RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

It appears the Trump controlled RNC has gone whole hog on the 2020 election fraud myth. I wonder how this affects the long term viability of the Republican Party.
As she should. The election was obviously stolen. The actions of those saying it was a legal and fair election are that of fascists. It screams guilt.
Nobody give a crap about family, as you cannot impeach family, on the elected official, but on what they have, they cannot do that, so the other crap is useless. Grow up and learn what your goals are.
That is a big problem and is eating away at our rights. The government hates families unless they are illegals.
They are not pissing on me. I am sitting back watching, with interest, eating popcorn with my feet up. It sounds more like they are pissing on you. You will remember, it is better to be pissed off than pissed on, but in your situation, you are getting both.
Don't be a dufus. I am not protecting anyone and have no part in the proceedings.
I hate to break this to you, White but if you can HONESTLY look at what the Biden's have done...how they've raked in over 20 Million dollars influence peddling Joe's positions of power...and you don't see anything wrong there...then you're protecting Joe Biden! Either you're incredibly naive or you're so blinded by your hate of Donald Trump that you don't care what someone who's running against him has done! I think it's the latter and it's sad to behold.
That pig Lara Trump knows she is lying..

But she believes the Trump.voting base is made up of gullible idiots..

That's what she thinks ofTrump's voters.
I hate to break this to you, White but if you can HONESTLY look at what the Biden's have done...how they've raked in over 20 Million dollars influence peddling Joe's positions of power...and you don't see anything wrong there? Either you're incredibly naive or you're so blinded by your hate of Donald Trump that you don't care what someone who's running against him has done! I think it's the latter.
Then why do you keep electing incompetent Republican to make these decisions?
That pig Lara Trump knows she is lying..

But she believes the Trump.voting base is made up of gullible idiots..

That's what she thinks ofTrump's voters.
If you want to take the wind of her sails, Fort? Call up your Congress person and Senator and tell them that you're in favor of requiring valid ID in order to vote. Secure elections...it's something EVERYONE should support!
If you want to take the wind of her sails, Fort? Call up your Congress person and Senator and tell them that you're in favor of requiring valid ID in order to vote. Secure elections...it's something EVERYONE should support!
Nope. I would not gove one concession to you pathetic liars until your cult high priests publicly apogize for their lies about the election.
Then why do you keep electing incompetent Republican to make these decisions?
A better question would be why did you elect Joe Biden...a man who was an idiot way back during the Watergate Hearings and hasn't gotten any smarter over the years. Is that what you call "competent"?
Nope. I would not gove one concession to you pathetic liars until your cult high priests publicly apogize for their lies about the election.
Even if it gave us more secure elections that we didn't have to question every four years? Now why wouldn't you want THAT, Fort?
When you have millions of un-requested mail in ballots, vote harvesting, and drop boxes... yeah.... there is going to be massive fraud by whatever side is pushing these easily exploited elements.

Now we are learning that the Democrats of Arizona are allowing those without ID to vote for President / Federal Elections only.


If you go to the national government tracking site for voter registration, you will see confirmed massive fraud attempts.

SSA Open Data | HAVV Transactions by State - Week Ending March 30, 2024

You can download the latest spread sheet and look at the numbers yourself on the right side of the page.

From last week's data alone, this is what happened in Texas.

Total Registrants: 225,132
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,424
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,515

Here is Texas for the week of 03/16/2024

Total Registrants: 227,077
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,499
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,571

Here is Texas for the week of 03/02/2024

Total Registrants: 224,569
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,787
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,650

Georgia was crazy too.

Total Registrants: 14,684
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 9,402

That means 64% of all registrants were bad in Georgia. This type of metric is not uncommon as you explore the spread sheet for swing states.

As we look back in time and review these government numbers you will notice the "Swing States" and Texas are the highest. Why not California with it's huge population? When you review back Texas has a history of 50% of their voter registration in the recent cycle. That's new.
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Even if it gave us more secure elections that we didn't have to question every four years? Now why wouldn't you want THAT, Fort?
Nope. Not one inch.

The cult high priests can first publicly apologize for creating this concern with their disgusting lies

Then we will talk.
Nope. Not one inch.

The cult high priests can first publicly apologize for creating this concern with their disgusting lies

Then we will talk.
So your Democratic Party requires valid ID to get into their convention...but they don't feel that's necessary to vote? Why do you think that is, Fort? I think the latest poll I saw on how the public feels about mandating valid ID had something like 70% in favor of it and that goes across party lines! So why is Democratic leadership refusing to give the people what they obviously want?
My Congressman is Byron Donald. Do you think Mr. Donald is incompetent? My Governor is Ron De Santis. Do you think Mr. De Santis is incompetent?
I don't know anything about Byron Donald. If he is on that investigative committee, you should assess as I did Officers and NCO, as first, did they achieve goals. If you were looking for a trail that led to Joe, that is provable, I would say, No. DeSantis has been a national joke ever since the Disney thing, the sending a bus from Florida (at Floridian expense) to trick migrants in Texas (since he didn't have any migrant aliens that would trust him in his own state) into his political stunt, to ship them to a resort in Massachusetts. Now he has to back track on the book banning thing, and of course failing miserably in his failed presidential run. Overall, not an impressive individual and certainly hasn't had an impressive couple of years, lately.

Question: Doe Byron Donald and Ron DeSantos, have anything to do with the thread topic:

RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election?​

A better question would be why did you elect Joe Biden...a man who was an idiot way back during the Watergate Hearings and hasn't gotten any smarter over the years. Is that what you call "competent"?
At least you admit he was elected, so that is something in your favor.
He was running against Trump. I picked the one I figured would do the least long term damage, and got lucky.

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