Riots in the 1960's

The riots weren't led by anyone. They just happened. Back then niether Jackson nor Sharpton were leaders, anyway. So the OP is an EPIC FAIL!!!

They certainly were, they both took over after Martin Luther King died and totally changed what Dr. King intended.
I think you'll find that, in the case of Al Sharpton, he was 13 years old the day Dr. Martin Luther King was gunned down. True, Jesse Jackson was one of Dr. King's lieutenants. But he did not advocate the riots that happened in response to Dr. King's death.

You're reaching too far. Trying, as your Conservative predecessors did, to de-legitimize, demonize and generally dismiss African American leaders as rabble rouser's. It's deep in the Conservative DNA to do so.
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No I am talking about Liberals, all of them, of all colors.
The clip is just one of many riots and they are your wonderfu leaders of today.
They were hateful destructive people then, just like they are now.
They went the house and senate and totally changed the constution to an overblown monster of a government who gives out entitlemnents in order for you to keep voting for them.

Hateful? LMAO!! Preventing American deaths is hateful? How does that work Peachy?
Liberal protests;
[ame=]G20 riots in US. No comment. - YouTube[/ame]
Destruction of property and sanitation workers need to clean up the streets

Conservative protests;
[ame=]The DC Tea Party Protest - YouTube[/ame]
Was there any destruction of property? NO and even the trash was cleaned up by them. city sanitation workers did not need to clean.
The riots weren't led by anyone. They just happened. Back then niether Jackson nor Sharpton were leaders, anyway. So the OP is an EPIC FAIL!!!

They certainly were, they both took over after Martin Luther King died and totally changed what Dr. King intended.
I think you'll find that, in the case of Al Sharpton, he was 13 years old the day Dr. Martin Luther King was gunned down. True, Jesse Jackson was one of Dr. King's lieutenants. But he did not advocate the riots that happened in response to Dr. King's death.

You're reaching too far. Trying, as your Conservative predecessors did, to de-legitimize, demonize and generally dismiss African American leaders as rabble rouser's. It's deep in the Conservative DNA to do so.

In 1969 Jackson, then a young Chicago minister, named the 14-year-old Sharpton as youth director of his group. He learned under Jackson.
They were the leaders and they totally did what MLK never intended.

And I am talking about how destructive Liberals are in all of their protests, compared to conservatives.
Without the influence of Dr Martin Luther King, the rioting in the 60s would have been much worse
I was in the TEXARNG during the 60's and the rioting going on at the colleges was stired up by outside agitators who came in, got the kids all stired up and then bailed when the trouble started. Once again is was political and I was against the war.
While those on the Right sit and wring their hands over some potential civil unrest, they have forgotten the motivations for the unrest of the 1960s. One motivation was the lack of civil rights protection. It seems there were social conservatives in the south unwilling to loose the reigns of power and grant African Americans the simple civil rights we take for granted today.

Another motivation was the draft. The meat grinder that was Vietnam took some of the best and brightest away to fight in that protracted and ultimately unwinnable war. Imagine if we had a draftee military today. Would people sit back and be as relatively indifferent to the two, protracted and ultimately unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after ten years of combat and loss?

Those conservatives you speak of back in the 60s were Democrats. They couldn't keep the Civil Rights law from passing so now they are attempting to control the blacks by convincing them they can't be successful and they need THEM (the Democrats) to take care of them. The blacks who ignore this advice and make something of themselves are Republican.
There's a difference between political party and political ideology. Don't hide behind the skirts of party when ideology betrays the truth. Conservatives have never NEVER advocated social progress for all Americans. there's always ALWAYS an excluded group.. Women, minorities, gays, it's a matter of historical fact.

Well yes, that's true, as the old "conservatives" WERE Democrats. It was the Republicans who fought to pass the Civil Rights amendment in 1964, the Democrats didn't want it. Conseratives certainly DO want "social progress" - but that is making something of yourself, pulling your own weight and not being dependent on somebody else to fix you all the time. if Democrats truly wanted blacks and other minorities to be successful, they would encourage them to be all they could be instead of constantly feeding them the crap about how they not allowed to do it because some white person is stopping them. That is such bullshit and a cop out -- it is unfortunately they don't have any more back bone than that. Somebody tell ME I "can't" do something, I tell them, "Just watch me."
These are the very same people that is in the house and senate right now and are Liberal Dem's.
Lead by Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson back in the 60's

WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINE CO. 4, "1960's" - YouTube

The film is taken from actual footage of the devastation but the music is War that hit the charts in 1970.

Why do you Dem's want these hateful people representing you?
All they have ever wanted is power and control over you.
You Teabaggers really DO need to get-over your paranoia of everyone who doesn't look exactly-like-YOU!!!!


(....Not to mention your funny foot-stompin'..... )

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The difference between Libs and Cons;

[ame=]Tale of Two Rallies --"One Nation" Socialists Trash Mall While Conservatives Left it Pristine - YouTube[/ame]
These are the very same people that is in the house and senate right now and are Liberal Dem's.
Lead by Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson back in the 60's

WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINE CO. 4, "1960's" - YouTube

The film is taken from actual footage of the devastation but the music is War that hit the charts in 1970.

Why do you Dem's want these hateful people representing you?
All they have ever wanted is power and control over you.

You are correct. I think I can recognize a couple of them but I'm not sure since they have cut their Afro hair cuts like they were wearing back in the 60's.
No I am talking about Liberals, all of them, of all colors.
The clip is just one of many riots and they are your wonderful leaders of today.
They were hateful destructive people then, just like they are now.
They went the house and senate and totally changed the Constitution to an overblown monster of a government who gives out entitlements in order for you to keep voting for them.
Man gotta lay off the Glenn Beck!.......

Perfect example of the left. Labeling.
I don't watch or listen to Glenn or Rush.
I formed these opinions when all of the destruction was happing at the time during the 60's.
Our constitution says for the right of the people to peacefully assemble to petition the government.
Not to riot and destroy public property.

How much of your opinion was formed with the Police Riot in Chicago during the 1968 DNC?
These are the very same people that is in the house and senate right now and are Liberal Dem's.
Lead by Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson back in the 60's

WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINE CO. 4, "1960's" - YouTube

The film is taken from actual footage of the devastation but the music is War that hit the charts in 1970.

Why do you Dem's want these hateful people representing you?
All they have ever wanted is power and control over you.
The 60's was a time in which young peope rebelled against the 50's style repression of women, minorites, and goody goody morality. It was naive...but they weren't hateful, controlling, evil people.

I think that conservative media has taken it's toll on your objectivity and ability to understand the motives of the people you think are terrible.

People are people....every group of ten people, in any place on the earth are the same. There will be 5 ordinary people who just want to work and live, 1 criminal, 1 saint, 1 leader, 1 dreamer, and 1 loser.
the loser is a libb....
These are the very same people that is in the house and senate right now and are Liberal Dem's.
Lead by Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson back in the 60's

WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINE CO. 4, "1960's" - YouTube

The film is taken from actual footage of the devastation but the music is War that hit the charts in 1970.

Why do you Dem's want these hateful people representing you?
All they have ever wanted is power and control over you.
Ah, much-more pastoral.....and, manageable things were.....back in.....


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These are the very same people that is in the house and senate right now and are Liberal Dem's.
Lead by Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson back in the 60's

WASHINGTON, D.C. ENGINE CO. 4, "1960's" - YouTube

The film is taken from actual footage of the devastation but the music is War that hit the charts in 1970.

Why do you Dem's want these hateful people representing you?
All they have ever wanted is power and control over you.
You Teabaggers really DO need to get-over your paranoia of everyone who doesn't look exactly-like-YOU!!!!


(....Not to mention your funny foot-stompin'..... )

[ame=]deliverance- dueling banjos - YouTube[/ame]​
everybody has a weakness.....:eusa_angel:


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