Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
(CNN) – When the nation pauses to remember 9/11 next week, a group of Tennesseans will gather at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Franklin for a commemoration. But it will be more than that.

On the program, called "The Threat in Our Backyard," is a lecture on Islam in public schools and a short film on Sharia finance.

It's a program organized by people who feel the American way of life is threatened by Islam - in particular, Sharia, or Islamic law.

Sharia would bring ruin to America, says Greg Johnson, vice president of the 9/12 Project Tennessee, a sponsor of the event that advocates for shifting government back to the intent of the Constitution's authors.

Sharia, he believes, would mean that practicing homosexuals would be put to death, women would not be educated and would be married off to men chosen by their fathers, and non-Muslims would become kafirs - nonbelievers - relegated to second-class citizenship.

"And I don't want that coming to America," Johnson says.

Hate crimes against Muslims spiked 50% in 2010, the last year for which FBI statistics are available. That was in a year marked by Muslim-bashing speech over the Islamic center near ground zero in Manhattan and Florida Pastor Terry Jones' threats to burn Qurans.

This year's holy month of Ramadan, which ended August 19, was marred by a spate of violence at U.S. Islamic centers that included a fire, a homemade bomb and pig parts. The incidents were unprecedented in scale and scope, says the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

At least seven mosques and one cemetery were attacked in the United States during Ramadan, according to the council and other groups that track such incidents.

Particularly visible on the anti-Muslim radar has been the state of Tennessee, where a mosque opened during Ramadan after two years of controversy. The new Islamic center in Murfreesboro opened a few weeks ago after delays caused by legal wrangling, community protests and vandalism.

"I cannot stress enough the seriousness of their push to spread their religion to all non-Muslims throughout our country," says website author Cathy Hinners, another speaker at next Tuesday's 9/11 event in Franklin.

"Why? Why are Muslims so adamant that we accept their religion? The answer is simple. The answer is in black and white. The answer is in the Muslim brotherhoods "Strategic Goal for North America." It's called a global caliphate. One religion, one government, one law... called Sharia."

This year, 33 anti-Sharia or international law bills were introduced in 20 states, making it a key issue. Six states - Louisiana, South Dakota, Kansas, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee - adopted such laws prior to 2012.

Yerushalmi founded the Society of Americans for National Existence, an organization devoted to promoting his theory that Islam is inherently seditious and Sharia is a "criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
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Seriously Sunni, your religion wants to cut people's hands off, bury to the neck and stone rape victims, marry/sell off little girls into forced marriage and a host of other nasty stuff that we don't need to repeat. And you wonder why there is "rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America"? C'mon buddy, give us a break!
Plus, I have to admit, you look all freaky with those women all covered up and the men with the scary beards and robes. Like you don't want to be part of our society or something?
"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

It's always entertaining to here people complain (often correctly) about how oppressive Islam is of other religions - and then want to oppress it.

This group seem to want to replicate Islamic extremist, rather than put an end to it.
We have freedom of religion. I wish people would respect that. I definitely dont agree with Islam. But i know not every muslim is an enemy. Even if they were, if I am to be an honest Christian, I have to love my enemies just the same. I have to pray for them. I have to turn the other cheek.

There is power in following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who follow in His name need to get the power of godliness and not just have a form of godliness, but live as though we deny the power of it.
Plus, I have to admit, you look all freaky with those women all covered up and the men with the scary beards and robes. Like you don't want to be part of our society or something?
I see young men with their pants down to their knee's, underwear showing, with hats on sideways; and girl's with blue hair, tattoos, and body piercings all over.

What makes that more acceptable in our society than the way muslims dress?? :cool:
Ding Ding Ding
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seriously sunni, your religion wants to cut people's hands off, bury to the neck and stone rape victims, marry/sell off little girls into forced marriage and a host of other nasty stuff that we don't need to repeat. And you wonder why there is "rising anti-islamic sentiment in america"? C'mon buddy, give us a break!
Plus, i have to admit, you look all freaky with those women all covered up and the men with the scary beards and robes. Like you don't want to be part of our society or something?

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
We Have A Winner !!!
"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

It's always entertaining to here people complain (often correctly) about how oppressive Islam is of other religions - and then want to oppress it.

This group seem to want to replicate Islamic extremist, rather than put an end to it.

gee imagine that, informed rational freedom loving people in western society wanting to "ban" and "outlaw" and ideology that is doing it's damnest to destroy their way of life

what exactly is the problem here ?

criminal law & the legal system in western society exist to protect people from predators, and islam is the worst ideology to appear on planet earth ever, in the entire recorded history (so far) of human kind - mixing the weaknesses of human nature with approval from some mythical sky fairy for the worst possible behaviors towards other humans
Plus, I have to admit, you look all freaky with those women all covered up and the men with the scary beards and robes. Like you don't want to be part of our society or something?
I see young men with their pants down to their knee's, underwear showing, with hats on sideways; and girl's with blue hair, tattoos, and body piercings all over.

What makes that more acceptable in our society than the way muslims dress?? :cool:

Because the way they dress doesn't represent beating women and covering them with a black sheet in a hot country, selling off daughters, chopping hands off, stoning or flogging rape victims because they can't find 4 witnesses, even if the 4 witnesses are the gang rapists... and all the other crap sharia and the koran hide under what you're wearing.
Americans are stupid that's why, this is a stupid "protest" and lies to stir hate... I don't know why this isn't condemned. If this happened to Jewish or Christian people the media would condemn the Muslims harassing Jews or Christians.

But of course they think of their own tribes Jews and Christians...only
Because the way they dress doesn't represent beating women and covering them with a black sheet in a hot country, selling off daughters, chopping hands off, stoning or flogging rape victims because they can't find 4 witnesses, even if the 4 witnesses are the gang rapists... and all the other crap sharia and the koran hide under what you're wearing.
I have been to many mosques here in America where the men and women wear "Islamic" clothing and we follow sharia law within our homes and during religious services.

And we don't of do any of the things that you have listed?? :cool:
Because the way they dress doesn't represent beating women and covering them with a black sheet in a hot country, selling off daughters, chopping hands off, stoning or flogging rape victims because they can't find 4 witnesses, even if the 4 witnesses are the gang rapists... and all the other crap sharia and the koran hide under what you're wearing.
I have been to many mosques here in America where the men and women wear "Islamic" clothing and we follow sharia law within our homes and during religious services.

And we don't of do any of the things that you have listed?? :cool:

Probably because you're a) not a real muslim and/or b) have no clue what sharia is, and/or c) too chickenshit to stand up for what you actually believe in because you know you'll get thrown in jail for a very long time here in the US, because we don't put up with your sharia bullshit.
But you can come to my house and kiss all my carpets too, if you want. :D

PS Saigon, go do the national pastime of Finland and go fuck a log, you finnish fucktard. Then try to find a clue, if you can.
Because the way they dress doesn't represent beating women and covering them with a black sheet in a hot country, selling off daughters, chopping hands off, stoning or flogging rape victims because they can't find 4 witnesses, even if the 4 witnesses are the gang rapists... and all the other crap sharia and the koran hide under what you're wearing.
I don't know any muslims here or anywhere else who want to sell off their daughters?? :confused:

As for the other items you have listed. The U.S. already has a criminal justice system in place for those who break the law. As muslims we are to obey the laws of the land that we live in. :cool:
Because the way they dress doesn't represent beating women and covering them with a black sheet in a hot country, selling off daughters, chopping hands off, stoning or flogging rape victims because they can't find 4 witnesses, even if the 4 witnesses are the gang rapists... and all the other crap sharia and the koran hide under what you're wearing.
I don't know any muslims here or anywhere else who want to sell off their daughters?? :confused:

As for the other items you have listed. The U.S. already has a criminal justice system in place for those who break the law. As muslims we are to obey the laws of the land that we live in. :cool:

I googled 'muslims sell daughters" and this is the FIRST link on the page:

"Abject poverty is forcing poor Indian Muslim families to sell their young daughters to older men for marriage."

Selling Daughters for Marriage - Asia-Pacific - News - OnIslam.net

So you're either pretending to be ignorant, or you actually are.

Like I said about the US courts, you're too afraid to do the full sharia thing with the stoning, flogging, hand chopping... So you're not even real muslims.
Like I said about the US courts, you're too afraid to do the full sharia thing with the stoning, flogging, hand chopping... So you're not even real muslims.
The selling of daughters is unIslamic and as the article states; is done by uneducated people living in abject and crushing poverty.

America is not an Islamic nation with sharia law. So we muslims live under the existing judicial system. :cool:
Like I said about the US courts, you're too afraid to do the full sharia thing with the stoning, flogging, hand chopping... So you're not even real muslims.
The selling of daughters is unIslamic and as the article states; is done by uneducated people living in abject and crushing poverty.

America is not an Islamic nation with sharia law. So we muslims live under the existing judicial system. :cool:

Are you trying to pretend that selling daughters doesn't happen all over the muslim world?

As for the US courts thing, "America is not an Islamic nation with sharia law. So we muslims live under the existing judicial system", in other words, you'd PREFER to live under full sharia, which makes you an animal. Now do you see why there is rising anti-muslim sentiment in the US? And we know that your ultimate goal is to turn the whole world sharia, so... wft do you expect?
Are you trying to pretend that selling daughters doesn't happen all over the muslim world?
The criminal act of selling daughters happens all over the world.

It is big business especially in Asian countries.

Heck, I have seen news reports of parents being arrested for selling their daughters to men for cash and drugs right here in America.
Are you trying to pretend that selling daughters doesn't happen all over the muslim world?
The criminal act of selling daughters happens all over the world.

It is big business especially in Asian countries.

Heck, I have seen news reports of parents being arrested for selling their daughters to men for cash and drugs right here in America.

It's not criminal to do so in a lot of muslim places and you know it. And it might happen here once every 5 years by some crackhead, whereas for muslims, it's a normal thing to do.

So am I right, you'd PREFER to live in the US under sharia? It's sure sounds like it.
(CNN) – When the nation pauses to remember 9/11 next week, a group of Tennesseans will gather at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Franklin for a commemoration. But it will be more than that.

On the program, called "The Threat in Our Backyard," is a lecture on Islam in public schools and a short film on Sharia finance.

It's a program organized by people who feel the American way of life is threatened by Islam - in particular, Sharia, or Islamic law.

Sharia would bring ruin to America, says Greg Johnson, vice president of the 9/12 Project Tennessee, a sponsor of the event that advocates for shifting government back to the intent of the Constitution's authors.

Sharia, he believes, would mean that practicing homosexuals would be put to death, women would not be educated and would be married off to men chosen by their fathers, and non-Muslims would become kafirs - nonbelievers - relegated to second-class citizenship.

"And I don't want that coming to America," Johnson says.

Hate crimes against Muslims spiked 50% in 2010, the last year for which FBI statistics are available. That was in a year marked by Muslim-bashing speech over the Islamic center near ground zero in Manhattan and Florida Pastor Terry Jones' threats to burn Qurans.

This year's holy month of Ramadan, which ended August 19, was marred by a spate of violence at U.S. Islamic centers that included a fire, a homemade bomb and pig parts. The incidents were unprecedented in scale and scope, says the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

At least seven mosques and one cemetery were attacked in the United States during Ramadan, according to the council and other groups that track such incidents.

Particularly visible on the anti-Muslim radar has been the state of Tennessee, where a mosque opened during Ramadan after two years of controversy. The new Islamic center in Murfreesboro opened a few weeks ago after delays caused by legal wrangling, community protests and vandalism.

"I cannot stress enough the seriousness of their push to spread their religion to all non-Muslims throughout our country," says website author Cathy Hinners, another speaker at next Tuesday's 9/11 event in Franklin.

"Why? Why are Muslims so adamant that we accept their religion? The answer is simple. The answer is in black and white. The answer is in the Muslim brotherhoods "Strategic Goal for North America." It's called a global caliphate. One religion, one government, one law... called Sharia."

This year, 33 anti-Sharia or international law bills were introduced in 20 states, making it a key issue. Six states - Louisiana, South Dakota, Kansas, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee - adopted such laws prior to 2012.

Yerushalmi founded the Society of Americans for National Existence, an organization devoted to promoting his theory that Islam is inherently seditious and Sharia is a "criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups.

"Ideally," says the center, "he would outlaw Islam and deport its adherents altogether."

Rising anti-Islamic sentiment in America troubles Muslims – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Tell all of those radical assholes to stop trying to kill us and maybe things will change.

If you hear some fuckwad talking about murdering infidels jump into their ass and tell them that Allah doesn't give them the right to take out their bigotry against people of other religions.
So am I right, you'd PREFER to live in the US under sharia? It's sure sounds like it.
Sharia Law as the dominate judicial system for the U.S. is a moot point.

Muslims make up <1% of the U.S. population. :cool:

But we all know you'd prefer to live under sharia, because you don't deny it. Which makes you an animal, like the other hand choppers, child sellers and rape victim stoners. THAT'S why you'll never get it in here, because it's totally barbaric, or in any not-backwards country.

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