder is entitled as a dna donor to not murder what the their very own dna has created at conception and nurture it to birth.

Anyone who views abortion as ending unwanted gestation as a dna donor s entitled to end the gestation of a dna related fetus.

Banning safe access to abortion to stop
those who want it is government intrusion.

It is as simple as that.

nf.24.01.21 #12,074
to Salitz00038
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Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

240127 Witnessing the end of the GOP as Saint Phyllis Schlafly and Saint Samofvt “pray” it must be.

With Donald Trump's Iowa landslide, evangelicals reveal who they really are​

Winston Jan2024 Vwdtil00001:
MustRead: MSN “This article from Salon really hits the nail on the head.” wvnstvn 240116 Vwdtil00001

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!​

Samofvt Apr2023 Srvwgo08278: Your statement is false: the liberty of the unborn, in my opinion, has equal weight as the woman carrying it. svmvfvt 230407 rvwgo08178 to nfbw 230407 Vrvwgo08170

Samofvt Apr2023 rvwgo08183: Americanism has a long history of WE THE PEOPLE intervening on behalf of those who do not have a voice. Our culture is brimming with the glory of those who sacrifice themselves for the benefit of those less fortunate. However, this must be tempered with the understanding that there are circumstances that do not fall into any describable or known category. Those circumstances must be left to decide by those closest to the situation: parents, family, and God (if the shoe fits...I will not force my beliefs in that regard on anyone, it's best found through self-discovery).
svmvtvt 230407 rvwgo08183

The common corrupt irrationality of Republican sanctimonious Jesus voters is personified by many but Saint Samofvt expresses civic irrationality quite well when in POST Srvwgo08278 he wrote “the liberty of the unborn, in my opinion, has equal weight as the woman carrying it.

Saint Samofvt tells us that Baby Fetus having the exact same right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness as it’s potential birth mother is his opinion, but he and the entire Republican Party are operating under the white Christian fundamentalistic basis that a secular civic duty exists to protect the individual right to life of Baby Fetus, is a UNIVERSAL TRUTH and is not to be negotiated away with liberals who disagree. Therefore politics is simple; liberalism is evil. Conservatives are pure holy and good.

However America was created by rational human beings. It was not created by a supernatural being for the purpose of being loved and worshipped on a national basis.

nfbw1 240127 Vrvwgo12075
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Joy Reid condemns Trumps Iowa supporters 240116​

Lesh Jan’24 jrcti00007: Sorry little victims but that’s not the case. •¥• If you are a (born again) Christian, more power to you. •¥¥• But white nationalist Christianity is a dangerous thing.and that’s what Reid is talking about •¥¥¥• Religion and politics don’t mix And Trump exposes why. •¥¥¥¥• He is a demagogue . And dangerous to democracy •¥¥¥¥¥,¥• lvsh 240116 Sjrcti00007

M14 Shooter Jan’24 Sjrcti00022:
Says the hyper-partisan bigot.
mnnshtr 240116 Sjrcti00022
to Sjrcti00007

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240127​

Jenna Ellis was a fine upstanding law-abiding homeschooled divorced born again American Christian and as wise voter Lesh said in POST Sjrcti00007 “more power to” her for being “born again and attending a Christian church.

There is no hatred or bigotry in Lesh’s writing Saint M14shooter, so why do you accuse Lesh of being one.

Jenna Ellis however is also a deeply infected white Christian nationalist based on her belief in a supernatural very common born agsin Christian myth that America was founded by born again sinners to be in a covenant with the Desert Religion God of the JudeoChristian lineage. God’s forgiveness of national sins requires worship of God and his Son and the Bible is his Word must be believed by a major share of it’s citizens or else.

White Christian nationalism is an ideology just like Marxism and communism is, but heaven forbid if one criticizes WCNism Saint M14 Shooter can only react by calling you a bigot.

Jenna is a confessed felon now because her white Christian nationalist ideology led her to become part of DJT’s criminal conspiracy to stay in the OvalOffice beyond the Constitutional end of his first term following his loss to Sleepy Joe Biden in 2020.

nfbw 240127 rvwgo 12,076 to Sjrcti00022
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Captain Caveman Jan’24 Swcbtw00034: “No one has taken a woman's and man's choice away, they just need to make their choice before conceiving.” cptncvmn 240128 Swcbtw00034

NotfooledbyW Dec’22 Vrvwgo06202 inserted Alito DOBBS quote: “For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito. nfbw 221208 Vrvwgo06202

Republicanism has removed the protected choice for fifty some years to have unrestricted access to abortion during the first twenty weeks.

nfbw 240129 Vrvwgo12078 to Swcbtw00034
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Abortion ban states see steep drop in OB/GYN residency applicants 230422
excalibur Apr’23 Sabsss: You demons who worship abortion are sick. Get right with The Lord before you die. xclbr 230422 Sabsss00002

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240201​

I have been right with nature’s lord of reason since the time Nature’s God breathed life through my nostrils at the moment I was born into our rational theist nation where no religion has favor or preference.

nfbw 240201 rvwgo12079
to Sabsss00002
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Taylor Swift to be married at Superbowl Halftime​

BULLDOG 24’Feb Vtstbm: The recent narrative has been that the Super Bowl is already rigged to make Swift's boyfriend's team win, and some sort of event at haftime where Taylor will tell all her Swifties to vote for Biden, and steal the election from Trump.
bvlldvg 240201 Vtstbm00001

SassyIrishLass Feb’24 Ststbm:
Who the fuck cares
sssyrshlss 240201 Ststbm00004

SmokeALib said:
A white performer would be considered racist.

BackAgain said:
Without her makeup? Yeeeeeeeech.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240202​

Everybody in the White Christian Nationalist Republican Saving Baby Fetus Cult needs to realize that Dobbs changed white Christian victimhood and white grievance politics for the betterment of all humanity.

Taylor Swift does not have to do anything more than stay in the fight for reproductive freedom for women. MAGA will thankfully be destroying itself.

does anyone have a problem with executing Americans without due process ??​

SmokeALib said: We already execute without due process. It's called abortion.

Obama is not a Christian​

SmokeALib said: Modern democrats are not Christian. One cannot support gay rights and abortion and claim to be Christian. •¥• Obama is a salesman posing as a leader. A Christian he is not.

A question for the anti-choice crowd.​

SmokeALib said: The Supreme Court has no right to define a human being. Hell, they overturned "late term" abortions 10 years ago. So even these fuckstains suggest that the fetus in the womb is a human being, depending on the amount of time in the womb. •¥• I find it amazing how these libs want to protect our children outside the womb, but fight to murder them inside the womb. Sick fucks. •¥¥•

Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE​

SmokeALib said:
I'm not saying arrest them. They will pay for their sins when their time on this earth is over.

JoeB131 said:
Naw, there's no complexity at all here.
1) It's her body, it's her decision.
2) The One Percenters have been been playing people like you for fools for 40 years on this issue.
3) If there is one way for the GOP to commit political suicide, it would be to declare 50 million women defacto murderers.
Jul 12, 2016 #3

A dog is killed with more mercy than an unborn baby​

SmokeALib said:
You're not only a liberal, you're a dumfuk. Slaughtering babies is the mother's business?

All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?​

SmokeALib said:
1. Abortion is murder
2. Homos ardisgusting perverts
3. God and guns are awesome

What finally got me to vote for Trump was this one thing...​

SmokeALib said:
Leftists enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.

Mystery Solved: Why Evangelicals Support Trump​

SmokeALib said:
All Christians "violate Christian values". There is only one Christian that has not "violated Christian values". He's not here at the moment, but soon will be.

A Disturbing Look at the 2020 Presidential Campaign​

SmokeALib said:
Woops. If you vote against Trump, you are voting to slaughter unborn babies.

Joe Biden's Abortion Platform--what is it?​

SmokeALib said:
O'Biden is a democrat. I'm sure he is all about slaughtering unborn babies.

Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus​

SmokeALib said:
You don't have to support either candidate to vote for one of them. I don't support abortion or homosexuality. I don't support high taxes and government regulation. I don't support looting or defunding the police. Therefore, I will vote for the republican candidate always - no matter who it is.

What do Trump supporters feel about the 1.9 trillion stimulus bill​

SmokeALib said:
I love it. The less these worthless leftist traitors have to spend on illegals, bathroom conversions, monument removals, and abortion clinics, the better off we all are.

A New Christian Nationalist Movement Wants To Take Over The Country For Rule​

skews13 said:
The story described a world in which demons are real, magical miracles can actually happen, there are only two genders, no abortion, Bible-based education, and the church rules everyone's

SmokeALib said:
You better run

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