Rightwingers Are Right - The Country is Going to Hell


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
You guys are right. Liberals are wrong. The country has gone to hell.

Police officers are now charging, convicting and carrying out executions right after crimes are committed.

Thank god, courts and trials are so messy. Hooray for guns and rednecks and racism! Alive and well!

Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect
Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect | Fox News
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Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.
Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.

Feds made good on Ruby Ridge. His family received a total of $3,100,000. I think he took it, too.

You think if the cop is found guilty in Ferguson the Browns will get compensated?
Or when Janet Reno and Clinton became jury, judge and executioners of 80 people, 20 of them CHILDREN

So now it's dumping right wingers for ALL THIS SHIT?

you contact YOUR city and STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS
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Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.

Funny how that tragedy was during Bush Sr.'s term. Waco was a FUBAR all right. But the people there were real scum.
Or when Janet Reno and Clinton became jury, judge and executioners of 80 people, 20 of them CHILDREN

So now it's dumping right wingers for ALL THIS SHIT?

you contact YOUR city and STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS

Yup, Let's Roll:badgrin:
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You guys are right. Liberals are wrong. The country has gone to hell.

Police officers are now charging, convicting and carrying out executions right after crimes are committed.

Thank god, courts and trials are so messy. Hooray for guns and rednecks and racism! Alive and well!

Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect
Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect | Fox News

You sound mad bro, like you're going to take your toys and go home.
What's the matter, upset that the "gentle giant" suddenly isn't looking so innocent or gentle now ?
Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.

Feds made good on Ruby Ridge. His family received a total of $3,100,000. I think he took it, too.

You think if the cop is found guilty in Ferguson the Browns will get compensated?

A lifetime supply of 'Swisher Sweets'?
I think we need to do some 'cleaning up' regardless. We are far to divided and we need to find middle ground and stop all the fighting just to fight. :/
Or when Janet Reno and Clinton became jury, judge and executioners of 80 people, 20 of them CHILDREN

So now it's dumping right wingers for ALL THIS SHIT?

you contact YOUR city and STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS

You and the twit before you are trying to steer away from my topic because you can't argue my point. This isn't about Clinton and Reno, idiot. Read the title or STFU.
You guys are right. Liberals are wrong. The country has gone to hell.

Police officers are now charging, convicting and carrying out executions right after crimes are committed.

Thank god, courts and trials are so messy. Hooray for guns and rednecks and racism! Alive and well!

Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect
Ferguson police say Michael Brown fit description of strong-arm robbery suspect | Fox News

You sound mad bro, like you're going to take your toys and go home.
What's the matter, upset that the "gentle giant" suddenly isn't looking so innocent or gentle now ?

Blaming the victim for being murdered by a cop? You're a media tool.
Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.

Feds made good on Ruby Ridge. His family received a total of $3,100,000. I think he took it, too.

You think if the cop is found guilty in Ferguson the Browns will get compensated?

Wrongful death suits are based on the deceaseds earnings potential throughout what would have been his natural life expectancy . The Thug probably never worked a day in his life - and I don't think you can consider welfare checks , the proceeds from convience store hold ups, and crack sales as income. If you want to talk punative damages - that's a tad different -
Funny how nobody on the left complained when Randy Weaver's wife was intentionally shot in the face by an FBI sniper while she was holding an 18 month old baby in her arms. The same maniac federal police went on to kill 80 men women and children with poison gas a couple of years later at Waco and the left justified although the initial search was faulty.. Nobody seemed to complain when a mob organized by Al Sharpton threw a firebomb into "Freddie's Fashion Mart" in Harlem and killed about a dozen people.

Feds made good on Ruby Ridge. His family received a total of $3,100,000. I think he took it, too.

Unless and until Lon Horiuchi is rotting in a cell (or in front of a firing squad), they have "made good" on Jack and shit.

You think if the cop is found guilty in Ferguson the Browns will get compensated?

Unless the cop gets vivisected...no.
Stop taking the country to hell and it won't go there

The police departments in this country are by and large conservative right wingers. So why don't you get your ass busy and start there?

It's people like YOU who promote racial divide and promote anarchy and every other kind of social unrest, by pigeonholing everybody who doesn't agree with your agendas into being either a "right-winger" or "conservative".

IDIOTS use these methods to legitimize their own narrow-minded opinions.

I can't even imagine what it's like to have such a severe case of tunnel vision that EVERYTHING is divided into being either "racist" or the fault of "right wingers" and "conservatives".

Very sad.

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