Rocketman dead pool


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We may as well start taking bets.

When will the Rocketman kick the bucket?

I'm thinking just as soon as he launches an active H bomb into the Pacific.
I'd bet you twenty five cents he won't fire an H-bomb into the Pacific
Let the sanctions hurt a while longer and NK will take out rocket man for us, its time for that clown to go.

You mean like how the Nazis tried to assassinate Hitler?

Nope, never happen.
Let the sanctions hurt a while longer and NK will take out rocket man for us, its time for that clown to go.
Sanctions seldom work and they will not on a nation like NK. The dictator does not care if his people have nothing.
Let the sanctions hurt a while longer and NK will take out rocket man for us, its time for that clown to go.
Sanctions seldom work and they will not on a nation like NK. The dictator does not care if his people have nothing.

I think he wants to go out with a bang.

Hitler had a similar fantasy, only, I don't think he was as suicidal as Jong.

He was definitely more intelligent.
We may as well start taking bets.

When will the Rocketman kick the bucket?

I'm thinking just as soon as he launches an active H bomb into the Pacific.
is it wrong to wonder what would happen if the launch failed on that one?

problem would be solved anyway. others to take its place, but that one done.
What difference will it make?

We saw the same thing when Kim Jong Il died. There was no change in the North Korean political structure...just the next crazy clown took over

Same would happen with Kim Jong Un
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What difference will it make?

We saw the same thing when Kim Jong Il died. There was no change in the North Korean political structure...just the next crazy took over
i do think so far each successor has upped the crazy some.
We may as well start taking bets.

When will the Rocketman kick the bucket?

I'm thinking just as soon as he launches an active H bomb into the Pacific.
Some poster said the other day that he thought by the end of this year the US would invade. I offered a bet but he went silent.

Anyway with North Korea's version of full metal jacket, you never know.
So.... Do we wait for the mushroom cloud? As far as I know; we Cannot discern the payload of a missile in flight. So each time he launches a missile, just might be the time he decides he's done bluffing. So why do those who die as a result of that, deserve death; any more than those who will die if we take the initiative? At least if we go first we retain a measure of control over the situation. If we wait for the mushroom cloud, we'll be merely reacting to his lead. Why give him such a huge advantage?
I'd bet you twenty five cents he won't fire an H-bomb into the Pacific
View attachment 150742

That is some easy money

Of course he will.

How China and Russia plan to benefit from this is the question. After all, NK is just their puppet state.
How does it benefit either Russia or China to have NK reduced to rubble and its people on the run? And nuclear fallout drifting into their air and water? I'm just wondering.
I'd bet you twenty five cents he won't fire an H-bomb into the Pacific
View attachment 150742

That is some easy money

Of course he will.

How China and Russia plan to benefit from this is the question. After all, NK is just their puppet state.
How does it benefit either Russia or China to have NK reduced to rubble and its people on the run? And nuclear fallout drifting into their air and water? I'm just wondering.

Dunno. China has been building islands in the Sea of Japan and ramping up it's military while Putin is busy subduing the Ukraine militarily.

Perhaps we are in for WW3 and NK is but a springboard. Either that or they are trying to drag the US into another costly war to damage the nation economically.
So.... Do we wait for the mushroom cloud? As far as I know; we Cannot discern the payload of a missile in flight. So each time he launches a missile, just might be the time he decides he's done bluffing. So why do those who die as a result of that, deserve death; any more than those who will die if we take the initiative? At least if we go first we retain a measure of control over the situation. If we wait for the mushroom cloud, we'll be merely reacting to his lead. Why give him such a huge advantage?
You sound like Bush before invading Iraq
What difference will it make?

We saw the same thing when Kim Jong Il died. There was no change in the North Korean political structure...just the next crazy took over
i do think so far each successor has upped the crazy some.
Yet the demilitarized zone remains the same

N Korea likes to threaten and taunt

Trump seems to be the only one taken in

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