Rod Blagojevich, will you Republicans be upset with trump if he pardons

Are democrats willfully or accidentally stupid as fence posts?

Trump said he would pardon Martha Stewart and give clemency to Blagojevich.

You know clemency? It's what shitstain obama gave to traitor Bradley Manning who wasn't pardoned either.
him, I can hear you know and I could hear you then. After all he is a Dem as Trump use to be. He played the field though (I mean trump). He will be a dem turned Republican if he gets pardoned . LOL. Birds of a feather...…. fly together.

- Defending his position, Trump noted that Blagojevich is a Democrat: “He's not my party. But I thought that he was treated unfairly.” Blagojevich is a Democrat, but so was Trump — until September 2009. Developing a Trump-branded hotel in Chicago at the time, the president donated $5,000 to Blagojevich’s 2002 campaign and another $2,000 in 2007.

The two men have a personal history, though. Blagojevich was a contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2010 — after he was indicted but before he was convicted. “Governor, you have a hell of a lot of guts, I have to tell you that,” Trump told him on the first episode of the season. “I have friends where things have happened to them. They crawl into a corner. They die. You're out there punching! I respect that.”

Trump fired Blagojevich on the fourth episode. Soon, he may more than make it up to him.

Analysis | The Daily 202: Floating clemency for Blagojevich, Trump diminishes the gravity of political corruption
I don't really care. I know barely anything about the story other than what media lied about...If President Trump thinks he should be pardoned then so be it.
Not at all. The man tried to sell a senate seat. He didn't kill anyone. 14 years in prison is beyond ridiculous.

Free the hair!

Big Hair meets Big Hair? Chutzpa meets Chutzpa? Brothers from another Mother? Corruption speaking to Corruption?


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