RIP Corey Haim

This thread is so 80s, and soooooooooooooooooooooooo, gay.

not that there is anything wrong with that...being gay or stuck in an 80s frame of mind.

^Dainty's Pre-Occupied with 1985...

You go Girl!



1985? Isn't that when you first came up for parole in your child rape sentence?
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This thread is so 80s, and soooooooooooooooooooooooo, gay.

not that there is anything wrong with that...being gay or stuck in an 80s frame of mind.

^Dainty's Pre-Occupied with 1985...

You go Girl!



1985? Isn't that when you first came up for parole in your child rape sentence? mustn't speak of such things...they strike too close, notice the reaction?
I enjoyed License to Drive and Lost Boys and I guess Lucas was a decent flick.

He had a pretty good run and wasn't a much of a tool as Feldman.

I'm the words of Mike Tyson, I'm sure he had a lot of fun fornicating with many beautiful women.

See Dream a Little Dream?...



Just parts but I remember the commercials for it for some reason.

It's Dated, as too Many things in the 80's were, and so many Underage Girls for Bodey are before the Charges are Filed, but it's not a Bad B Film...


If he would have taken up a hobby such as wild game hunting and fishing this would have never happened. I also noticed he was raised Jewish.

:eek: I didn't realize he was raised Jewish. :eek:

In honor of this guy who I've never met, seen, known or groped, I give you this:


And this funny headline: - Massa: Yeah, I Groped Male Staff But Not Sexually
Just for the record. In the 80s, I was serving my country in the Military. I cannot help it if some ( :cuckoo: ) project their own 80s activities onto those who willingly and actually served our country back then, instead of hanging back and doing.....well, you have to wonder what they were doing, don't you ?

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